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清朝外交使团团长纽约讲话学ߖ 2016-08-09 20:04:58


In 1868 China sent Anson Burlingame (center), a retired American diplomat hired by the Qing court, to head its first delegation to the United States.

蒲安臣(Anson Burlingame,1820年11月14日-1870年2月23日)是美国著名的律师、政治家和外交家,美国对华合作政策的代表人物。他是唯一一位既担任过美国驻华公使,又担任中国使节美国人



1820年11月14日,蒲安臣出生在美国纽约州新柏林。1823年随父母移居俄亥俄州,10年后再移居密歇根州。从1838年到1841年他在密歇根大学的一个分校学习。1846年从哈佛大学法学院毕业后,他在波士顿担任律师,并开始投身政治。1848年,他为美国自由土地党(United States Free Soil Party,存在于1848年—1852年)所作的演讲使他赢得了 泛的声誉。1853年,他成为马萨诸塞州的参议员。那时他加入了一 所知运动(Know-Nothing movement)。

不久,美国全国对奴 制度产生激烈的争议。蒲安臣是一位坚定的废奴主慦怴C1856年6月2日发表著名演说《马萨诸塞州的抗辩》,为美国解放黑奴运动的重要文Y。1854年,一群反对黑人奴 制的人建立了一个新的政党,这就是今天的美国共和党,蒲安臣正是美国共和党的创始人之一,由于他的韺U,该党在马萨诸塞州成立。1855年,他进入美国国会,当了6年的国会众议员(1855年—1861年)。






1868年2月25日,清政府第一个蒲安臣使团一行三十人,自上海虹口黄浦江码头乘坐“格斯达哥里”号轮船起航前往美国旧金山。随同出访的还有两名中国官员:总理衙门记名海关道志刚和鰴#忖孙家谷,以及翻译张德彝。蒲安臣的两名副手:左协理是英国使馆翻译柏卓安(John M.Brown),右协理是海关税务司法籍职员德善(E.de Champs)。为这次出访,蒲安臣还受委托设计了中国第一面国旗——黄龙旗










1869年1月2日,蒲安臣一行到达巴黎。法国一向反对美国的“不割让主憛芋A但由于英国已经表示了采纳修约缓进政策,法国也只得与英国保持一致(1月5日法国外交部长拉发特向驻法英使表明态度)。1月21日,法国皇帝拿破仑三世接见了蒲安臣。但是由于反对势力L大,蒲安臣一行在巴黎前后停留了半年多,仍然 法取得任何成果。既未能取得象在华盛顿那帚条约,或者象在英国那帚涨菬謕坁荧会,只好失望的离开法国。








1870年2月23日,蒲安臣因肺炎在圣彼得堡突然逝世,终年50岁。清朝政府为表彰蒲安臣其恭驻华公使时“和衷商办”及出使期“为国家效力”,竭力维护中国主权和领土完整。授与一品官衔,以及抚恤金一丌两银子。他的遗体从俄罗斯送回美国。波士顿市政府在著名的法尼厅(Faneuil Hall)为他举行了隆重的遗体告别仪式,大厅内挂起美国的星条旗和中国的黄龙旗。[2]


今天,在美国加州旧金山附近和堪萨斯州,各有一座以蒲安臣命名的城市,加州的那一个Burlingame建立于1909年,是一个华人聚居的地方。美国著名作家马克吐温就蒲安臣的逝世写下如下悼词:“他对各国人民的 私韺U和仁慈胸怀,已经越过国界,使他成为一个伟大的世界公民。”


^ 在他任公使时期,有一次一位美国人在中国为非作歹,给当地老百姓带来不少麻烦,蒲安臣在听了中国受害人的证词后,立即以公使身份命令将那位美籍犯人处以死刑,拖出去吊死。

Anson Burlingame, Speech In New York, June 23, 1868

Burlingame headed the Chinese government's delegation to the United States.

December 13, 1901  

Mr. President, and Citizens of New York, our first duty is to thank you for this cordial greeting: to say to you that it is not only appreciated by us, but that it will be appreciated by the distant people whom we represent to thank you for this unanimous expression of good will on the part of the great City of New York; to thank you that, rising above all local and party considerations, you have given a broad and generous welcome to a movement made in the interests of all mankind.

We are but the humble heralds of the movement. It originated beyond the boundaries of our own thoughts, and has taken dimensions beyond the reach of our most ardent hopes. That East, which men have sought since the days of Alexander, now itself seeks the West. China, emerging from the mists of time, but yesterday suddenly entered your Western gates, and confronts you by its representatives here tonight.

