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/他爹 翻译/他娘









你要清楚---我不是“反美”。我可以确定地说自己是个“爱国者”。事实上,三十年前,我就是美国海军陆战队军官团“PLATON “ 领导培训班项目的成员。






我不是“左派”,也不是“极端保守派 我认为如此给人贴标签,把自己的信仰纳入如此狭隘的观点,不仅对于那些被你帖标签的人不利,也把自己变成心胸狭隘之人,好像整个世界就只有这么一个小小的分类。如果是这样的话,这个世界将会是多么苍白无聊的地方。我认为,人,社会,文化,经济乃至政治体系比那标签要复杂的多。



















































当双方正不断奋力捍卫各自的信念和行为时,他们永远不会找到对话的机会以寻求共同的立场(共识)。这种失败,通过过去 5000 年的人类文明,导致战争、不 容忍、 种族主义、仇恨和巨大的人性缺失,导致人类不能够继续前进。









只要想想 如果第一架飞机飞行后,没人想要做得更好呢?如果发明了第一台电脑和软件,每个人都感到满意呢?如果美国善良的人们很久以前未能质疑为什么某些权利不给予所有公民,那么种族仍将隔离、 白人一个区域,黑人在另一个地区亚洲人在一个区,西班牙裔在另一个区。






















I don’t suffer fools easily and when I do I tire easily. It has been brought to my attention, again, that there are those readers here who either fail to understand the point or fail to actually read the entire piece which leads them to erroneous conclusions.


To be clear – I am not “anti American”. To be sure I think of myself as a Patriot. In fact, going back over 3 decades I was part of a program then called PLC – Platoon Leaders Class – for U.S. Military Officers in the United States Marines.


But, on to the point of this article and some of the comments on prior articles questioning the motives of my writing.


I do not write for the pleasure or acceptance of my wife. That’s ridiculous at best and childish at worst. So, grow up.


I am not a “leftie” or a “neo con”. I find such labels of people and their beliefs into such a narrow view point that it not only does a disservice to those you label but to yourself for being so narrow minded – as if the entire world can be put into such small neat little categories. If it were so the world would indeed be a very boring place.  I think people, societies, cultures, economies and political systems are more complicated than that.


The people who don’t believe they are complicated but instead simple systems are more often than not problematic to the systems they belong to because they believe things are too simple.


A GREAT case in point is from China history, recent history.  In the 1950’s many of the farmers complained that the birds were eating the seeds they planted before they could grow into plants and be harvested. So, the “simple” thought was to get rid of the birds. So, programs were instituted that rewarded people for how many birds they could kill. Those who were talented at “killing”received praise and often a medal for their efforts.


Problem solved. No more birds. WRONG !!


The next season the farmers planted their seeds and they grew unimpeded by the flocks of birds that before would eat some ( not many ) of the seeds.


However, as the plants grew they now invited swarms of locusts that devoured the crops. There were no more birds left to eat the insects.


So, questioning systems is important for a society or system to progress. Simple answers to complex problems fail – often miserably so.


There seems to be 2 distinct groups that read my writings – a pro USA group that finds it unpatriotic to question things in our own country and prefers to point out the failings of China versus the USA. Then, the other group is a pro China that wants to exult the growth of China and is somewhat contented that the USA is not a utopia but also has problems.


To the pro USA groups I say I applaud your patriotism but I also urge you to gauge your words and actions with what you say is your belief – that being the freedom of speech. It was said long ago that “ while I may not agree with what you say I am committed to defend your right to say to the death”.


To the pro China group – I, too, applaud what China has done the past 30 years – the growth of its economy, lifting hundreds of millions out of poverty, the vital role that China plays in world economics as well as a new balance of power in the east.


To both groups I also point out that each system has its own set of unique problems and issues.


However, to be honest, I am much more concerned with the issues of the USA because I live here and my vote can effect change within the system I live in.


But, to be fair – the pro USA group I say this to you – without questioning the failings of system by groups of people 60 years ago a system would still exist in this country in many parts where it would have been illegal for me to marry my wife, a Chinese woman. To the pro USA group I point this out to you – if it wasn’t for people questioning a system and willing to die for change blacks would still be slaves.  If for some reason you think those would be good things to still exist then I have a much more serious problem with you than can ever be written in the space provided here.


Also, I am not concerned here to point out the failings or problems in China. All the things that I could ever write here about China in a negative manner would have absolutely no effect on what China does or does not do.


I much prefer, when writing about China, to point out the good things that could be useful in the system that I live in here, in the USA, that could be utilized for the benefit of the USA.  That process can lead to progress and more success. Where I live and vote is the place I want to make better.


But, the 2 main groups here that fight about USA and China and keep poking each other and seem motivated to practice “an eye for an eye” method I say to you the following:


                     “practicing an eye for an eye will soon leave the world blind”

                       Mahatma Gandhi

When two sides are continually fighting to defend who or what they are they will never find the opportunity to open a dialogue to begin to find a common ground. That failure, through the past 5000 years of human civilization has led to wars, intolerance, racism, hate and vast losses in humanity to be able to move ahead.


So, to the pro USA group I promise to keep writing about things I think need to be changed here or could be made better. If you are waiting for me to pick on China you will have a long wait. It’s not that there arent’ things I could write to pick on China but I don’t see what the benefit would be other than to beat my chest, scream how great we are compared to the rest of the world and make myself feel good.


Talking bad about China in these writings will not make my place in the USA better but it could show my ignorance of the good things China has accomplished the past 30 years. Is China perfect? No. Is the USA perfect? No. Both have numerous things they can do to make them better places to leave. But, failing to question will leave things as they are and progress will stop.


Just think – what if after the first airplane flew nobody wanted to make it better? What if after the first computers were made and the software with them that everybody was satisfied? What if good people in the USA long ago failed to question why certain rights weren’t given to all citizens then races would still be segregated, white in one area and blacks in another, Asians in one area and Hispanics to another. 


Without questioning why things are the world we know here in the USA could still look like that. I could never have married my wife. There would never have been a Tiger Woods or a Michael Jordan or a Rhianna. Questioning the “why” effects change. It’s not the USA is a bad place or ever was a bad place – it’s that we can make it better. That’s the ideal.


Since I live in the USA I will say that to my knowledge it is the best place in the world for me and my children and the descendants of mine yet to be born to live. But, I also believe that by questioning the wrongs that still exist I ensure that the children of my children will be able to say the same thing long after I am gone.



Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding.
Mahatma Gandhi

Accidential, I read this article which supports my articles today and previously:




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