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阿里巴巴上市背后的“红二代”赢家 2014-07-21 09:39:42
《纽约时报》傅才德 2014年07月21日


2012年9月,阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group)宣布,已经完成了回购一半雅虎所持阿里巴巴股份的交易,金额为76亿美元(当时约合480亿元人民币)。这家电商巨头通过向顶尖投资机构出售股份筹集了部分交易资金,其中主要包括中国的主权基金,以及三家著名的中国投资公司。

然而,阿里巴巴并未详细说明这些投资公司拥有的深厚的政治背景。它们分别是:博裕资本、中信资本,以及国家开发银行的投资机构国开金融(CDB Capital)。

据《纽约时报》分析,这三家企业的高级管理层中,不乏执政的共产党中最有权势的成员的子孙。时报审阅的文件还表明,当月还有另一家公司也购买了阿里巴巴的股份:新天域资本。当时的国家总理温家宝的儿子就是这家私募股权公司的联合创始人。这些新发现只能证明,在即将成为今年规模最大上市案的阿里巴巴IPO中,现有股东的信息仅少量得以披露。作为此次IPO的常规流程,阿里巴巴在备案文件中公布了约70%的股份的持有者,其中包括雅虎和日本通讯公司软银(SoftBank)等大型外企,以及阿里巴巴董事会主席马云和副主席蔡崇信(Joe Tsai)等高管。


“到了如今,必须产生巨大的震动,才能推倒阿里巴巴,”美奇金(北京)投资咨询有限公司(Beijing firm J Capital Research)的联合创始人杨思安(Anne Stevenson-Yang)说。“他们在林林总总的国家部门拥有大量各方面的盟友。”美奇金专攻对中国企业的详细分析。


新天域资本通报,到2013年年末,它所持有的阿里巴巴股份的价值达到了初始投资成本的3.73倍。这条信息来自公开披露的文件——新天域资本的投资者之一、在开曼群岛注册的合伙人公司Legacy Capital的财务报告。

按照这一标准,同一时期,博裕资本的子公司对阿里巴巴的4亿美元投资获得了逾10亿美元的回报。前国家主席江泽民的孙子、哈佛毕业生江志成(Alvin Jiang)是博裕资本的一名合伙人。

在投资阿里巴巴的四家中国企业的高管中,都有2002年以后在中央政治局常务委员会——中国的最高领导机构——任职的20多人的子孙。在这个拥有逾13亿人口的国家,这一事实说明,政治圈子与金融业最高层之间的联系有多么密切。例如,时报曾于2012年报道,温家宝的亲属——其中包括他的儿子、新天域资本的联合创始人温云松(Winston Wen)——共持有价值至少27亿美元的资产。这种关系非同小可。它有助于锁定交易,可能会使企业在竞争激烈的中国商业环境中赢得优势。

企业与这些“太子党”的联系也引起了美国执法机构的注意。证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission)的调查部门和驻纽约布鲁克林的联邦检察机构正在审查,摩根大通(JPMorgan Chase)的“子女项目”(Sons and Daughters)是否违反了《反海外腐败法》(Foreign Corrupt Practices Act)。通过这个项目,摩根大通雇佣了中国高官和企业高管的一些亲属。其他几家银行也因为相似的项目在接受调查。


博裕手中的部分股份通过其设在英属维尔京群岛的子公司Athena China Limited持有。根据阿里巴巴向美国证券交易委员会提交的文件,控制Athena的是另一家离岸实体Prosperous Wintersweet BVI,而后者的所有人又是在开曼群岛注册的Boyu Capital Fund I。

Legacy Capital成立于2011年。截至去年年底,公司的主要资产包括在Boyu Capital Fund I、New Horizon Capital IV和Athena China所持的股份。这几家公司都是阿里巴巴的股东。


比如,Legacy Capital的文件批露,Athena China投资了4亿美元收购阿里巴巴的股份。不过,其中并没有详细介绍博裕和新天域在阿里巴巴持有的其他股份。


Legacy Capital驻洛杉矶的董事罗伯特·崔(Robert Choi)没有回复置评请求。阿里巴巴在香港的一名女发言人表示,公司正处在IPO前的缄默期,不方便发表评论。





中信资本是国有企业集团中信旗下的投资机构之一。该集团拥有多家证券经济公司、银行、矿山、钢厂和油田。在2012年中期之前,中信旗下的另一家企业——中信产业投资基金管理有限公司——一直由刘乐飞领导。同年11月,刘乐飞的父亲、宣传领域的最高官员刘云山升任政治局常委。今年3月,刘乐飞被任命为中信证券副董事长。中信资本高级董事总经理曾之杰(Jeffrey Zeng)的父亲曾培炎担任过中国经济规划领域的最高官员,也是政治局委员。政治局通常有大约25名成员,从中会产生最高领导机构——政治局常务委员会。

73岁的王军是前国家副主席王震之子,曾长期担任中信的董事长。和陈云一样,王震也是“八大元老”之一。这八名中共耆宿引领中国走过了上世纪80年代。在今年之前,王军还在中信投资的另一家企业——医药数据公司中信21世纪(Citic 21CN)——任董事局主席。今年1月,阿里巴巴董事局主席马云成立的一家投资基金公司携手阿里巴巴收购了中信21世纪的大部分股份。


Alibaba’s I.P.O. Could Be a Bonanza for the Scions of Chinese Leaders


It was billed as the biggest private financing deal in the history of China.

