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Social Security Income 2020-04-03 13:20:32

看的懂这张图的人,就知道,Social Security Incom 是专有名词,它是指你的Earning需要交

Social Security Tax 的那一部分Income!而且你的收入到了一定的额度后,超过的部分就不用交Social Security Tax了,这个数额每年都不同,下面的图标就是用于说明2018年,17万零40 以上的收入,都不用再交SST

如果有人竟然会认为Social Security Income就是退休养老金,那可定是没在美国上过班或则交过税!


If you take Social Security benefits before you reach your full retirement age, and you earn an annual income in excess of the annual earnings limit for that year, your monthly Social Security benefit will be reduced for the remainder of the year in which you exceed the limit. If you will reach full retirement age during that same year, it will be reduced every month until you reach full retirement age.1

Investment income does not count toward the annual earnings limit; the only income that counts is earned income—the income you earn by working either for someone or as a self-employed person.


Social Security Incom 

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