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川普在打球中国带任务女连闯5关被逮捕起诉 2019-04-02 23:19:08

2019年3月30日星期六 川普总统在弗罗里达棕榈滩马阿拉歌

海湖庄园打高尔夫  来自上海32岁女 谎称参加一个根本不存在

的华裔美国人会议  携带恶意病毒软件U盘  连过联邦政府执法

机构 —— 美国特勤局至少五道核查 进入该庄园后被逮捕 起诉

倘若定罪 将面临至多五年监禁 US$250,000罚款

Inline image

The Atlantic Ocean is seen adjacent to President Donald Trump's beach front Mar-a-Lago resort, also sometimes called his Winter White House.

据法庭文件显示, 特勤局特工在上周末在特朗普总统的佛罗

里达度假村逮捕了一名女子, 此前她被发现携带两本中国台湾

护照和带有恶意软件的拇指驱动器。 检察官指控, 这名女子

张玉静Yujing Zhang(译音)首先告诉玛拉戈的安全官员,


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    1.  7h7 hours agoMore

      由于明显的语言障碍, 俱乐部的工作人员认为她是俱乐部成员之一的亲戚。 哪有俱乐部成员是中国人啊! 马拉戈该好好查查所有中国的会员了! 这一年那么多中国人在马拉戈附近,尤其厕所门口转悠! 第九-十页 完毕

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    2.  6h6 hours agoMore

      据称, 在进入场地后, 张宇静Yujing告诉一名接待员, 她是在那里参加定于当天晚些时候举行的关于中美关系的联合国活动的。据法庭文件显示, 时间表上没有这样的活动, 所以接待员叫特勤局。 根据刑事投诉, 张某被拦下问话后, 对她的财物进行了搜查,

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    3.  6h6 hours agoMore

      发现了四部手机、一台笔记本电脑、一个硬盘和一个装有 "恶意恶意软件" 的拇指驱动器。文件说, 她告诉特勤局特工, 一位中国朋友指示她从上海前往总统佛罗里达度假村, 并与特朗普的一名家人联系。 当局说, 尽管她最初声称要前往游泳池, 但她并没有穿泳衣。

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    4.  6h6 hours agoMore

      她被指控向一名联邦执法人员作虚假陈述, 并进入禁区。 报道来自于4/2 华盛顿邮报

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    5.  6h6 hours agoMore

      3月30日 12:15pm 特勤人员因为川普将至 设立了限制区域 这位女士在安检时 没有在通行名单上 特勤问了泳池经理 因为她说她要去游泳 经理说的确在会员里有位张先生 所以特勤问张先生是不是你爸爸?!可见这女士不大! 她没正面回答,但居然通过!

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    6.  6h6 hours agoMore

      到了限制区 接待员问她 来干嘛 她说参加晚上中美关系的一个招待会 接待员把所有活动仔细查 没有这个晚会 而且她的名字没有登记在任何名单上 事态严重 她叫了特警 特警认为她有意撒谎 谎称游泳 进入限制区 她强调她是收到微信上的朋友邀请来和川普家庭成员见面 这个Charlie她只有在微信平台上

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    7.  6h6 hours agoMore

      特警发现她英文很好 之前是故意不和特警沟通 制造英文不好的假象 蒙混过关。 特警把她送去法办。 已提出对她的起诉!

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    8.  5h5 hours agoMore


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    9.  5h5 hours agoMore

      更多线索  1. 这女的32岁 2. 30日她闯关时 川普正好在马拉戈打高尔夫 3. 她慌称参加的会议是联合国友好会议 看来带上联合国的都没好事

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    10.  5h5 hours agoMore

      根据Miami Herald猜测张可能参加福罗里达妈妈桑Cindy Li Yang的“国际领导峰会”,原本的确是晚上举行,但是她到处洒她和川普,川普家人和其他共和党的照片, 这晚会被取消。

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    11.  5h5 hours agoMore

      迈阿密先驱报还指出, 在过去的一年里, 一位名叫查尔斯李 (charles Lee) 的活动组织者和妈妈桑合作来推广“Safari Night”和其它以川普家族为主角的活动和政治募捐。

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    12.  5h5 hours agoMore

      迈阿密先驱报也只能参考 30日原本有两个活动 一是中美精英汇 二是Safari night, 发起人是妈妈桑Cindy li yang,组织者是Charlie Lee。 因为按摩院事件,两个活动都被取消

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    13.  5h5 hours agoMore

      这个Charlie Lee经营着一个名为 "联合国中国友好协会" 的组织, 类似于张宇静表示希望参加的活动名称。该组织积极宣传中国共产党, 并在玛拉戈宣传活动, 作为中国商人参与习近平主席所谓的商业外交议程的方式--实质上是让中国高管做出的努力与国外重要人物交朋友。

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    14.  4h4 hours agoMore

      妈妈桑 Charlie Lee照片在下

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    15.  4h4 hours agoMore

      迈阿密先驱报上周报道Charlie Lee的活动后, 李的网站被拿下。在一次简短的采访中, 他否认认识Cindy Li Yang。 即将举办 "野生动物之夜" 活动的年轻冒险家慈善组织主席特里·博马尔说, 张女并没有出现在嘉宾名单中。 所以这女人不是参加Safari Night。

