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范儿577——苏格兰(独立)2:恒心与自律是成功人生的永恒的原动力 2014-09-16 21:50:46

藤儿点评:英国女王心胸宽广,对苏格兰独立公投持中立态度,所以她在苏格兰人中拥有很高的支持率。 同时英国媒体发表评论认为,公投充分显示出了英国民主文明国家的优势,英国人应该引以为豪,无论苏格兰去留与否,一切都将在和平的氛围下进行。

很多英国人的家庭都是由来自不同民族背景的英格兰人、苏格兰人或威尔士人以及北爱尔兰人杂交通婚而产生的。现在的英国(U.K.)的基础就是300多年前的大不列颠王国英语Kingdom of Great Britain)—— 英国历史上的正式国名,位于西欧大不列颠岛及其附属岛屿,存在于1707年至1800年。是根据《1707年联合法案》,由苏格兰王国英格兰王国所共组的单一王国。新的单一政府与单一议会设立在伦敦西敏寺,而自从1603年苏格兰王詹姆士六世成为英格兰王詹姆士一世以来,这两个王国就有共同的君主。



英国首相David Cameron呼吁苏格兰继续留在英国(U.K.), 同时发出警告,请苏格兰民众三思而行,独立将没有回头路。



Scotland will face 'painful divorce', says

David Cameron in emotional speech

In voice close to breaking, prime minister spells out cost of Scotland leaving on final visit before independence vote

Nicholas Watt, chief political correspondent

  • theguardian.com,Monday 15 September 2014 18.36 BST
  • http://www.theguardian.com/politics/video/2014/sep/15/david-cameron-emotional-speech-scottish-people-independence-video

    David Cameron has delivered a stark message to the people of Scotland that they would face a "painful divorce" from the rest of United Kingdom if they voted for independence in the referendum on Thursday.

    In an emotional speech on his final visit north of the border before polling day, the prime minister warned that a yes vote would end the UK "for good, for ever" and would deprive the Scottish people of a shared currency and pooled pension arrangements.

    In a seeming attempt to reach out to voters who might be tempted to support independence to free Scotland from the Tories, Cameron said that he would not be prime minister forever – but a break with the rest of the UK would be permanent.

    In remarks that were more diplomatic than his joke last week about the "effing Tories", the prime minister told a Conservative Friends of the Union audience in Aberdeen: "If you don't like me – I won't be here forever. If you don't like this government – it won't last forever. But if you leave the UK – that will be forever."

    The prime minister, whose voice was close to breaking with emotion, travelled to Scotland for his final visit before the referendum to spell out in clear terms the exact costs of independence. In language that was blunter than the soft tones of his appearance in Edinburgh last week, the prime minister said: "It is my duty to be clear about the likely consequences of a yes vote. Independence would not be a trial separation. It would be a painful divorce."

    Cameron said listed the benefits of UK membership that the people of Scotland would lose after a yes vote. Scotland would lose: a shared currency with the rest of the UK; armed forces "we built up over centuries"; pension funds that would be sliced up – "at some cost". Independence would also mean borders would become international and more than half of Scottish mortgages suddenly be provided by banks in a foreign country.

    The prime minister warned people not to be fooled by the promises of the SNP which was good, he said, at painting a positive picture. He said: "I also know that the people who are running the yes campaign are painting a picture of a Scotland that is better in every way, and they can be good at painting that picture. But when something looks too good to be true, that's usually because it is."

    In one of the most emotional sections of his speech, the prime minister said: "As you reach your final decision, please don't let anyone tell you that you can't be a proud Scot and a proud Brit … So please, from all of us: vote to stick together. Vote to stay. Vote to save our United Kingdom."



    支持蘇格蘭留在英國陣營認為蘇格蘭、英格蘭「Better Together」。(網絡圖片)












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