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深圳特警视频我们和港军在一起请党放心! 2019-08-03 10:07:50


         我们就位了  和驻港部队在一起  请党放心 !



这里公务员和那里公务猿的差距  咋就那么大呢



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The Coming Hong Kong Crackdown

The protests are the most stunning rebuke to Beijing since Tiananmen Square. They may end the same way.




By Claudia Rosett – 由Claudia Rosett报道

July 30, 2019 6:52 pm ET – 2019年7月30日下午6:52(ET)

翻译:VOG 文缘

Protesters dodge tear gas in Hong Kong, July 28. Photo: Kyle Lam/Bloomberg News 7月28日,香港示威者躲避催泪瓦斯。图片:Kyle Lam/彭博社新闻

Protesters in Hong Kong have delivered the most stunning rebuke to Chinese tyranny since the Tiananmen Square uprising of 1989. The question now, after eight weeks of demonstrations, is whether China’s dictator, President Xi Jinping, will respond with the same brute military force used to crush that democracy movement 30 years ago. Serious observers worry the backlash is coming.


For Mr. Xi, who took power in 2013, the situation in Hong Kong presents an immediate threat to his domestic political legitimacy. State repression, bolstered by staggering levels of high-tech surveillance, has increased under his rule. In China’s western province of Xinjiang, despite international protest, the regime has for two years been dishing out torture and forced political indoctrination to an estimated one million Uighur Muslims held in internment camps. Dealing harshly with Hong Kong’s protest movement would remind the city’s residents—and the rest of China—who’s boss.

自2013年后,香港形势对当局国内政治合法性构成了直接威胁。中共已加强了国家镇压,采用了令人震惊的高科技监控手段。在中国西部省份新疆,该政权两年来不顾国际抗议,一直在拘留营里关押着约百万维吾尔族穆斯林,并对他们施以酷刑和强迫政治教化。对香港抗议活动的严厉处理,给香港市民和中国其他地区敲响了警钟 —— 到底谁才是老大。

Mr. Xi’s main concern is preventing the protest movement from spreading to the mainland. Faced with legislation that would allow extradition to China, Hong Kong’s protesters reject the horrors of Beijing’s one-party rule. That sentiment also simmers among the 1.4 billion people of the mainland, where Beijing deploys legions of censors and security agents to keep the population under control. Mainland Chinese may not agree with the protesters’ methods or even their goals, but they visit Hong Kong by the millions every month. Many are aware that Hong Kong’s people are defying Beijing and getting away with it.


It’s possible Mr. Xi has lost patience with the idea of “one country, two systems.” Under the 1984 Sino-British Joint Declaration—a treaty deposited with the United Nations—China promised that Hong Kong would enjoy “a high degree of autonomy” for 50 years after the handover in 1997. That declaration protecting Hong Kongers’ rights and freedoms officially has 28 years left to run, but the two systems are obviously incompatible: One is free, the other isn’t. If Mr. Xi deploys the People’s Liberation Army to quell the protests, it would spell the end of “one country, two systems” in all but name.

当局可能对“一国两制”的构想失去了耐心。根据1984年《中英联合公报》——一项交存联合国的条约 —— 中国承诺在1997年政权移交后,香港会享有50年的“高度自治”。这项保护了香港人权利和自由的宣言,从官方角度来说,还剩下28年时间要履约,但显而易见的是,两制是势成水火的:一方代表着自由,而另一方则截然相反。如果当局派署中国人民解放军镇压抗议活动,这将意味着一国两制名存实亡。

Since the handover, a series of Chinese-appointed chief executives in Hong Kong have tried to impose laws designed to shut people up and force them to toe the party line. Hong Kong’s people have no way to stop this via the ballot box; Beijing has cheated them of genuine democracy.


What would prevent Mr. Xi from ordering a crackdown? Hong Kong is one of China’s most valuable financial assets. British colonial rule bequeathed Hong Kong a tradition of free trade and a dependable legal system, making it the most attractive business hub in Asia. The city of 7.5 million has one of the world’s densest concentration of banks, which are the main interface between China’s controlled currency and the U.S. dollar. Anything that scares away business, or prompts the U.S. to remove Hong Kong’s special trading status, would hit China square in the wallet and could spark domestic political upheaval.