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    16.  4h4 hours agoMore

      老鸨的律师发言人没有立即回应记者的评论要求。 白宫将问题提交给美国特勤局, 由于调查仍在进行中, 特勤局拒绝对此发表评论。 一位代表张女的联邦公设律师也拒绝对此发表评论。

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    17.  3h3 hours agoMore

      还没完 先驱报最后一行纠正 Yujing Zhang的护照是中华民国,台湾护照。 连洋猫都知道台湾人张的拼法士Chang,这个1986生的大陆女人要干什么坏事?所以持有台湾护照? 自己不说是上海直接过来的? 她的恶意软体插件只要插入电脑 就可以遥控马拉戈的电脑系统。她的任务是什么? 这女人有任务

4/2 一名自称来自上海的中国女人Yujing Zhang在周六下午谎称是海湖庄园






  • A Chinese woman has been charged with making a false statement to the U.S. Secret Service after entering President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida with a thumb drive that contained “malicious software,” court documents revealed Tuesday.

  • A criminal complaint says the woman, Yujing Zhang, was on the property on Saturday, at around 12:15 p.m., while Trump was playing golf at the Trump International course nearby.

  • Zhang later claimed to the Secret Service that she was at the resort to attend a “United Nations Friendship Event” between China and the United States, the complaint said. That event did not exist, according to the complaint.

RT: Donald Trump speaks at White House 190402

President Donald Trump speaks while meeting with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, U.S., April 2, 2019.

Joshua Roberts | Reuters

A Chinese woman has been charged with making a false statement to the U.S. Secret Service after entering President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida on bogus pretenses, while carrying a thumb drive that contained “malicious software,” court documents revealed Tuesday.

A criminal complaint says the woman, Chinese national Yujing Zhang, claimed that she had been sent there by a Chinese man whom she had only spoken with via an instant messaging platform to attend an event at Mar-a-Lago and try “to speak with a member of the President’s family about Chinese and American foreign economic relations.”

Zhang, 32, was on the luxury Palm Beach property on Saturday, at around 12:15 p.m., while Trump was playing golf at his Trump International course nearby.

She had passed by at least five Secret Service agents and arriving in the main reception area of Mar-a-Lago, later claimed to the Secret Service that she was there to attend a “United Nations Friendship Event” between China and the United States, the complaint said.

That event did not exist, according to the complaint written by a Secret Service agent, which was signed by a judge in U.S. District Court in Southern Florida.

However, the Miami Herald reported that Zhang may have meant say she planned on attending one of two events scheduled there by Li “Cindy” Yang, a Florida massage parlor entrepreneur who has been identified as running a business that offered to sell access to Trump and his family. Yang’s “International Leaders Elite Forum” planned for Saturday at Mar-a-Lago did not take place after the Herald reported that Yang had taken photos with Trump and other leading Republicans that she used to advertise her access. The other event, “Safari Night,” also was cancelled.

Yang years ago owned a massage parlor where New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft allegedly received sexual services for money in January. Kraft has been charged with soliciting prostitution in that case, and has pleaded not guilty.

The complaint against Zhang noted she had traveled past several signs clearly stating that the areas she was visiting were under the jurisdiction of the Secret Service and that “persons entering without lawful authority are subject to arrest and prosecution.”

Zhang was found to be carrying four mobile phones, a laptop computer, an external hard drive, and a thumb drive.

“A preliminary forensic examination of the thumb drive determined it contained malicious software,” the complaint said.

The Secret Service said it does not decide who’s invited or welcome at Mar-a-Lago, and the investigation was “ongoing.” A spokesman for Mar-a-Lago did not immediately respond to CNBC when asked for comment.

Zhang, who is being held in federal custody pending a hearing, was charged with making false statements to a federal officer, and entering or remaining in a restricted building or grounds. She faces up to five years in prison and a fine topping $250,000 if convicted.

A lawyer for Zhang did not immediately return a request for comment.

Trump was at Trump International golfing from 9:37 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. on Saturday, while Zhang arrived at Mar-a-Lago, gained entrance to it, and was detained by the Secret Service. He returned to Mar-a-Lago at around 4 p.m. Saturday.

According to the criminal complaint, Zhang was admitted to Mar-a-Lago after passing through a Secret Service checkpoint, where she presented an agent with two People’s Republic of China passports bearing her name and photograph, the complaint said.

After a Secret Service agent confirmed the identification, Mar-a-Lago security was unable to verify that Zhang was on the access list for the resort. Zhang said she was going to the pool, and a resort manager then told security that “Zhang is the last name of a member at the Mar-a-Lago club,” the complaint said.

When Zhang was asked if the actual member of the club was her father, “she did not give a definitive answer,” according to the complaint.

Zhang was allowed by Mar-a-Lago security to enter the property “due to a potential language barrier issue,” the complaint said.

