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卡尔·马克思的成魔之路(三) 2009-10-15 14:11:37

德国著名诗人 Heinrich Heine 是马克思的又一位亲密朋友。此人也是一名撒殚崇拜者。他写道:


Heinrich Heine, the renowned German poet, was a third intimate friend of Marx. He too was a Satan fancier. He wrote:

"I called the devil and he came,
His face with wonder I must scan;
He is not ugly, he is not lame.
He is a delightful, charming man."

“马克思对 Heinrich Heine 大为崇拜......他们的关系温暖而真诚。”

"Marx was a great admirer of Heinrich Heine... . Their relationship was warm, hearty."

马克思为何崇拜 Heine?也许因为他的如下撒殚教思想吧:



"Why did he admire Heine? Perhaps for Satanist thoughts like the following:

"I have a desire ... for a few beautiful trees before my door, and if dear God wishes to make me totally happy, he will give me the joy of seeing six or seven of my enemies hanged on these trees. With a compassionate heart I will forgive them after death all the wrong they have done to me during their life. Yes, we must forgive our enemies, but not before they are hanged.

I am not revengeful. I would like to love my enemies. But I cannot love them before taking revenge upon them. Only then my heart opens for them. As long as one has not avenged himself, bitterness remains in the heart."


Would any decent man be an intimate friend of one who thinks like this?


But Marx and his entourage thought alike. Lunatcharski, a leading philosopher who was once minister of education of the U.S.S.R., wrote in Socialism aid Religion that Marx set aside all contact with God and instead put Satan in front of marching proletarian columns.


It is essential at this point to state emphatically that Marx and his comrades, while anti-God, were not atheists, as present-day Marxists claim to be. That is, while they openly denounced and reviled God, they hated a God in whom they believed. They challenged not His existence, but His supremacy.



In his poem "Human Pride," Marx admits that his aim is not to improve the world or to reform or revolutionize it, but simply to ruin it and to enjoy its being ruined:

With disdain I will throw my gauntlet
Full in the face of the world,
And see the collapse of this pygmy giant
Whose fall will not stifle my ardour.
Then will I wander godlike and victorious
Through the ruins of the world
And, giving my words an active force,
I will feel equal to the Creator.


Were these poems the only expressly Satanist writings of Karl Marx? We do not know, because the bulk of his works is kept secret by those who guard his manuscripts.

在《革命者》一书中,Albert Camus 说,马克思和恩格斯有30卷作品从未出版,其中表达的放肆理念,并不像众所周知的马克思主义。读了这些,我让我的秘书给莫斯科的马克思学院写信,以了解那位法国作家的话是不是真的。

In The Revolted Man, Albert Camus stated that thirty volumes of Marx and Engels have never been published and expressed the presumption that they are not much like what is generally known as Marxism. On reading this, I had one of my secretaries write to the Marx Institute in Moscow, asking if this assertion of the French writer is true.

我收到了回信。信中,马克思学院的副主任,M. Mtchedlov 教授说,Camus 搞错了。马克思的作品共有100卷之多,其中只有13 卷被公开印发。他为此找了一个荒谬的籍口:第二次世界大战阻止了其余各卷的出版发行。此信写于1980年,即大战结束25年之后,那时苏联的国家酒吧和渔 房无疑都有很充足的资金。

I received a reply.

The vice director, one Professor M. Mtchedlov, after saying Camus lied, nevertheless confirmed his allegations. Mtchedlov wrote that of a total of one hundred volumes, only thirteen have appeared. He offered a ridiculous excuse for this: World War II forestalled the printing of the other volumes. The letter was written in 1980, thirty-five years after the end of the war. And the State Pub fishing House of the Soviet Union surely has sufficient funds.


All active Satanists have ravaged personal lives, and this was the case with Marx as well.

Arnold Kunzli 在《卡尔·马克思心志》一书中写道:马克思的两个女儿和一个女婿自杀了,另外三个孩子死于营养不良。马克思的女儿 Laura 嫁给了一名社会主义者 Lafargue,她埋葬了自己的三个孩子,然后与丈夫一起自杀。另一个女儿 Eleanor 决定和她丈夫做同样的事,她死了,而他丈夫却在最后一刻退缩了。

Arnold Kunzli, in his book Karl Marx - A Psychogram, writes about Marx's life, including the suicide of two daughters and a son-in-law Three children died of malnutrition. His daughter Laura, married to the Socialist Lafargue, also buried three of her children; then she and her husband committed suicide together. Another daughter Eleanor, decided with her husband to do likewise. She died; he backed out at the last minute.

