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假如帝国的黄昏降临 2018-10-08 22:03:00






1. 不会保汇率,但最终房价也是要大跌的,不论政府如何救市。

2. 有趣的是,在过去的所有案例中,由于债务已经到达极限,


3. 在所有债务危机的案例中,最终政府都会选择印钞,


4. 因此,我们现在似乎面临蚕O当时的日本非常相似的处境,




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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2018-10-09 13:40:25

After a week with no news, on an evening when she was at home in Lyon having put their two young boys to bed, she had a threatening call on her mobile phone from a man speaking Chinese.

'He said, "You listen but you don't speak. We've come in two work teams, two work teams just for you",' Mrs Meng said.

She said the man also said: 'We know where you are,' and that when she tried to ask a question, he repeated: 'You don't speak, you just listen to me.'

As a result, Mrs Meng is under French police protection.

In her first one-on-one interview since Meng went missing, Mrs Meng denied bribery allegations against her high-profile husband, and told the Associated Press that speaking out about his disappearance was placing her 'in great danger'.

She also added that disappearances like that of her husband are 'very common now in China'.

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作者:Pascal 留言时间:2018-10-08 22:47:34

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