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有关川普的讼诉 2020-11-13 01:37:21




Crystal Hill雅虎新闻2020年11月12日


  川普总统继续否认他在选举日输给当选总统乔·拜登(Joe Biden),并声称摇摆州在选举投票中发生了广泛的欺诈行为。与此同时,川普的竞选团队及其共和党盟友发起了一连串诉讼,希望能推翻选举结果。







  据美联社(Associated Press)报道,11月4日,亚利桑那州的一名选民代表提起了第一起选举后诉讼。这位选民说,她的选票在选举日没有被记录下来,因为她用记号笔在选票上做了记号。原告还希望法庭允许她观察计票过程。法庭记录显示,该案于11月7日被驳回。

  法庭记录显示,11月7日,川普的竞选团队、共和党全国委员会(Republican National Committee)和亚利桑那州共和党在同一法庭对亚利桑那州国务卿凯蒂·霍布斯(Katie Hobbs)提起了类似的诉讼。Kolodin表示,新的诉讼扩大了原来关于选票被不恰当记录的指控,因为选票被标记了记号。该诉讼称,墨水渗过选票,导致选票进入投票机时出现违规现象。


  第二起诉讼声称,由于这些问题,“马里科帕县可能有数千名选民”由于他们的选票被拒绝而被剥夺了选举权。但据《亚利桑那共和报》(Arizona Republic)报道,马利科帕县的一名律师周一表示,在该州155,860张亲自投票中,只有大约180张选票可能存在这种问题。

  这是川普竞选团队在乔治亚州查塔姆县提起的诉讼。11月4日,他试图要求所有县将“晚到选票”与所有“合法投票”分开,并指控一名共和党投票观察员在该县看到“53张晚到缺席选票被非法添加到准时缺席选票堆中”。但据美联社报道,查塔姆县高等法院法官詹姆斯·巴斯(James Bass)驳回了诉讼,此前县选举官员证实有问题的选票已按时收到。




  这是川普竞选团队在乔治亚州查塔姆县提起的诉讼。11月4日,川普竞选团队要求所有县将“晚到选票”与“合法投票”分开,并称一名共和党投票观察员在该县看到“53张晚到缺席选票被非法添加到准时缺席选票堆中”。但据美联社报道,查塔姆县高等法院法官詹姆斯·巴斯(James Bass)驳回了诉讼,此前县选举官员证实有问题的选票已按时收到。

  拜登在乔治亚州领先川普大约1.4万张选票。乔治亚州国务卿布拉德·拉芬斯珀格(Brad Raffensperger) 11月11日宣布,将对竞选进行人工计票。




  11月4日,川普竞选团队向密歇根法院(Michigan Court)提起诉讼,要求停止计票,直到竞选团队获得“有意义的”观察过程的渠道。起诉书的一份副本称,密歇根州国务卿乔斯林·本森(Jocelyn Benson)违反了密歇根州选举法,因为她允许处理和清点“缺席选民选票”,而“不允许挑战者观看”选票放置的投票箱的视频。起诉书称,埃里克·奥斯特格伦(Eric Ostegren)在诉讼中被描述为“有资格的选举挑战者”,据称在缺席选民投票审查期间被排除在计票委员会之外。


  法庭文件显示,法官辛西娅·斯蒂芬斯(Cynthia Stephens)在11月6日否认了诉状,她在意见书中写道,诉状没有具体说明所谓的排除发生的时间、地点和原因。她把选举观察员的说法是道听途说。







  11月5日,内华达州国务卿芭芭拉·切加夫斯基(Barbara Cegavske)在克拉克县(Clark County)使用了签名验证软件,这一问题也构成了一项联邦诉讼的基础。该案件寻求一项禁令,以停止邮寄选票的计数。代表两名共和党国会候选人,一名拉斯维加斯选民和一名被称为“有资格的媒体成员”提起诉讼指控的。他们认为选票被不正确地计算,媒体被禁止观察计票过程。切加夫斯基的律师回应说,这些电子机器符合内华达州的法律,该法律允许克拉克县的登记官授权通过电子方式处理和统计邮寄选票,但没有具体说明必须使用什么方法来检查选票上的签名。他后来补充说,这位媒体成员最多被禁止在90分钟内接触计票。法庭记录显示,美国地区法院法官戈登(Andrew Gordon)在11月6日驳回了以上上诉。据《雷诺公报》报道,戈登说,没有足够的证据表明签名机存在问题。

