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烈焰与怒火:川普白宫内幕全书英语学习 2018-01-10 16:23:40

《 烈焰与怒火:  川普白宫内幕 》电子版全书英语学习

Image result for michael wolff writer

     Michael Wolff  ( 1953年8月27日-)

Image result for michael wolff journalist student

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        Everyone ready ?   Here goes !

Image result for michael wolff and trump


Michael Wolff's explosive book from inside the workings of the 

Trump White House has finally become public, sending shock-

waves around the world.

The book – which has already been criticised by both Trump 

himself as well as critics – contains a range of huge claims about 

the president and those who surround him.

Smooth Sluggo

5.0 out of 5 starsReading this book is like 

being forced to eat an entire 5 

gallon carton of ice cream

January 5, 2018

Format: Hardcover|Verified Purchase

What can be said, that hasn't already been said about the President?

Nothing in this book will surprise anyone who has been following the 

trials and tribulations of the 45th President of the United States, Donald 

J. Trump. His supporters will cry foul, and say some of it isn't true -- 

and some of it might not be -- but if even 10% of what is in this book is 

true, holy crap!

Reading this book is like being forced to eat an entire 5 gallon carton of 

ice cream in one sitting. It is yummy and you don't want to stop. And 

then you do want to stop but you can't, because the book has you roped 

in. You should feel good, but in reality you feel awful, because of what 

you just did to yourself.

So tread lightly, dear reader. You won't want to put the book down, but 

you won't be better off for reading it, either. If you don't like it, do 

something productive -- stop eating the ice cream and get off the couch. 

Make America AMERICA again!


5.0 out of 5 starsTrump isn't as bad as you think—

he's worse

January 5, 2018

Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase

I wasn't going to buy this book because I knew I'd see many of the 

salacious bits posted online. But when Trump tried to stop its publication, 

I decided that helping to push it into a massive best seller would be a 

good slap in the face to everything Trumpian. Besides, I was curious...

So far, it's a fascinating (if unsurprising) look inside a White House in 

which a fatuous vengeful man is surrounded by opportunists, crooks, 

and amateurs. It's as compulsively readable as Hunter S. Thompson's 

Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72.

To add insult to injury, I bought the book through Amazon Smile 

which I have set to donate to Seattle's Planned Parenthood of the 

Great Northwest and the Hawaiian Islands

J.L. Cartwright

5.0 out of 5 starsEverything you thought you 

knew ... wasn't bad enough.

January 5, 2018

Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase

This book doesn't wander far from what my expectations of 

this administration is up to. It's utterly gross, and yet, like the 

proverbial train wreck, you CANNOT look away. I read the 

entire thing this morning, and I'm going to have to go back and 

read it again. To be sure that I actually read all the )#&%# I 

thought I did, and did such #(%&*# actually make it into a 

work about how the administration is going about its daily 


This is a constitutional crisis. I have read, already, all the attacks 

on the author. But everything he says shores up my POV about 

the administration - they were not prepared, they are a bumbling 

roadside attraction doing anything they can to keep the 

audience's attention. When whatever the current shill is turns 

out not to be what they want you to see, they bumble and fall 

over one another, inflaming hatred of some "other" - from the 

top down - to shift your attention.

I have been watching, enjoying, and debating politics since I was 

ten. I love to see what current administrations are doing, and 

even if I voted for them, I'll critique. No one's perfect. But this - 

good grief. I have been ashamed, from time to time, at some of 

the actions of past presidents. But I am constantly, 150%, 24/7 

ashamed of this administration. There is nothing they do that 

doesn't hurt, lash out, or inflict damage on some part of the 

American people. Outside of that group the pres wants to be 

part of, the billionaires, everyone else is merely fodder.

And lord help you if you are anyone other than white and male.

Because you're nothing.

All this book has done is reinforce what I thought I was seeing. 

While that makes me sad, angry, and worried - it also reinforces 

that we must be active, and not complacent - we must, as a 

nation, go vote for people who will support this nation, and the 

ideals it has survived on. We have to bring back people who are 

not the sellout pieces of trash that is our current legislative bodies.

Most of all, this book is a warning. Our nation is under siege. 

If you don't see it - it's because you don't want to, or feel that 

the siege will benefit you in some fashion. It won't. If it does, 

it's temporary, and you will pay the piper, and it will hurt. This 

book should show you that. The pres has loyalty and concern 

for one person - himself. Anyone else is disposable. That 

includes the nation he supposedly represents.

I suggest you read it. And put down the partisanship, and read 

it with eyes of "Is this who I want to represent me?" Even if 

only half of this is true, we are in a world of hurt. WE deserve 

better. The pres and all his sycophantic horde deserve to be 

bounced out on their backsides. Which begins with the 2018 


Fire and Fury :  Inside the Trump White House




( Knowledge is power,France is bacon.)







法国就是醃肉。” 的时候,他们都毫无惊讶的神色,而只是



着强调“法国就是醃肉!” 可从来没有人以怪异的神色盯着我


    某一天,深陷困惑的我终于鼓起了勇气 ,找到一位老师请













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作者:Pascal 回复 gmuoruo 留言时间:2018-01-10 19:46:29

好玩儿哈,沫若博! 这小厮前面絮叨了那么许多,路漫漫其修远兮吾将上下而求索似的,一本正经,一脸严肃的。

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作者:gmuoruo 留言时间:2018-01-10 19:20:03

France is bacon?


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