| 藤儿点评:合久必分,分久必合——《世界报》的文章写道:“他的名字在中国不愿被提及。但是他本人却提到许多人的名字以及对这些人犯下的罪行。他的书《子弹与鸦片》是墓志铭,证词,备忘录,同时也是对大屠杀的控诉。” ———————————————————————————————— 新塘人电视台手机版 【禁闻】廖亦武获奖喊:这个帝国 必须分裂 观看mp4录像 【新唐人2012年10月18日讯】流亡德国的中国异议作家廖亦武,获德国书商和平奖。10月14号,在法兰克福圣保罗教堂的颁奖典礼上,廖亦武致辞说:「(中共)这个帝国 必须分裂」;16号,中共喉舌《环球时报》发文声称,廖亦武的精神出了问题,但有评论人士说,廖亦武喊出了中国人几十年来,心底的吶喊。 在德国的「圣保罗教堂」,廖亦武获颁2012年度「德国书商和平奖(German Book Trade Peace Prize)」,这是这个奖项自1950年设立以来,第一次颁给中国作家。 评委会认为,廖亦武及他的作品,充分体现人类尊严、自由和民主的精神,通过有力的语言和无畏精神,廖亦武为中国社会「沉默的大多数」和被剥夺政治权利的群体发声,及进行「时代见证」。 廖亦武当天的致词主题是「这个帝国必须分裂」,演说内容以「六四天安门大屠杀」中最小的死难者吕鹏开始,并讲述历史上的中共统治者及今天的中共执政者,以统 一为名,剥夺国民权利。他把中共称为「灭绝人性的血色帝国」、「地球灾难的源头」和「无限扩张的垃圾场」。廖亦武在演讲结束时强调:为了全人类的和平和安 宁,这个帝国必须分裂。」 颁奖当天,德国电视台全程直播这次活动。《德国之声》的报导说:电视的特写镜头中,德国总统高克眼泛泪光。而廖亦武向《德国之声》介绍,作为来自东德的一位人权活动家和政治家,高克能够充分了解他演讲中传递的价值。 时隔两天,中共喉舌《环球时报》发表署名单仁平的评论文章说,廖亦武的发言让人怀疑他的精神出了问题,并指责在场的总统高克以及与会者。 相反的,时事评论员史达认为,廖亦武的这些话,相当有份量,说明中国处在变革的前夜。 时事评论员史达:「他喊出的这句话,我觉得是蛮有震撼力的,如果,看一看他讲的这些话很有道理,他其实是喊出了几十年来,中国人对于一个杀人犯政府,这样无法无天,没有受到制裁,这样一种从心底里发出来的一种吶喊。」 此外,史达希望每个中国人拍拍胸脯问问自己的良心,到底一个合法国家政权对人民有没有责任?一个合法的国家政权存在的标准在哪里?还有近代中国人民的灾难跟中共这个政权有没有关系? 史达:「如果能够公正的回答这些问题,就不难判断看出廖亦武的讲话,合理性或者是不合理性。」 《维 基百科》记载,1990年3月初,廖亦武筹备并拍摄了诗歌电影《安魂》,主题是悼念「六四」的死难者。随后不久,廖亦武在重庆被国家安全局抓捕,与此同 时,警察还抓捕了几十位诗人和作家,其中包括廖亦武已经怀孕的妻子。最后,廖亦武被定为「政治犯」,以「反革命宣传煽动」罪名,坐 牢4年,自杀两次,九死一生。 廖亦武曾经说,入狱时必须脱光衣服,肛门也被检查是否携带违禁物品。他说﹕从那一刻起,「我活得跟狗一样」。他每每想起那段时间,都难以相信自己还活着。 廖亦武曾16次被中共当局阻止出境, 2010年9月,终于首度离境到德国参加柏林国际文学节。而去年,廖亦武多次要求出境不被允许,于是他在2011年的7月2号,徒步走过中越边境,5号,在越南河内登上飞往德国的飞机, 6号清晨,成功抵达德国。 采访编辑/常春 后制/黎安安 Liao Yiwu: This Empire Must Break Apart October 14th, the Chinese dissident author Liao Yiwu, exiled in Germany, received the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade. The award ceremony took place at Frankfurt's historic Church of St. Paul. In his speech, Liao Yiwu said, "This big Empire must break apart." On the 16th, the CCP mouthpiece, Global Times, commented that Liao Yiwu has a psychological problem. However, others commented that those are Liao Yiwu's heartfelt cries on behalf of the Chinese in decades. At Church of St. Paul in Frankfurt, Liao Yiwu was awarded the 2012 German Book Trade Peace Prize. Liao is the first Chinese author received this award since it was established in 1950. The jury stated, "Liao Yiwu is an unrelenting advocate of human dignity, freedom and democracy." "He continues to wage an eloquent and fearless battle against political repression," he "lends a clear and unmistakable voice to the downtrodden and disenfranchised of his country," and he "bears witness on behalf of the modern Chinese outcasts." Liao Yiwu delivered a speech with the theme, "the empire must break apart." He started by remembering Lu Peng, the youngest victim of the Tiananmen massacre. He stated that the CCP has deprived the rights of its people in the name of forming one nation. He called the CCP the “inhuman empire with bloody hands," "the root of so much suffering in the world," and an “infinitely large pile of rubbish." At the end of his speech, he emphasized, "This empire must break apart, for the sake of peace and the peace of mind of all humanity." The Awards ceremony was broadcast live on German television. Deutsche Welle reported that in a close-up caught on camera, German President Gauck's eyes are seen glistening with tears. Liao Yiwu explained to Deutsche Welle that as an East Germany dissident himself, Gauck can fully understand the value delivered in his speech. Two days later, the CCP mouthpiece, Global Times, published an article by someone named Chan Renping, who commented that Liao Yiwu's speech caused people to wonder of he has a mental problem, and mocked Gauck and other participants. "Those Germans who participated the event, including President Gauck," it read,"did they not blush over the recipient's hysterical speech?" On the contrary, Shi Da, a current affairs commentator, believes Liao Yiwu's words are right to the point that China is at the eve of changes. Commentator Shi Da: "His words, I think, are huge. His words indeed make sense. He is actually crying out from his heart for the Chinese who have suffered decades of ruthless murderer. The CCP, which yet to be punished for its crimes." In addition, Shi Da calls for every Chinese to think with their conscience. What responsibility should a legal state power have for its own people? What is the standard for a legal state power to continue? What is the relationship between CCP and the disasters modern Chinese have been suffering? Shi Da: "If these questions can be answered impartially, it is not difficult to judge if Liao Yiwu's speech is reasonable." It is recorded in Wikipedia that Liao and friends made a movie, "Requiem," to commemorate victims of the Tiananmen Massacre. He was arrested in Chongqing in early 1990 by the State Security. At the same time, the police also arrested dozens of poets and writers, including Liao Yiwu's pregnant wife. Liao Yiwu was a political prisoner according to the charges of "counter-revolutionary propaganda and incitement." In four years of imprisonment, he attempted suicide twice. Liao Yiwu explained that once while in prison, he was stripped naked, and his anus was checked to confirm there was no prohibited item hidden. He said, since that moment,"I have lived like a dog." He cannot believe he's still alive, whenever thinking of that time. Liao Yiwu was prohibited from leaving the country 16 times. In September 2010, he finally attended the literary festival in Berlin. Last year, Liao Yiwu was repeatedly denied permission to leave the country. On July 2, 2011, he left China overland by crossing the border into Vietnam. On the 5th, he boarded a flight to Germany in Hanoi, Vietnam, and successful arrived in Germany early in the morning of the 6th. |