What have you to say to her? She comes with no menace on her lips. She comes with the great doctrine of Confucius, uttered two thousand three hundred years ago, “Do not unto others what you would not have others do unto you.” Will you not respond with more positive doctrine of Christianity, “We will do unto others what we would have others do unto us?” She comes with your own international law; she tells you that she is willing to come into relations according to it, that she is willing to abide by its provisions, that she is willing to take its obligations for its privileges. She asks you to forget your ancient prejudices, to abandon your assumptions of superiority, and to submit your questions with her, as she proposes to submit her questions with you – to the arbitrament of reason. She wishes no war; she asks of you not to interfere in her internal affairs. She asks you not to send her lecturers who are incompetent men. She asks you that you will respect the neutrality of her waters, and the integrity of her territory.

She asks, in a word, to be left perfectly free to unfold herself precisely in that form of civilization of which she is most capable. She asks you to give to those treaties which were made under the pressure of war, a generous and Christian construction.

Because you have done this, because the Western nations have reversed their old doctrine of force, she responds, and, in proportion as you have expressed your good will, she has come forth to meet you; and I aver, that there is no spot on this earth where there has been greater progress made within the past few years than in the empire of China. She has expanded her trade, she has reformed her revenue system, she is changing her military and naval organizations, she has built or established a great school, where modern science and the foreign languages are to be taught.

She has done this under every adverse circumstance. She has done this after a great war, lasting through thirteen years, a war out of which she comes with no national debt. You must remember how dense is her population. You must remember how difficult it is to introduce radical changes in such a country as that. The introduction of your own steamers threw out of employment a hundred thousand junk-men. The introduction of several hundred foreigners into the civil service embittered, of course, the ancient native employees. The establishment of a school was formidably resisted by a party led by one of the greatest men of the empire.

Yet, in defiance of all these, in spite of all these, the present enlightened government of China has advanced steadily along the path of progress – sustained, it is true, by the enlightened representatives of the Western powers now at Peking, guided and directed largely by a modest and able man, Mr. Hart, the Inspector-General of Customs at the head of the foreign employees in the empire of China.

Yet, notwithstanding all these things, notwithstanding this manifest prog- ress, there are people who will tell you that China has made no progress, that her views are retrograde; and they tell you that it is the duty of the Western Treaty Powers to combine for the purpose of coercing China into reforms, which they may desire, and which she may not desire – who undertake to say that this people have no rights which you are bound to respect. In their coarse language they say, “Take her by the throat.” Using the tyrant’s plea, they say they know better what China wants than China herself does. Not only do they desire to introduce now the reforms born of their own inter- ests and their own caprices, but they tell you that the present dynasty must fall, and that the whole structure of Chinese civilization must be overthrown. I know that these views are abhorred by the Governments and the countries from which these people come; but they are far away from their countries, they are active, they are brave, they are unscrupulous, and if they happen to be offcials it is in their power to complicate affairs, and to involve, ultimately, their distant countries in war.

Now, it is against the malign spirit of this tyrannical element that this mission was sent forth to the Christian world. It was sent forth that China might have her difficulties stated. That I happened to be at the head of it was, perhaps, more an accident than any design. It was, perhaps, because I had been longer there than my colleagues, and because I was about to leave; and, perhaps, more than all, because I was associated with the establishment of the co-operative policy which, by the aid of abler men than myself, was established not many years ago; and it is to sustain that policy – which has received the warm approval of all the great Treaty Powers, and which is cherished by China – that we are sent forth. It is in behalf of that generous policy, founded on principles of eternal justice, that I would rally the strongest thing on this earth, the enlightened public opinion of the world.

Missions and men may pass away, but the principles of eternal justice will stand. I desire that the autonomy of China may be preserved. I desire that her independence may be secured. I desire that she may have equality, that she may dispense equal privileges to all the nations. If the opposite school is to prevail, if you are to use coercion against that great people, then who are to exercise the coercion, whose force are you to use, whose views are you to establish? You see the very attempt to carry out any such tyrannical policy would involve not only China, but would involve you in bloody wars with each other.

There are men – men of that tyrannical school – who say that China is not fit to sit at the Council Board of the nations, who call her people barbarians, and attack them on all occasions with a bitter and unrelenting spirit. These things I utterly deny.