She was then picked up in a golf cart shuttle by a Mar-a-Lago valet driver, who asked her where she intended to go.

“Zhang responded that she didn’t know where she wanted to go,” the complaint said. “The valet driver then proceeded to drive her to the main reception area.”

The complaint said that after passing by three other Secret Service agents, Zhang exited the golf cart at a Secret Service magnetometer checkpoint, where she spent about 20 seconds “reading the restricted access signage” before passing through the magnetometer.

She then went into the main reception area of the club, according to the complaint.

A receptionist asked her “several times” when she was there, and Zhang “finally responded that she was there for a United Nations Chinese American Association event later in the evening,” the complaint said.

“The Receptionist knew this event did not exist on property as she has a complete list of events,” the complaint said.

A Secret Service agent then was notified after the receptionist checked all of the access lists for Mar-a-Lago to confirm whether Zhang was approved to be on the property, and found that she was not authorized, according to the complaint.

Zhang reiterated to the agent that she was there for the alleged United Nations event, and showed a document, written in Chinese, that supposedly was her invitation to that non-existent function, the complaint said.

The agent who wrote the complaint noted that Zhang’s claim conflicted with her original claim to the first Secret Service agent, whom she told she was going to the pool. No swimming apparel was later found to be in Zhang’s possession.

Zhang was then taken off the property for further interviews.

According to the complaint, Zhang “freely and without difficulty” talked to the agent in English.

The agent told her that she was not allowed on the resort grounds, and that she had “unlawfully gained access onto the protected grounds,” the complaint said.

“During this interview, Zhang then became verbally aggressive with agents and she was detained and transported back to the” Secret Service’s resident office in West Palm Beach, according to the complaint.

At that office, Zhang was advised of her Miranda rights, and she told agents that a Chinese friend named “Charles” had “told her to travel from Shanghai, China, to Palm Beach, Florida, to attend this event and to speak with a member of the President’s family about Chinese and American foreign economic relations,” the complaint said.

Zhang claimed that “she has only spoken” with Charles via WeChat, the most popular instant messaging platform in China, according to the complaint.

The Miami Herald noted that Yang, the massage parlor operator, has worked with a Chinese event promoter named Charles Lee to promote Safari Night and “other galas and political fundraisers featuring the Trump family at Mar-a-Lago over the past year.”

The complaint said that Zhang stated during her interview with the Secret Service that she had not told “agents at the main checkpoint that she was going to the pool,” the complaint said.

Here’s the statement from the Secret Service on security at Mar-a-Lago:

The Secret Service does not determine who is invited or welcome at Mar-a-Lago; this is the responsibility of the host entity. The Mar-a-Lago club management determines which members and guests are granted access to the property. This access does not afford an individual proximity to the President or other Secret Service protectees. In such instances, additional screening and security measures are employed. With the exception of certain permanently protected facilities, such as the White House, the practice used at Mar-a-Lago is no different than that long-used at any other site temporarily visited by the President or other Secret Service protectees.

While the Secret Service does not determine who is permitted to enter the club, our agents and officers conduct physical screenings to ensure no prohibited items are allowed onto the property.

On March 30, 2019, physical screening was conducted by the Secret Service once Mar-a-Lago staff determined an individual was to be granted access to the property. After the first physical screening, Mar-a-Lago staff transported the individual by a shuttle to the next screening checkpoint. Individuals are prohibited from disembarking the shuttle between screenings and the route is monitored by Secret Service personnel.

After undergoing screening at the second Secret Service checkpoint the individual, per club protocol, was immediately met by club reception. The Mar-a-Lago reception staff then determined that the individual should not have been authorized access by their staff and Secret Service agents took immediate action resulting in the arrest of the individual.














然而,“迈阿密先驱报”报道称张女士可能意味着她计划参加由佛罗里达州按摩院企业家Li“Cindy”Yang安排的两项活动之一,该企业家被认定为经营一家提供出售特朗普和他的家庭。计划于周六在Mar-a-Lago举行的杨的“国际领袖精英论坛”并没有在“先驱报”报道杨与特朗普和其他领先的共和党人拍摄照片之后发生,她曾用这些照片宣传她的访问权。另一件事“Safari Night”也被取消了。














投诉说:“张回应说她不知道自己想去哪里。” “代客司机然后开车带她到主接待区。”

















特勤局不确定在Mar-a-Lago邀请或欢迎谁;这是主机实体的责任。 Mar-a-Lago俱乐部管理层确定哪些会员和客人可以进入酒店。这种访问不能单独接近总统或其他特勤局保护人员。在这种情况下,采用额外的筛选和安全措施。除了白宫等某些受到永久保护的设施外,Mar-a-Lago使用的做法与总统或其他特勤局保护者临时访问的任何其他地点长期使用的做法没有什么不同。



在第二个特勤局检查站接受筛选后,每个俱乐部协议的个人立即被俱乐部接待。 Mar-a-Lago接待人员随后确定该人员不应获得其工作人员的授权,特勤局特工立即采取行动,导致该人员被捕。

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