In September 2012, the Alibaba Group announced that it had completed a $7.6 billion deal to buy back half of Yahoo’s stake in it. The giant e-commerce company raised part of the money by selling shares to select investors, notably China’s sovereign wealth fund and three prominent Chinese investment firms.

What Alibaba did not detail was the deep political connections of the investment firms, Boyu Capital, Citic Capital Holdings and CDB Capital, the China Development Bank’s private investment arm.

Their senior executive ranks included sons or grandsons of the most powerful members of the ruling Communist Party, according to an analysis by The New York Times. Documents reviewed by The Times also show that a fourth investor bought Alibaba shares that month: New Horizon Capital, a private equity firm co-founded by the son of China’s prime minister at the time, Wen Jiabao. The new revelations only demonstrate the paucity of information about existing shareholders in what is poised to be the biggest initial public offering of this year.

As part of its regular filings for the offering, Alibaba disclosed the owners of about 70 percent of its shares. The group includes big foreign investors like Yahoo and the Japanese communications company SoftBank, as well as top executives such as Alibaba’s chairman, Jack Ma, and its vice chairman, Joe Tsai.

But less is known about other shareholders, whose sway may be significant even if their stakes are not. The situation raises questions about the transparency and operations of Alibaba, which is set to go public in the United States in the coming months.

“It would take, at this point, a seismic effort to topple an Alibaba,” said Anne Stevenson-Yang, a co-founder of the Beijing firm J Capital Research, which specializes in detailed analyses of Chinese companies. “They’ve got so many different allies across so many different ministries.”

Such politically connected investors will most likely reap a bonanza when Alibaba goes public, an offering that analysts estimate could value the company at more than $200 billion. At that level, even a 1 percent stake would be worth $2 billion.

Already, their investments have performed spectacularly well.

New Horizon Capital reported that at the end of 2013 the value of its Alibaba stake stood at 3.73 times the cost of its initial investment, according to the documents — financial statements from one of New Horizon’s investors, the Cayman Islands-registered partnership Legacy Capital.

By that measure, the $400 million investment in Alibaba made by a subsidiary of Boyu Capital gained more than $1 billion in the same time period. Boyu counts former President Jiang Zemin’s Harvard-educated grandson Alvin Jiang as a partner.

In a country of more than 1.3 billion people, the fact that four Chinese companies investing in Alibaba have had executives who are either sons or grandsons of the two dozen men who have since 2002 served on the Politburo Standing Committee, the most elite group of leaders, speaks to how deeply China’s political class has attached itself to the highest echelons of finance. For example, The Times reported in 2012 that Mr. Wen’s relatives, including his son, Winston Wen, who co-founded New Horizon Capital, controlled assets worth at least $2.7 billion.

Such connections matter. They help secure deals, potentially giving companies an advantage in a highly competitive business environment.

Corporate ties to these so-called princelings have also attracted the attention of law enforcement authorities in the United States. Investigators at the Securities and Exchange Commission and federal prosecutors in Brooklyn are looking at whether a JPMorgan Chase program called Sons and Daughters, under which it hired relatives of senior Chinese officials and top company officials, violated the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. Other banks are under investigation for similar programs.

JPMorgan and the other banks have not been accused of any wrongdoing. To run afoul of the American law, a company must act with “corrupt” intent or with the expectation of offering a job in exchange for government business.

In Alibaba’s case, the ownership stakes are tangled in layers of shell companies that shift from one Caribbean tax haven to another.

Some of Boyu’s shares are held through one of its subsidiaries, Athena China Limited, which is set up in the British Virgin Islands. Athena is controlled by another offshore entity, Prosperous Wintersweet BVI, which in turn is owned by the Cayman Islands-registered Boyu Capital Fund I, Alibaba reported to the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Legacy Capital was set up in 2011. As of the end of last year, its main assets included holdings in Boyu Capital Fund I, New Horizon Capital IV and Athena China, all of which held Alibaba shares.

With such an intricate web, it is hard to get a complete picture of Alibaba’s ownership structure.

