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To Foreign Policy: “the public impartiality is the

To Foreign Policy: “the public impartiality is the first values” is a universal value

To Foreign Policy: “the public impartiality is the first values” is a universal value

“China Network Public Evaluation of officials hundred people group” Shi Sansheng of Kyushu Comments · of 126

Translator:God has eyes

Baidu, or in China, in the eyes of President
Obama’s universal “values of democracy,
freedom, the rule of law and human rights.” The
concept of this fish to mislead the people, or
even misleading the world. This error, mistake
I can be found in what is a “universal value”,
“Southern Weekend” in 2007, “What is the
universal values”, is probably the instigator.
Southern weeks given the universal values is
“only as the value of all values, universal values,
and that is freedom.”
Southern weeks understanding of universal
values is clearly at the same level with a few
hundred years ago, Rousseau. But it is by virtue
of this fallacy, backward thinking. Southern weeks
enthusiastically arrange things pointed out the
direction of China’s road to democracy, that is,
“What we need is the universal values of the
Enlightenment. Matter of course, that one day,
society would be safely transition.”
Perhaps because Southern Weekly geek theory
led to a visit to China after a lapse of two years
after the universal values of the President of the
United States in the Southern Weekly Edition, an
open sunroof farce starring Southern weeks. This
is a farce, because the White House published
the Obama accept the contents of the interview
does not have any different with the Southern
weeks. A conformist, Obama claimed that China’s
stability and prosperity in line with the national
interests of the United States an exclusive
interview, where As traumatic Southern weeks to
open a window in protest? This is not crap!
Besides, imposing a U.S. presidential visit to
China, will be child’s play to advance good
itinerary? Really the case, Obama is too non-
compliance with the rules of the game are not.
Then, developed countries as a democratic elite
representatives, President Obama Why are
pushing Southern weeks behind the “universal
values”? Mr. Gu Xiaojun “just values” not to have
been made before, almost no one understand
the authorities, no one would think of this is
Rousseau worried about the “People tend to be
deceived” dirty. Obama and Southern weeks, but
the name of the establishment in the guise of
freedom on the illusory Chaki, to achieve the so-
called democratic process in Iraq who is —
“enlightenment, in the experience of human
history, the modern essential step-by-step, and
we never really started. we need universal
values of the Enlightenment. matter of course,
that one day, society would be safely transition.

With the result of the backward thinking of the
Enlightenment, as summarized in the sand-
based, high-rise buildings never built the day.
The likewise Yugongyishan, children and
grandchildren, even if we do not, dig up a
mountain, will pile up another mountain. Wait
until / dog / day / Southern weeks have put
people enlightenment over and over, until
suddenly found freedom actually may not. You
say: how to do? This not only a revolution? If
the revolution, it is also called Ping
transformation it?
Of course, from President Obama’s speech 90
birthday when the Chinese Communists “Hope:
The Chinese Communist Party is leading the
movement of the harmony and stability
maintenance, long-term good luck!” Can also be
seen in even Obama are confused & P The Sai
value stuff? Or, possibly by the theory Southern
Zhou Pushi value freak, Obama has become a
paradoxical freak.
All of these are caused by Rousseau as well as
the “Declaration of Independence” serious
deficiencies “fair”. As Mr. Gu Xiaojun said:
“the public impartiality is really universal values” and “the public impartiality, is
the real universal values, is the real fundamental
universal values.”
Southern weeks they shoot itself in the foot freak
theoretical efficacy horizon beginning to the
money minch who retaliatory killing “(Global
Times language): die with the enemy” killing, is
it not the universal values of the Southern
Weekly Edition core — free one? When the
universal democracy incompetent universal
imbalance of the rule of law, universal human
rights seems to be no. The money minch
addition to universal freedom, what else? Since
it is free, you tube he taken what way? Guan
Dele this?
Southern weeks Obama who perhaps have
forgotten: the so-called freedom of the core, not
that revolutionary do? French Revolution, the
United States Declaration of Independence, the
acquisition of freedom, that is not all revolution?
Revolution, is the killing? If the universal value
of the core is free. Killing, how likely is not a
universal value?
Great Rousseau, also believes that the retaliatory
killing free? He said: “People’s exactly the same
rights according to the kind of people deprived
of their freedom, to restore their freedom, so
people have reason to regain freedom.”
Why to Southern weeks from Rousseau to Obama,
the elite from the country’s elite of democracy to
an authoritarian country can not be solved —
“freedom requires revolution, revolution for
freedom” a dog bites the tail-cycle of it?
Everyone is because of the lack of a the public impartiality of
the cause!
Yes, the only the public impartiality first, to get rid of “freedom
— Revolution” cycle. Mr. Gu Xiaojun said: “a
ruling party, only interests of the public impartiality, in order to
maintain social stability, but also in order to
stay in power down; Otherwise, anyone can use
what they consider a reasonable way, the
Only, and only “fair values” is the real universal
values. This is the essence of Gu Xiaojun
thinking, will also be a core value of the future
of human society, the more will be the only
principle to maintain the era of the global
To be fair, the foreign policy should be to Mr.
Gu Xiaojun through the ranks of one hundred
global thinkers “!

[Shi Sansheng Thursday, October 25, 2012 02:27 China]

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