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Random thoughts by 偶灯斯陋  
拜登笑傲江湖 2012-10-11 20:18:03

That Smile!   -- Good Job, Joe!!

已有 9 次阅读2012-10-12 10:40 |biden




biden ryan

Paul Ryan and Joe Biden offered sharply different opinions on abortion and religious freedom Thursday night in response to a question about their Catholic faith. Ryan said that while his Catholicism inspires him to "take care of the vulnerable," his opposition to abortion is based on science, reason, and an ultrasound image he saw of his unborn daughter.

"Our little baby was in the shape of a bean, and to this day we have nicknamed our first born child, Liza, 'Bean,'" he said. "Now, I believe that life begins at conception ... those are the reasons why I'm pro-life. Now, I understand this is a difficult of issue, and I respect people who don't agree with me on this, but the policy of a Romney administration will be to oppose abortion with the exceptions for rape, incest and life of the mother."

Ryan accused Democrats of supporting abortion "without restriction and with taxpayer funding" -- a common talking point among social conservatives that is not true. The Hyde amendment, which has been public policy for three decades, prevents taxpayer funds from being used to pay for abortions in the U.S. and abroad.

Biden said that while he personally agrees with the Catholic teaching that life begins at conception, he refuses to impose that view on women and people with different beliefs. "I do not believe that we have a right to tell other people that, women, that they can't control their body," he said. "It's a decision between them and their doctor, in my view, and the Supreme Court. I'm not going to interfere with that."

Biden pointed out that before becoming Mitt Romney's running mate, Ryan opposed abortion in cases of rape and incest and supported a bill to redefine rape as it related to the insurance coverage of abortion.

"I guess he accepts Governor Romney's position now, because in the past he has argued that there was -- there's rape and forcible rape. He's argued that in the case of rape or incest ... it would be a crime to engage in having an abortion. I just fundamentally disagree with my friend."

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作者:偶灯斯陋 留言时间:2012-10-12 07:27:18
murphthesurf3 2 hours ago ( 8:18 AM) 6032 Fans Follow


Staring steelily at his opponent who seemed to get younger by the minute, or grinning/laughing/leaning back with a scowl/throwing his hands up Romney sent clear messages- The kid is not ready, his team is trying to win by cheating, and in crucial areas he knows too little or what he thinks he Read More... knows is wrong. It could have looked rude, but Biden made it look tough.

Ryan’s strongest moments- carefully constructed and rehearsed mini-speeches- seemed stilted, dull and insincere. In the closing moments when the moderator asked the two to react to a veteran’s dismay, Biden spoke right to him and from the heart about the obligation the nation has to honor the sacrifice of its warriors both at war and when they come home. Ryan gave lip service to soldier and then moved into one of his three closings.

Biden: “Romney said, ‘Aw, let Detroit go bankrupt….My friends and neighbors pay more than Gov. Romney in federal income tax! I’ve had it up to here!” Ryan's lame response: “He talks about Detroit?” Ryan said. “Mitt Romney is a car guy!”

Ryan fell into a trap on the stimulus when he was forced to admit to writing Biden a letter asking for stimulus funds." that, he said, was a "gnashing teeth" moment for his side. Biden quoted the letter as saying that the funds would create jobs.

Ryan was terrible on the Afghanistan war lacking the direct experience to really understand it and having no real alternatives to Obama’s plans there (or anywhere else for that matter). All that Ryan could do was to threaten a stronger military stance that sure sounded like saber rattling and a lead in to another war which is a bankrupt notion for the vast majority of Americans.

Ryan was crushed on Medicare. When he said his own grandma was greatly helped by Medicare, it made his claims that the program had to be overhauled hollow.

When Ryan tried to score on the economy he was hit with the improving numbers and the key point. “Where did the recession come from?” Biden asked. “It came from this man’s voting!” And he stabbed his forefinger at Ryan like a dagger. “Their ideas are old, and their ideas are bad!” In this he referenced the Bush administration, the failure of tax cuts, and Ryan’s support for every GOP spending bill.

And by the end of the debate, Ryan had learned one thing: The only thing worse than being Joe Biden’s enemy is being called his friend.
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作者:偶灯斯陋 留言时间:2012-10-11 21:04:32
看来在大选的政治风浪中,没有必要play nice.
That's why some of the personal attack posts are NOT WELCOME.
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作者:西岸 留言时间:2012-10-11 20:50:04
但cspan的评论认为他在多数议题上占了上风,包括气势上和幽默的语态上。大概属于over aggressive,但认为利大于弊。
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