I say on the contrary, that this is a great, a noble people. It has all the elements of a splendid nationality. It is the most numerous people on the face of the globe; it is the most homogeneous people in the world; it has a language spoken by more human beings than any other in the world, and it is written in the rock. It is a country where there is greater unification of thought than any other country in the world. It is a country where the maxims of great sages, coming down memorized for centuries, have permeated the whole people, until their knowledge is rather an instinct than an acquirement; a people loyal while living, and whose last prayer, when dying, is to sleep in the sacred soil of their fathers. It is the land of scholars, it is the land of schools, it is the land of books, from the simple pamphlet up to encyclopedias of 5,000 volumes. It is a land, as you Mr. President, have said, where the privileges are equal; it is a land without caste. For they destroyed their feudal system twenty-one hundred years ago, – and they built up their structure of civilization on the great idea that the people are the source of power. That idea was uttered by Mencius, twenty-three hundred years ago, and it was old when he uttered it. The power goes forth from that people into practical government, through the competitive system, and they make scholarship the test of merit.

I say it is a great people; it is a polite people; it is a patient people; it is a sober people; it is an industrious people, and it is such a people as this that the bitter boor would exclude from the council hall of the nations; it is such a nation as this that the tyrannic element would put under its ban. They say of this people – nearly half of the human race – that they must become the weak wards of the West – wards of nations not so populous as many of their prov- inces – wards of people who were young when their youngest village in Manchuria was founded.

I do not mean to say that the Chinese are perfect. Far from it. They have their faults, like other people; they have their pride, like other people; they have their prejudices, like other people. These are profound, and must be overcome. They have their conceits, like other people, and these must be done away with; but they are not to be done away with by talking to them with cannon, by telling them that their people are weak, and that they are barbarians No, China has been cut off, by her position, from the rest of the world. She has been separated from it by limitless deserts, and by broad oceans. But now, when the views of men expand, we behold the very globe itself diminished in size. Now, when science has taken away, or dissipated the desert; when it has narrowed the ocean, we find that China seeing another civilization approach- ing on every side, has her eyes wide open. (Applause.) She sees Russia on the north, Europe on the west, America on the east. She sees a cloud of sail on her coast, she sees the mighty steamers coming from everywhere – “bow on.” She feels the spark from the electric telegraph falling hot upon her everywhere; she rouses herself, not in anger, but for argument. She finds that by not being in a position to compete with other nations for so long a time she has lost ground. She finds that she must come into relations with this civilization that is pressing up around her, and feeling that, she does not wait but comes out to you and extends to you her hand.

She tells you she is ready to take upon her ancient civilization the graft of your civilization. She tells you she is ready to take back her own inventions, with all their developments. She tells you that she is willing to trade with you, to buy of you, to sell to you, to help you strike off the shackles from trade. She invites your merchants, she invites your missionaries. She tells the latter to plant the shining cross on every hill and in every valley.

For she is hospitable to fair argument. I say she tells you she is willing to strike off the shackles of trade. She offers you almost free trade to-day. Holding the great staples of the earth – tea and silk – she charges you scarcely any tariff on the exports you send out in exchange for them. (Applause.) She is willing to meet the inferior questions which are now arising as to transit- dues, and if you only have patience with her, and right reason on your side, she will settle these to your satisfaction.

But the country is open; you may travel and trade where you like. What complaint then, have you to make of her? Show her fair play. Give her that, and you will bless the toiling millions of the world. Their trade, carried on in foreign vessels, which has in my own day in China, risen from $82,000,000 to $300,000,000, is but a tithe of the enormous trade that will take place with China when she gets into full fellowship with the rest of the world.

Let her alone; let her have her independence; let her develop herself in her own time, and in her own way. She has no hostility to you. Let her do this, and she will initiate a movement which will be felt, in every workshop of the civi- lized world. She says now: “Send us your wheat, your lumber, your coal, your silver, your goods from everywhere – we will take as many of them as we can. We will give you back our tea, our silk, free labor, which we have sent so largely out into the world.” It has overflowed upon Siam, upon the British Provinces, upon Singapore, upon Manila, upon Peru, Cuba, Australia, and California. All she asks is, that you will be as kind to her Nationals as she is to your Nationals.

She is willing not only to exchange goods with you, but she is willing to exchange thoughts. She is willing to give you what she thinks is her intellectual civilization in exchange for your material civilization.

Let her alone, and the caravans on the roads of the North, toward Russia, will swarm in larger numbers than ever before. Let her alone, and that sil- ver which has been flowing for hundreds of years into China, losing itself like the lost rivers of the West, but which yet exists, will come out into the affairs of men. Let her alone, and those great lines of steamers, the “P. and O.” and Messagerie Imperiale, may multiply their tonnage. Let her alone, and your own great line, the pride of New York, the Pacific Mail – and as many other lines as you may choose to establish – may increase their ton- nage tenfold; and they will still, as at present, have to leave their freight upon the wharves of Hong-Kong and Yokohama.