马克思从不觉得自己有义务养家,虽然以他对多种语言的掌握,他很容易做到这一点。相反,他靠向恩格斯乞讨而活。马克思和他的女佣 Helen Demuth 有一个私生子,后来他把这孩子栽赃给恩格斯,恩格斯则接受了这一喜剧安排。马克思酗酒严重 --- 莫斯科的 马克思-恩格斯学院 的 Riazanov 主任在《卡尔·马克思,Mai,思想家和革命家》一书中承认了这一事实。

Marx felt no obligation to earn a living for his family, though he could easily have done so through his tremendous knowledge of languages. Instead, he lived by begging from Engels. He had an illegitimate child by his maidservant, Helen Demuth. Later he attributed the child to Engels, who accepted this comedy. Marx drank heavily. Riazanov, director of the Marx-Engels Institute in Moscow, admits this fact in his book Karl Marx, Mai, Thinker aid Revolutionist.

Eleanor 是马克思最喜爱的女儿。他叫她 “Tussy” 并常说 “Tussy 就是我。” 当恩格斯临终时告诉她私生子的丑闻时,她崩溃了。正是此事导致了她的自杀。

Eleanor was Marx’s favorite daughter. He called her Tussy and frequently said, "Tussy is me." She was shattered when she heard about the scandal of illegitimacy from Engels on his deathbed. It was this that led to her suicide.


It should be noted that Marx, in The Communist Manifesto, had railed against capitalists "having the wives and daughters of their proletarians at their disposal." Such hypocrisy was not out of character for Karl Marx.

马克思,这位伟大的革命家,生命中还有更严重的污点。1960年1月9日,德国报纸《Reichsruf》报道了这一事实:奥地利总理 Raabe,曾将一封卡尔·马克思的亲笔书信送给苏俄领导人尼基塔·赫鲁晓夫。赫鲁晓夫不喜欢这封信,因为它证实,马克思曾是奥地利警方的一名领赏告密 者,他在革命者队伍里当间谍。

There was an even darker spot in the life of Marx, the great revolutionary. The German newspaper Reichsruf (January 9, 1960) published the fact that the Austrian chancellor Raabe donated to Nikita Khrushchev, then director of Soviet Russia, an original letter of Karl Marx. Khrushchev did not enjoy it, because it was proof that Marx had been a paid informer of the Austrian police, spying on revolutionaries.


The letter had been found accidentally in a secret archive. It indicated that Marx, as an informer, reported on his comrades during his exile in London. He received $25 for each bit of information he turned up. His notes were about the revolutionary exiles in Lon-don, Paris, and Switzerland.

其中一个被告密的人叫 Ruge,他自认为是马克思的亲密朋友。两人之间充满热忱的通信至今尚存。

One of those against whom he informed was Ruge, who considered himself an intimate friend of Marx. Cordial letters between the two still exist.

Rolv Heuer 在《天才和富翁》一书中描述了马克思的挥霍生活:


Rolv Heuer describes Marx's ravaged financial life in Genius and Riches:

"While he was a student in Berlin, the son of papa Marx received 700 thalers a year pocket-money."


This was an enormous sum because at that time only 5 percent of the population had an annual income greater than 300 thalers. During his lifetime, Marx received from Engels some six million French francs, according to the Marx Institute.


Yet he always lusted after inheritances. While an uncle of his was in agony, Marx wrote, "If the dog dies, I would be out of mischief." To which Engels answers, "I congratulate you for the sickness of the hinderer of an inheritance, and I hope that the catastrophe will happen now"


“这是一件幸福的事。昨天我们被告知,我妻子那九十岁的伯父死了。我妻子将接收大约一百 Lst;若不是那条老狗把财产的大头给了他屋子的女主人,我妻子还能得到更多。”

"The dog" died, and Marx wrote on March 8, 1855,

"A very happy event. Yesterday we were told about the death of the ninety-year-old uncle of my wife. My wife will receive some one hundred Lst; even more if the old dog has not left a pate of his money to the lady who administered his house."


“两小时前我收到一封电报,说我母亲死了。命运需要从家里带走一名成员。我已经一脚踏进坟墓,在很多情况下,我需要的不是一个老妇人,而是其它。我必须动身去 Trier 接收遗产。”

He did not have any kinder feelings for those who were much nearer to him than his uncle. He was not even on speaking terms with his mother. In December 1863 he wrote to Engels,

"Two hours ago a telegram arrived co say that my mother is dead. Fate needed to take one member of the family. I already had one foot in the grave. Under the circumstances I am needed more than the old woman. I have to go to Trier about their inheritance."


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