咱:是啊,不光是那些宇航员,电影里还有那些工程师和技工….. / Not only the astronauts, also those people who behind it, like the designers, engineers, and workers from the movie ……
少:他们都是很聪敏能干的人呐! / Those all are very smart and hard working people!
咱:你觉得人人都能干这个嘛? / Don’t you think that everybody can do this?
少:不会吧?! / I don’t think so!
咱:你不觉得人跟人会不一样吗? 我的意思是, 大家都是一样的从幼儿园, 小学, 中学再到大学,为什么最后他们可以做到这样子, 而其他人就干不了,或者一事无成的就象现在你面前的老爹一样呢?/ Don’t you think there is difference between people? I mean we all from the same start point, kindergarten, primary school, middle school, university, why some people like them are finally able to do that amazing job, and others can do nothing, like your dad sitting in front of you?
少:…那是他们很努力! / ……That’s because they work very hard (善哉,孺子尚可教!)
咱:对,不过还是要有动力才行! / Right! But also we need the driven force!
少:什么叫动力呢? / …..What is Driven Force means?
咱:那就是你打心眼儿里愿意去做, 为了一个目标(瞧咱的语言逻辑….唉!!)/ That’s something you want do hard to make it happen, from your bottom of the heart!