On November14, 2012, the Television Broadcast Co., TVB (USA). (hereinafter “TVB”), throughits agent, made a public statement through the media to the American publicthat anyone who sells a TVpad product, or anyone who uses a TVpad product isallegedly violating the United States copyright law. TVB’s statement isfalse and is misleading. The TVpadTMproduct is essentially a piece of equipment that operates like acomputer or a smartphone, and does not itself provide any third-partyapplication and content. After the TVpadis sold to an end user, the end user may operate the TVpad according to his/herpersonal need, just like a user of a computer may use the computer for avariety of purposes based on personal need. For example, end users may selectively choose to install applications(such as games) of their own choices from third-party application developersaccording to their personal needs. Thus, sales of TVpad do not constitute anycopyright violation. TVB’s false statement reflects TVB’s misunderstanding and ignorance of thenature of the TVpad products, and the company’scomplete disregard of the brand and reputation associated with the"TVpad" products under the laws of the United States. It is believedthat TVB’s statement has misled the public on the nature of the TVpad products,has caused (and will continue to cause) serious damage to the goodwill andreputation associated with the TVpad products, and has caused (and willcontinue to cause) great losses to providers of TVpad products. Create NewTechnology (HK) Limited (“CNT”) herein formally responds to TVB’s publicstatement as follow: 1. CNT does not believe that sales of TVpad products constitute any copyrightinfringement. 2. CNT hasalways respected, and will continue to respect, the intellectual property ofothers, and therefore strongly protests against the false statement ofTVB. 3. CNT hereinrequests TVB to make an apology through the mainstream media in the U.S. within30 days to avoid further damages resulted from TVB’s false statement. 4. CNTreserves all rights, including rights to seek damages resulted from the falsestatement of TVB. November 16, 2012 關於TVpad產品的法律聲明 2012年11月14日,電視廣播(美國)有限公司TVB(USA)(以下統稱“TVB”)委託其代表機構通過媒體在美國公開發表了一份聲明:任何銷售或使用TVpad產品的人都涉嫌違反美國版權法。而TVB的該項聲明是錯誤的、具有誤導性的。 TVpadTM 產品從本質上來說是一款能像電腦或智慧手機一樣進行操作的電視機頂盒,其本身不提供任何第三方應用和內容。TVpad銷售給終端用戶之後,終端用戶可根據其個人需求對TVpad進行操作,就像電腦用戶可以根據其個人需求將電腦用於各種目的一樣。例如,終端用戶可以根據其個人需求自由選擇安裝第三方應用開發商提供的各種應用(如遊戲)。因此,TVpad的銷售並未構成任何侵犯版權的行為。 TVB錯誤的聲明表明:TVB對TVpad產品的性質存在誤解且其對TVpad產品瞭解甚少;TVB完全漠視了受美國法律保護的有關TVpad產品的品牌和聲譽。相信TVB的該項聲明已誤導了公眾對TVpad產品性質的認識,並已對有關TVpad產品的商譽和聲譽造成了(並將持續造成)嚴重的損害,且已對TVpad產品的供應商造成了(並將持續造成)嚴重的損失。 啟創科技(香港)有限公司(“啟創科技”)在此正式對TVB的該項公開聲明作出以下回應: 1、啟創科技不認為TVpad產品的銷售構成任何侵犯版權的行為。 2、啟創科技始終尊重並將繼續尊重他人的知識產權,因此啟創科技對TVB的該項錯誤聲明表示強烈的反對。 3、啟創科技在此要求TVB於30日之內在美國主流媒體上向啟創科技公開致歉,以避免啟創科技因TVB的該項錯誤聲明而遭受進一步的損失。 4、啟創科技保留所有權利,包括就TVB的該項錯誤聲明造成的損失向其尋求賠償的權利。 2012年11月16日 |