  11月9日,内华达州司法部长、民主党人亚伦·福特(Aaron Ford)告诉雅虎财经(Yahoo Finance),川普竞选团队在内华达州提出的其他至少四项与选举有关的诉讼已被驳回。





  11月4日,川普竞选团队在费城县提起诉讼,诉状称,川普竞选团队的一名律师未能充分接触费城县的计票过程。初审法院驳回了这一请求,但在川普的竞选团队进一步提起上诉后,更高一级的宾夕法尼亚州联邦法院(Commonwealth court of Pennsylvania)于11月5日推翻了这一裁决,让川普的竞选团队取得了胜利。一份摘要报告显示,费城县选举委员会随后提起上诉,宾夕法尼亚州最高法院将审理此案。

  11月4日,川普竞选团队提出了另一项动议,干预宾夕法尼亚州共和党诉布科瓦案(Pennsylvania Republican Party v. Boockvar)。在该案中,共和党挑战了州最高法院的一项命令,该命令允许清点在选举日之后三天内收到的已妥善贴上邮戳的邮寄选票。上个月,美国最高法院维持了下级法院的裁决,允许有三天的窗口时间来清点11月3日之后收到的选票。Politico网站报道,从选举日结束到11月6日晚上,共收到约10000张选票。

  在另一起标题相同的案件中,川普竞选团队和共和党全国委员会于11月4日向州法院申请禁令,声称宾夕法尼亚州国务卿凯西·布克瓦(Kathy Boockvar)非法延长了缺席和邮寄选民必须提供缺失身份证明的最后期限。诉状称,诉状要求法院停止选举委员会清点缺席选票和邮寄选票,这些选民的身份在11月9日之前没有收到并验证。

  第二天,一名法官命令选举官员隔离11月9日之后核实的选票。根据该命令,11月12日,法官玛丽·汉娜·莱维特(Mary Hannah Leavitt)批准了这一禁令,并禁止计票。


  11月5日,川普竞选团队和共和党全国委员会(Republican National Committee)在县法院起诉蒙哥马利县选举委员会(Montgomery County Board of Elections),称该县错误地清点了约600张邮寄选票,这些选票是有缺陷的,意味着选票没有正确填写或发送。这起民事案件试图阻止该县统计这些选票。川普竞选团队的律师乔纳森·戈德斯坦(Jonathan Goldstein)在法庭上说,他没有指控任何人欺诈,这是进步派网站Democracy Docket提供的一份口头辩论记录。该网站发布了与选举相关的诉讼。



  11月9日,川普竞选团队发起民事诉讼,试图阻止对宾夕法尼亚州选举结果的认证。起诉书称,该州为2020年大选创建了“非法的两级投票系统”,对亲自投票的指导方针比邮寄投票更严格,今年邮寄投票非常多,目的是“确保民主党人乔·拜登(Joe Biden)当选”。目前还不清楚竞选团队到底想用这些选票做什么。

  当被问及这起诉讼时,宾夕法尼亚州司法部长乔希·夏皮罗(Josh Shapiro)告诉Politico网站,这是在一场“合法、公平和安全”的选举中“最新的毫无价值的诉讼”。

  美联社(Associated Press)周六称拜登将在宾夕法尼亚州获胜,这导致拜登被预测为大选的赢家。拜登以超过5万张选票的优势获胜。



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作者:幼河 留言时间:2020-11-13 08:08:52

Trump law firm withdraws from Pennsylvania case challenging election

Tom McCarthy

Fri, November 13, 2020, 9:27 AM EST

<span>Photograph: Rachel Wisniewski/Reuters</span>

Photograph: Rachel Wisniewski/Reuters

A major law firm withdrew overnight from a Trump campaign case in Pennsylvania seeking to have mail-in ballots thrown out, in the latest blow to the president’s efforts to challenge the 2020 election result in court.