For example, the Legacy Capital documents disclosed Athena China’s $400 million investment in Alibaba shares. But they did not detail the additional Alibaba stakes held by Boyu and New Horizon.

New Horizon was not part of the September 2012 Alibaba financing arrangement and most likely acquired its holding from existing shareholders, according to a person with knowledge of the transaction, who declined to be identified because of the sensitivity of the issue.

Robert Choi, a director of Legacy Capital in Los Angeles, did not respond to a request for comment. An Alibaba spokeswoman in Hong Kong said the company was in its so-called quiet period before the public offering and was not able to comment.

Adding to the complexity of the structure, most of Alibaba’s new investors in 2012, including the sovereign wealth fund Citic Capital and CDB Capital, were also state-owned. In the case of the government-owned China Development Bank, the relationship goes even deeper. The bank lent Alibaba $1 billion to help it buy Yahoo’s stake.

For Alibaba, the connections go to the highest levels of government.

In September 2012, He Jinlei — whose father, He Guoqiang, was then the Communist Party’s top anticorruption official — was a vice president at CDB Capital, said two people familiar with the company who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue. At the time, the China Development Bank was headed by Chen Yuan, the son of China’s former top economic-planning official, Chen Yun, who was a member of the Politburo Standing Committee from the 1930s into the 1980s.

The younger Mr. Chen stepped down in 2013 as chairman of the bank. The younger Mr. He was still at the firm as of this year, according to accounts of his activities on company websites.

Citic Capital is one of the investment arms of the state-owned conglomerate Citic, which owns stock brokerages, banks, mines, steel mills and oil fields. Another unit of the company, Citic Private Equity Funds Management, was led until mid-2012 by Liu Lefei, whose father, Liu Yunshan, China’s top propaganda official, ascended to the Politburo Standing Committee that November. The younger Mr. Liu was named vice chairman of Citic Securities this March. Jeffrey Zeng, a senior managing director at Citic Capital, is the son of the country’s former top planning official, Zeng Peiyan, who was a member of the Politburo — the group, normally with about 25 people, from whose ranks the elite Standing Committee is drawn.

Wang Jun, 73, the son of Wang Zhen, a former vice president, was a longtime chairman of Citic. His father was, along with the elder Mr. Chen, one of the “eight immortals,” the group of Communist Party elders who guided the nation in the 1980s. The younger Mr. Wang was, until this year, chairman of another company that Citic had invested in, the pharmaceutical-data firm Citic 21CN. In January, Alibaba and an investment fund founded by Mr. Ma, Alibaba’s chairman, acquired a majority stake in Citic 21CN.

A representative of Citic Capital said the company did not comment on its investments and that Mr. Liu headed another division of the company. Representatives of CDB Capital and Boyu Capital did not comment.

A version of this article appears in print on 07/21/2014, on page B1 of the NewYork edition with the headline: In Alibaba, a Bonanza for China’s Top Scions.