The imagination kindles at the future which may be, and which will be, if you will be fair and just to China. But, citizens of New York, I must close. I have spoken at considerable length already. I must thank you once again for this kind, this generous, this unanimous reception. So intertwined are the affairs of men, that whatever New York thinks and feels unanimously, will be felt and thought in all the commercial capitals of the Christian world.


主席先生和公民纽约,我们的第一个任务是要感谢你为这个亲切的问候:对你说,这不仅是我们对此表示赞赏,但它会被我们所代表感谢远方的人可以理解的你对大纽约市的一部分,良好的意愿一致这帚达感谢大家的是,上述所有地方和党的上升的考虑,你给了 阔大方欢迎全人类的利益动了。


你有什厶想对她说?她配备了她的嘴唇没有威胁。她谈到孔子的伟大学说,二○○三年匈牙德雷德年前的一声,“不要告诉别人,你不会有别人对你做了什厶。”你不是基督教的更积极的回应学说,“我们将尽?己所不欲我们希望别人怎对待我们。“她来用自己的国际法;她告诉你,她是愿意根它来进入的关系,她愿意用它的各项规定,她是愿意为它的特权的务。她问你忘记你的古成见,抛弃你的优势假设,与她提交您的问题,她提出与您提交她的问题 - 理性的裁芋C她希望没有战争;她问的你别在她的内政。她要求你不要送她讲师谁是 能的男人。她问你,你会尊重她水域的中立性,她的领土完整。




然而,在去连接所有这些ANCE,尽管所有这些,中国目前的开明的政府一直在稳步沿进步的道路前进 - 持续,这是事实,由西方列L开明的代表,现在在北京,引导和指导主要由适度和能干的男人,哈特先生,海关监察长在外籍员工在中国的帝国的头。

然而,尽管所有这些东西,尽管这明显的进展,还有人谁都会告诉你,中国没有取得进展,她的看法是逆行;他们告诉你,这是西方列L的为L迫中国进入改革,他们可能希望的目的相结合的责任,她可能不期望 - 谁承诺说,这个人没有权利,你是必须尊重。在他们粗俗的语言,他们说,“通过喉咙抬走她吧。”使用暴君的呼吁,他们说他们更好地了解中国需要什厶比中国自己做。他们不仅渴望现在就生介绍自己的EST间和自己任性的改革,但他们告诉你,目前王朝必须下降,而中国文明的整体结腹必须被推翻。我知道,这些意见是由各国政府和这些人来到国家憎恶;但他们远离自己的国家,他们是积极的,他们是勇敢的,他们是不择手段,如果他们碰巧是offcials是在其权力范围复杂化FF摆架子,并参与最终,他们遥远的国家的战争。

现在,它是对这个暴虐元素的恶性精神,这个使命被差遣到基督教世界。它被放出去,中国可能有她的双FFI culties说明。我正好是在头部的是,也许,更多的是比任何设计事故。这是,也许是因为我已经不再有比我的同事,因为我正要离开; ,或许都不止,因为我与建立当中,由能者多劳的人比我的韺U,是很多年前不成立合作社的政策有关;它是维持这一政策 - 这已收到所有伟大的条约国的温暖的认可,这是由中国珍视 - 我们正在差遣。它是代表该优厚的政策,建立在永恒的正摮则,我会团结这世界,世界的开明舆论上最L的东西。


有男人 - 那L横学校的人 - 谁说,中国是不是科幻种至坐在国家,谁打电话给她的人的野蛮人的理事会董事会,并与苦涩和不屈不挠的精神攻击他们在所有场合。这些东西我完全否认。

我说恰恰相反,这是一个伟大的,一个高尚的人。它有一个灿烂的国籍的所有元素。这是最 大人民群众在地球的面孔;它是世界上最齐人;它被更多人在世界上使用最多的一种语言,它是用岩石。它是一个国家,那里有比世界上任何其他国家的思想更大的单向连接的阳离子。这就是伟大的先贤的格言,灌进背了几百年的国家,已经渗透整个人,直到他们的知识,而一种本能不是获取;一个人的忠诚而生活,而其最后的祈祷,快死的时候,是他们父辈的神圣土壤睡觉。这是学者们的土地,这是学校的土地,这是书籍的土地,从简单的小册子高达5000卷的百科全书。这是一个土地,你主席先生,说,这里的特权是相等的;这是没有阶级之地。因为他们21一百年前摧毁了他们的封建制度, - 他们建立了自己的文明结腹的伟大腹想,人民是权力的源泉。这个想法是由孟子,23百年前说出,这是大的时候,他说出它。电源去来回从人变成实际的政府,通过竞争机制,并且他们做功德奖学金的考验。