The Ohio-based Porter Wright Morris & Arthur firm, which brought a suit on Monday alleging that the use of mail-in ballots had created “an illegal two-tiered voting system” in the state, abruptly withdrew from that case in a memo to the court.

“Plaintiffs and Porter Wright have reached a mutual agreement that plaintiffs will be best served if Porter Wright withdraws,” the memo said. The lead lawyer in the case, the Pittsburgh-based Ronald L Hicks Jr, did not immediately reply to a request for comment. The news was first reported by the New York Times.

Unlike most lawsuits brought by the Trump campaign, which targeted small pools of votes whose exclusion would not change the election result, the Porter Wright suit challenged nearly 2.65m votes that were cast by mail, the majority by Democrats.

Related: Trump's longshot election lawsuits: where do things stand?

It accused the secretary of the commonwealth, Kathy Boockvar, of “arbitrary and illegal actions” and sought an emergency order prohibiting the certification of the Pennsylvania election result.

With that lawsuit stalled, certification in Pennsylvania – and the formal election of Joe Biden as president – drew a step closer. By law the state’s result must be certified by 23 November.

The news came as a coalition of US federal and state officials said they had no evidence that votes were compromised or altered in last week’s presidential election, rejecting unsubstantiated claims of widespread fraud advanced by Trump and many of his supporters.

The statement from cybersecurity experts trumpeted the 3 November election as the most secure in American history.

Election lawsuits ‘public relations nightmare’

The Trump campaign has been using lawsuits trying to prevent or delay states in which Trump lost from certifying their election results, an essential step to translating state popular-vote results into a national electoral college result.

Biden has opened up a lead of 5.3m popular votes and counting, and he is on track to win the electoral college 306-232.

Dozens of lawsuits brought by the Trump campaign in six states to challenge the election result have gained little traction. The campaign has won minor court victories, such as requiring Pennsylvania to set aside ballots received after election day in case they are later ruled invalid.

But that pool of ballots and others targeted in Trump lawsuits is not large enough to overcome Biden’s lead in Pennsylvania, where he is up almost 60,000 votes and counting, and in other states.

Porter Wright is representing the Trump campaign and the Republican party in other Pennsylvania lawsuits, including one seeking to throw out mail-in ballots for which missing voter identification information was not provided by 9 November. The disposition of that lawsuit, which Hicks was also leading, is unclear.

Porter Wright and a second large law firm, the Ohio-based Jones Day, representing Republicans in 2020 election lawsuits have come under pressure for acting as perceived accomplices in Trump’s effort to cancel the election result.

The legal news site law.com called it a “public relations nightmare” for the firms. At least one lawyer at Porter Wright resigned over the firm’s decision to carry Trump’s lawsuits forward, the NYT reported.

The Lincoln Project anti-Trump Republican group has attacked the firms on Twitter, asking, “do you believe your law firms should be attempting to overturn the will of the American people?” The group was suspended from Twitter for publishing the names and office contact information of the lawyers.

While legal actions by the Trump campaign are proceeding in multiple states, more than a dozen cases have been thrown out of court, and there is not a single case in which substantial evidence of election fraud has emerged.

Instead, Trump lawyers have had to admit to judges that they have no evidence of fraud – in sharp contrast with the message the president is spreading on Twitter.

In a case in Maricopa county, Arizona, accusing poll workers of misconduct, attorney Kory Langhofer told a judge that the plaintiffs were “not alleging fraud” or “that anyone is stealing the election” but raising concerns about “good faith errors”.

In a case in Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, the lawyer Jonathan Goldstein, who has his own law firm, was attempting to have 592 mail-in ballots thrown out because of “irregularities” with the ballots’ outer envelopes.

A judge pressed Goldstein on whether he was alleging voter fraud.

“I am asking you a specific question, and I am looking for a specific answer,” the judge said. “Are you claiming that there is any fraud in connection with these 592 disputed ballots?”

“To my knowledge at present, no,” Goldstein said.

“Are you claiming that there is any undue or improper influence upon the elector with respect to these 592 ballots?” asked the judge.

Goldstein replied: “To my knowledge at present, no.”

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