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  In Reason We Trust
海外华人里谁的英语最牛(3) 2017-08-30 05:45:19

What Kind of an Artwork Can Turn into an Instant Classic - On Hu Jie 's Famine Themed Woodblock Prints

2017-03-06 Shui Hao

A Historical Survey of Hu Jie 's Well Renowned Woodblock Printing on the Famine Theme

The famine related thematic woodblock printing created by Hu Jie herewith consists of three major sections: "Let There be Light ", "We" and " Reform Through Labor " respectively. 

If you have been unaware of the magnitude scales of the Great Famine perceptually in contemporary China, it would be advisable to take a deep breath to calm down yourself before unfolding this album of the Famine Themed Prints by Hu Jie, for the ensuing visual sensation would engulf you instantly with excruciating and gut-wrenching experience. Undoubtedly, if your heart had already started throbbing uncontrollably at merely browsing the work, it would be a sign of the work of art like this one that is summoning up the reawakening of your inherent sense of humanity deep down in your heart. Moreover / Furthermore / In addition, you may even be able to discern the cruelty of life and of the social system, though it cannot be deemed as your own contribution to the fight against evil of any kind. Perhaps, you still revel in awaiting others to eliminate all the injustice in life so that you might be able to entertain the liberty to shed tears with your colleagues on the realities of the famine or compose a sorrowful message on Wechat at your leisure.(… it is a sign of art echoing the call of your humanity reawakened. Furthermore, if you also sensed the crudity of life and of the social system, it still cannot count as your contribution to the fight against evil. Perhaps you still await others to eliminate all the injustice in life so that you might be able to entertain the liberty to shed tears with your colleagues on the famine theme or compose a message on Wechat).

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