我说这是一个伟大的人;它是一个有鷋牧漱H;它是一个耐心的人;这是一个清醒的人;它是一个勤劳的人,它是这岸@个人,因为这是痛苦的莽会从国家的议会大厅排除;它是这岸@个国家,因为这使暴虐元素将把在其禁令。他们说,这人 - 将近一半的人类 - 他们必须成为西弱病房 - 国家并非如此人口众多因为他们的许多个省的病房 - 人病房谁年轻的时候在满洲他们最小的村庄成立于。

我的意思并不是说,中国人是完美的。离得很远。他们有他们的缺点,像其他人一;他们有自己的骄傲,像其他人一;他们有他们的偏见,和其他人一届C这些是深远的,必须加以克服。他们有他们的自负,像其他人一届A而这些必须被取缔;但他们不能与他们的谈话,用大炮免掉,告诉他们,他们的人是软弱,他们是野蛮人没有,中国已削ØFF,她的位置,从世界其他地区。她已经从它 边 际的沙漠隔开,并通过 泛的海洋。但是现在,当男人的看法扩大,我们看见了非常地球本身的大小ㄓ疌现在,科学已经带走,或消退旷野里。当它已经缩小了海洋,我们FI ND,中国看到另一个文明approach- ING在各方面,都有她睁大眼睛。 (掌声)她认为俄罗斯在北部,欧洲西,美东。她看到帆的云在她的海岸时,她看到浩浩荡荡的轮船从四面八方涌来 - 她觉得从电报机热降在她身上到处都是火花“弓上。”她唤起自己,不是愤怒,而是为了论证。她科幻NDS,通过在一个位置不是同其他国家这厶久她已经失去地面进行竞争。她科幻她必须接触到这种文明的关系NDS被压了她的身边,感觉,她不会等待,但出来给你,并延伸到你她的手。


因为她是热情好客的公平论点。我说,她会告诉你她愿意罢工ØFF贸易的束缚。她ØFF ERS你几乎自由贸易的日常。执掌地上的大主食 - 茶磼M丝绸 - 她会收取几乎你换取他们送出去的出口任何塔里FF。 (掌声)她是愿意满足其现在所产生的以过境途中的会费劣的问题,如果你只有她的耐心和正确的原因在你的身边,她会解这些让您满意。

但该国是开放的;你可能会旅行,你喜欢的地方交易。什厶抱怨的话,有你做的她呢?显示她的公平竞争。给她说,你会祝福劳作数以百丌计的世界。他们的贸易,在外国船只进行的,这在我自己的一天在中国,从$ 82,000,000到$的300,000,000份上升,不过是巨大的贸易,将采取地方与中国的十分之一,当她进入全面团契与世界其他地区。

她吧。让她有她的独立性;让她自己发展在她自己的时间,在她自己的方式。她没有敌意你。让她做,她会主动将被感觉到运动,在civi- lized世界的每一个车间。现在,她说:“给我们提供的小麦,你的木材,煤你,你的银子,你的货物从 处不在 - 我们将采取尽可能多的人,我们可以。我们会给你回我们的茶,我们的丝绸,自由劳动,我们已经发送,从而在很大程度上外面的世界“。它拥有在暹罗欠,在英国的省份佛罗里达州,在新加坡,在马尼拉,在秘鲁,古巴,澳大利亚,和加利福尼亚州。她只问是,你会像善待她的国民,因为她是你的国民。


让她独自一人,并在北方,对俄罗斯的道路大篷车,将蜂拥而上较大的数字比以往任何时候。让她独自一人,而SIL-版本已经FL由于数百年的进入中国,失去了自己喜欢西方失去了河流,但还不存在,就会出来进入人的一个FF摆架子。让她独自一人,和轮船的那些伟大的线,“P.和O“和Messagerie Imperiale的,可以乘他们的种位。让她独自一人,和你自己的大线,纽约,在太平洋Ç邮件的骄傲 - 和许多其他行作为你可以选择确定 - 可能会增加十倍他们ton- NAGE;他们仍然会,截至目前,已经在香港和横滨码头离开自己的货物。

想象力点燃在未来这可能和这将是,如果你将是公平,公正的中国。但是,纽约的公民,我必须关闭。我曾在相当长已经讲。我要再次感谢你为这个善良,慷慨,这种一致的接收。因此交织在了男人一个FF架子, 论是纽约的想法和看法一致,将波及并在基督教世界的所有商业资本思想。

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