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09/01/2012 - 09/30/2012
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how to watch free chinese live oversea?

Recently due to visit parents to Toronto, we must solve the problem to see Chinese TV programs. Originally a home Sonicview 8000 hd satellite receiving system, we can see more than 40 domestic and international major Chinese TV programs, but as the beginning of this year the Nagravision 3 satellite TV signal encryption technology, original satellite receiving system no longer work. Home Rogers Cable although can use the Great Wall Chinese platform to see some Chinese show, but and original rich Chinese program feel really uncomfortable than, I after a period of groping, basically use the Internet to find free to watch the rich Chinese TV program method. We will own results and body in North America's overseas Chinese share. For other regions of the Chinese speaking, if network speed meet the requirements, these measures should also apply to other areas.

First of all, must will be a computer and the family tvpad connection, if the reader can't finish this, please refer to the other articles. The computer must and the home Internet connection, wireless G Router speed is enough.

1. Look at the order of the phoenix satellite tv pad(cantonese and information table) : http://v.ifeng.com/live/

Mobile phone's interface from the right choose to see channel, if your home network speed, can click "hd version" to improve picture quality, or use the default "standard" version:

2. See cctv main channel: http://zhibo.cctv.com/live_h/

3. Use UUSee see BTV1 to 10 Taiwan, mainly provincial satellite TV, hunan satellite TV, Oriental satellite TV, chongqing satellite TV, etc.) a total of 32 television channel, still can watch TV shows, movies and many other Chinese entertainment. UUSee need to download and install the customer terminal program: http://www.uusee.com/download/

4. Using PPS see main provincial satellite TV, hunan satellite TV, Oriental satellite TV, etc.) a total of 28 television channel, still can watch TV shows, movies and many other Chinese entertainment, need to download and install the customer terminal program: http://www.ppstream.com/download.html

In short, if your home by this method to solve the problem of free see Chinese television, the next headache thing is how to control their own will not be UUSee and PPS top those series guide their life......

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