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Tooth Fairy

女儿今天掉了颗牙, 非要给tooth fairy 写信,还问了很多问题。老爸老妈没办法,只好等她睡着了绞尽脑汁蒙答案。看看俺们回答的中不中。保证原汁原味,错别字也没改。

Dear Tooth Fairy, today I lost my second tooth. And do you know how? I was doing science in my textbook and then sunddley I sort of ripped my tooth out. And also I always wanted fairy magic so can you please lend me some magic. Because I always wonderd what would happen if I had fairy magic.

Can you anserw these qustions?

Tell me who are your friends?    Anserw: Santa Claus

How were you born?                     Anserw: Just like you

Can you give some magic away just for me?        Anserw: Sorry I cannot. If I give it to you, I cannot collect other kids’ teeth any more.

Have one of your fairy friends visited my brother. Tell me about it. Anserw: Yes

How may teeth have you collected? 1000000

What’s your favroite food? Anserw: pasta

p.s. Can you also give me a new better snow globe because I broke mine and I was very sad. Anserw: I will ask my friend Santa Claus to give you one this coming Christmas.

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