Then there’s the reputational damage from a potentially monstrous spectacle played out on a world stage. Hong Kong is a global crossroads crammed with foreign nationals, including 80,000 Americans; the world would raise a fuss if the People’s Liberation Army opened fire in the city center.


Mr. Xi’s strategic calculations may be influenced by the embarrassing fact that the protests have grown even as China tries to tighten its grip. A young generation of savvy Hong Kongers is crowdsourcing tactics over the internet, gleaning lessons from recent uprisings in Ukraine and elsewhere. Unfortunately, Beijing’s precedent for dealing with a protest on this scale is Tiananmen. The most defiant demonstrators for democracy were shot, jailed or exiled. The millions who marched or sympathized were terrorized into submission. While the slaughter of June 4, 1989, horrified much of the world, for China’s Communist Party it was a success. The challenge to its power was swept away. After a brief scolding from the international community and the imposition of some short-lived U.S. sanctions, the world soon moved on.


Beijing has kept thousands of troops garrisoned in Hong Kong since the 1997 handover and is now laying the propaganda groundwork for a military crackdown. Last Wednesday China’s Defense Ministry told the press it would be legitimate for Hong Kong’s government to invite the People’s Liberation Army to maintain public order. On Friday China’s foreign ministry praised the army as “a pillar” of Hong Kong’s “long-term prosperity and stability.” Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Carrie Lam has largely dropped out of sight, but on Sunday she visited the Chinese army garrison in Hong Kong to attend a graduation ceremony at a military summer camp for youths.


If the U.S., Europe or any of the world’s democracies have a plan to keep China’s jackboot off Hong Kong’s throat, now would be the time to try it out. Abandoning the freedom-loving people of Hong Kong in their hour of need would send Mr. Xi a dangerous message. He would view it as an invitation to send the People’s Liberation Army on its next adventure.

如果美国、欧洲或世界上任何一个民主国家,都不想让中国在香港事务上肆意横行,那么现在是时候尝试一下了。如果在热爱自由的香港人需要的时候抛弃他们,那将向当局发出一个危险的信号 —— 这是邀请人民解放军进行下一局冒险。

Ms. Rosett is a foreign policy fellow with the Independent Women’s Forum who covered the Tiananmen demonstrations for the Journal.

罗塞特(Rosett)女士是独立妇女论坛(Independent Women’s Forum)的外交政策研究员,曾为《华尔街日报》报道了天安门示威活动。



野战军出动砸烂香港  欧美敢上  打残丫挺狗日的!!

野战军出动砸烂香港  欧美敢上  打残丫挺狗日的!!








我不知道哪些白衣人是什么来路,但肯定是有人看不惯你们的操性。还真告诉你,别把这些人跟大陆政权或中联办以及港府往一块黏,1这些人所做所为的格局太小,不配,没这个资格,2,跟这些与自己政府合作维护社会安定的白衣人比起来,你的跟外国政府合作搞乱香港闹独立的黑衣人明显地下作,不要以为叫一声民主就自带光环 3, 大陆政权或中联办以及港府打算大打出手,出动的会是驻港部队甚至野战军!不会是这些人。大不了砸烂重建,巴掌大块地方,没什么了不起,港独们怕英美欧洲,大陆可是在他们一起上的时候,把他们打趴在地。

别挑战一个中国原则,这是中华民族几百年来的屈辱,是中华民族的内裤,动了这个,今天的中国政府,任何人在台上都会大打出手`,欧洲美国想一起上就上,希望他们还有这种!也希望你们这些民主独立的黑衣人有这种跟欧美一起上!400万香港居民都上街又怎样,大陆发言人已经说了,大陆有14亿人。 仔细掂量这句话,别怪没告诉你。




                               2019-07-24 23:32:58



      就杀光两百万 ! 绝不手软 !!






 香港就那么点儿人口 —— 

 香港就那么点儿人口 —— 

   7,535,929,几枪就杀光了 !!!

   7,535,929,几枪就杀光了 !!!






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