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· 2024年改革Gilead公司董事会构架
· 改进Bank of America/ㄚㄇㄝㄌㄧ
· 改进Applied Materials高管薪酬
· Amazon/亚马逊公司2024年股东会
· Charles Schwab/嘉信公司2024年
· Amazon/亚马逊公司2023年股东年
· Gilead公司2023年股东会议的董事
· Gilead公司2022年股东会议的董事
· 继续改善Applied Materials高层
· 要求Agilent采纳简单多数投票原
· 改进The Travelers Companies/旅
· 继续推动Applied Materials高层
· 2022年Amazon/亚马逊公司董事会
· 继续改善AT&T高层报酬方案的
· 2021年eBay股东会议改善高层报酬
· 改革Amazon/亚马逊公司董事会结
· 继续推动Apple/苹果公司的高层报
· Cisco/思科公司2019年股东会议的
· 第五次出席Oracle/甲骨文股东大
【Shareholder Proposals】
· Proposal to 2024 Gilead Stockh
· Charles Schwab Shareholder Pro
· Shareholder Proposal to Bank o
· TRV2024 Proposal to Improve Ex
· Shareholder Proposals - V5
· Shareholder Proposal to 2023 A
· Stockholder Proposal to 2023 A
· Proposal to Gilead Sciences on
· Shareholder Proposal to Applie
· Proposal to Amazon 2022 Stockh
· Ukraina/ㄨㄎㄌㄚㄧㄋㄚ/乌克兰
· 18-19世纪Россия/ㄌㄛ_ㄙㄧㄚ/俄
· Россия/ㄌㄛ_ㄙㄧㄚ/俄罗斯 历史
· 我与列宁的会见
· 托洛茨基:问题与主义
· “最好的安那祺主义者”(列宁语)
· 喀琅施塔得悲剧的教训
· 苏联体制下的政治警察
· 忘记过去就是对历史的背叛
· 克鲁包特金对现代社会的再启蒙
· 亚洲纪行-7:再访东京
· 纪念“大逆事件”(又称“幸德事件”
· Asian Regionalism and Japan
· 比较日美中“中产阶级”
· 日本向何处去﹖
· 日本警察当局的组织性犯罪
· 现代日本社会急剧增长的高龄犯罪
· 昭和天皇的战争责任
· 藤原彰《饿死的英灵们》读后感
· 日本战后左翼人物的命运
· Guillaume/ㄍㄧㄩㄇ/吉约姆的传
· 网络空间的安那祺自由秩序
· 巴黎公社的精神-3
· 国际工人协会的精神和基本原则
· 阿根廷的安那祺-工联主义传统
· 自由之道:国际和公社的忠实门徒
· 马克思与巴枯宁冲突的症结
· 西班牙内战的安那祺主义教训
· 兰道尔对安那祺主义的思想贡献
· 国家权​力与无政府主义
· Spain/ㄙㄆㄟㄣ/西班牙前期文明
· 西班牙内战文献
· 西班牙安那祺运动的历史经验
· 西班牙内战的安那祺主义教训
· 向加泰罗尼亚致敬(摘录)
· 西班牙内战悲剧的教训
· 西班牙内战中的安那祺主义实践
· (西班牙)卡莎维哈斯惨案
· 亚洲纪行-3:重返日本关西
· 日本政府的信用等级
· 历史资料:请李铁映先生明断
· 钓鱼岛非主权化可解决中日争端/
· 朝日新闻2009年6月8日-日本で旅
· 《雁鸣》编辑部告读者
· 如何翻过当代中日关系史上最黑暗
· 关于钓鱼岛/尖阁诸岛的非主权方
· 美日物品与服务相互提供协定
· 美日安全保障协议委员会联合声明
· 驻留日本的美军地位的协议
· 美日安保条约
· “琉球国”钟原来在这里
· 美日M资金备忘录
· 1951年吉田书简(对中政策)
· 作为nation/ㄋㄟㄒㄣ语言的汉语
· Manchu/满洲文明译注的方法论基
· 亚洲纪行/Asian Mission 2023
· 以汉音元素词母创制少数民族书写
· 中文表示里导入汉音元素的方案-1
· Esperanto/ㄝㄙㄆㄜㄌㄢㄊㄛ/希
· 作为nation/ㄋㄟㄒㄣ语言的汉语
· 创制鄂温克/Эвенки[Evenki]/ㄜㄨ
· 藏文书写系统转写与藏文明译注初
· Cyrillic/ㄎㄧㄌㄧㄦ/斯拉夫词母
· 目前状况下对革命的展望(韦伯)
· 社会主义的路线上的几个问题
· “共产党宣言”批判/韦伯
· 《新教伦理与资本主义精神》读后
· 3、资本主义和社会主义
· 翻译说明, 1 前言, 2 民主主义
· 世界水论坛推行水的商业化和私有
· 参与硅谷人权会议的成果
· 参加硅谷人权会议后记
· 国际经济学的政治条件
· 从天安门到热诺亚
· 金融市场全球化的政治条件
· 足球比赛的政治经济学
· 在IBM股东大会上对安倍访美发出
· 所谓“吉田路线”
· 全球化格局下参与国际新秩序的改
· 奥巴马-安倍联合声明的问题
· 美日关系的基础
· 安保条约的修订及其反对斗争
· 美日安保体制的“再定义”与克林顿
· 以股东大会推动东亚太平的新途径
· 在日美军地位协议
· 违宪的日本国家军队“自卫队”
· 国家教育制度与民主主义
· 乌托邦的共产性格
· 国民主权的立法精神
· 近代国家存立的形态规格
· 社会秩序的宗教伦理
· 国家形态与社会秩序/前言
· 《近代诸社会形态之系统》札记
· 熊彼特论帝国主义与社会阶级
· 亚洲纪行-1:徐志摩纪念馆
· 从诗词中读出什么?
· 我的几个先生(巴金/民国29年版)
· 我的幼年(巴金,民国29年版)
· 克鲁泡特金的亲笔短信
· 三十年代日本文学界民族主义和国
· 亚洲纪行/Asian Mission 2023
· 亚洲纪行-8:Academia Sinica/中
· 改进Applied Materials高管薪酬
· Portugal/ㄆㄛㄦㄊㄨㄍㄚㄦ/葡萄
· 欧洲历史文化思想译注
· America/ㄚㄇㄝㄌㄧㄎㄚ/美洲史
· America/ㄚㄇㄝㄌㄧㄎㄚ研究译注
· Manchu/满洲文明译注的方法论基
· America/ㄚㄇㄝㄌㄧㄎㄚ研究译注
· Orient/ㄛㄌㄧㄣㄊ与中亚文明译
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