所謂的“化療腦”指的是接受化療的癌症患者會出現記憶力和其它認知功能下降等副作用,美國密蘇里大學一項新研究發現,接受化療的患者練習太極拳有助於防止“化療腦”(chemo brain)。
來源:Vancouver Sun 2015-04-27
UBC research looks at effects of ‘chemo brain’
A current study at the BC Cancer Agency focuses on women who have breast cancer with the NExT program (Nutrition and Exercise during treatment). Marita Luk is a breast cancer survivor who participates in this program, and is facilitated by Kelcey Bland who makes sure the fitness routines are done properly.
Photograph by: Kim Stallknecht , Vancouver Sun
Partway through her treatment for breast cancer, Marita Luk noticed she was starting to forget things.
“I had to write down almost everything I was doing … things like ‘Don’t forget your pills’,” she said.
“At first I thought, maybe it’s because I’m getting old.”
But when Luk, who is in her mid-40s, spoke with other women undergoing chemotherapy, she learned that what she was experiencing is a common phenomenon nicknamed “chemo brain.”
New research out of UBC confirms that breast cancer patients who have undergone chemotherapy have more trouble focusing their minds on the tasks in front of them than healthy women do.
“You don’t even know when it’s coming on. It really feels like a fog in your head,” Luk said.
The UBC researchers, whose work was published recently in the journal Clinical Neurophysiology, used an electroencephalogram (EEG) to monitor the brain activity of breast cancer patients while they completed a series of tasks.
“A healthy brain spends some time wandering and some time engaged,” UBC psychology professor Todd Handy said in a news release. “We found that ‘chemo brain’ is a chronically wandering brain. They’re essentially stuck in a shut-out mode.”
According to Handy, healthy brains tend to engage completely with a task for a few seconds before wandering for a bit. People with chemo brain tend to stay in that state of wandering.
Even when the women who participated in the study thought they were totally focused on a task, readouts from an electroencephalogram (EEG) showed that a large part of their brains were turned off and their minds were wandering.
The research also showed that when the cancer patients were asked to relax, their brains were more active than those of healthy women.
The psychologists suggest that this research could help doctors measure the impact of chemotherapy on the brain and monitor whether patients are improving over time.
“Physicians now recognize that the effects of cancer treatment persist long after it is over and these effects can really impact a person’s life,” said co-author Kristin Campbell.
As for Luk, she has felt her mind gradually growing sharper since her treatment ended about a year ago and she is beginning to feel more confident in her job as the business development manager for BCIT’s School of Construction and the Environment.
Her experience with chemo brain has taught her the importance of memory and keeping records for the future.
“Now I tend to be the person taking photos all the time,” she said.
The UBC research received funding from the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation for BC/Yukon.
© Copyright (c) The Vancouver Sun
來源: 富爸爸窮爸爸 2015-04-28
健康新聞: 27歲女孩得乳癌後自述:女性都看看
女人真的要好好關愛自己! 無論你是那個年齡層,年輕時對身體的無知,無畏,身體發出的各種警示往往被自己淡然漠視。殊不知,在日後一旦身體的機能下降或者遭遇一些情緒壓力,往往就會遇見未知的自己了!
來源:加拿大家園 2015-04-28
UBC大學∶化療腦確實存在 改變基因防腦腫脹
UBC∶化療腦 確實存在
UBC研究者認為,「化療腦」確實存在。(UBC Julia Kam 提供)
UBC心理學教授漢迪(Dr. Todd Handy)在醫學雜搖窩linical Neurophysiology」發表的報告指出,一個正常的大腦,會花一些時間思考,一些時間參與,而「化療腦」則常常處在游離狀態,有時會突然進入「死機」狀態。
副教授坎貝爾(Kristin Campbell)指出,通過這一研究,醫生們可以知道,用化療對抗腫瘤,產生的負面作用持續時間可能很長,對病人生活產生很大影響。
改變基因 或可預防腦腫脹
卑詩大學(UBC)莫瓦法吉恩大腦健康中心(Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health)的科學家,與UBC及溫哥華沿岸衛生局(Vancouver Coastal Health)合作研究發現,只須改變一個基因,或許可以阻止齧齒動物出現腦腫脹。
該研究項目共同負責人、腦部專家麥維卡(Brian MacVicaar)指出,人們都知道氯化鈉在神經元的累積,是導致腦腫脹的原因,現在找到目標,或許就能阻止腦腫脹。