前篇古埃及創世神話提到在古王國時就已經發展出來,以哈里奧波裡斯城(Heliopolis)為中心的系統認為,在世界未創造之前,有一大神亞圖姆(Atum),亞圖姆自我受精而生出了空氣(休, Shu)和水氣(特夫納,Tefnut);空氣和水氣結合,生了天(奴特,Nut)和地(凱布,Geb);天地結合又生了奧西利斯、伊西斯、塞特、妮芙蒂斯等四名子女,這四者即為世間一切的創造者。
再回到前面提的 傳說中Osiris, Isis, Seth 和奈芙緹絲(Nephthys)是Geb(地神)和Nut(天神)的四個孩子。
Osiris 為長子,自然成為埃及國王,並娶他妹妹Isis為妻,黑暗和風暴之神塞特Seth娶了Nephthys。
由於復活和歐塞里斯(Osiris)、艾西絲(Isis)以及荷魯斯(Horus)的神話息息相關,在著名的亡者書(book of the dead)中Maat審判堂一幕中,聖壇上是就冥神Osiris 一家子...........
Osiris in his closed shrine, accompanied by Isis and his four grandsons. From the Papyrus of Ani. http://www.sacred-texts.com/egy/efl/efl04.htm
Djed column The name of the extremely important symbol, which was particularly associated with Osiris, came from a word meaning \"stable\" or \"durable\". The djed signified ascent or continued life. Itis sometimes shown iwth eyes, an dalso with arms and the symbols of power.
Isis終於找到了柱子,為了在Osiris 身旁照料化身為奶媽,晚間Isis 變身為鳶飛到柱子上用翅膀搧著,終於將Osiris的靈魂搧回丈夫的體內。才將屍體帶回去藏起來,但還是被 seth 發現並將他剁成14塊,丟入尼羅河裡,沖到埃及各處。Seth的妻子Nephthys幫忙姊妹千辛萬苦終於找回Osiris所有的屍塊,放在獅子造型的棺架上,拼湊成完整的身體。
Re派出Anubis 和Thoth前來協助,Anubis 縫合包紮 Osiris成埃及第一個木乃伊。Isis再念動符咒,召回亡者的『Ba』就那隻人頭鳥(靈魂),屍體便復活了。
奧塞里斯(Osiris) 祂的形象是戴著象徵權力的王冠,雙手如同法老交疊在胸前,並握著生命之鑰和權杖。在埃及壁畫中,若臉上塗有綠色顏料,代表著即將或已經重生的意思。(resurrection = 臉都綠了......??? ) Osiris, god of the underworld, although he was also worshipped as a fertility, resurrection, and vegetation god. He was represented by the stars of the modern-day constellation Orion. Dead pharaohs supposedly became stars in Osiris as they joined the god.
在古埃及神話中,死者亡靈前往朝拜歐西里斯的 半路上將會面對各種妖魔猛獸的侵襲,必須仰賴艾西絲、奈芙緹絲和賀魯斯的保護,三個都是死者之守護神。
奈芙緹絲(Nephthys) 她的名字代表著 \"城堡的女神\" (Lady of the Castle),給布和努特最小的小孩,Osiris, Isis, Seth 的妹妹,賽特(Seth)之妻,阿努比斯(Anubis)之母。
Gold The Egyptian symbol for gold is a collar with beads along the lower edge. Gold has long been associated with the gods and royalty. This imperishable metal reflects the brilliance of the sun and the hope of eternal life. Isis and Nephthys, two of the goddesses who protected the dead, are often shown kneeling on the gold sign at the ends of royal coffins. http://members.aol.com/egyptart/nephthys.html
Sometimes seen as a goddess of incredible sadness, due mostly to dissatisfaction with her wandering husband. She envyed her sister Isis and her happy marriage so much that she attempted to look just like her. One night Nephthys sat weeping outside the home of Osiris and Isis. Osiris came upon her and mistook her for his wife, Isis. Anubis was born as a result. Fearing Seth\'s anger, Nephthys hides the infant in the Delta marshes shortly after his birth. Seth murders Osiris and Nephthys flees in fear. She finds her sister, Isis, and helps in the search for Osiris\' body. Nephthys tells her sister about the infant. During the search for Osiris, Isis finds Anubis and adopts him. After finding the body of Osiris, she helps Isis embalm him. The two sisters turn into birds and fly about mourning over the dead body.
賽特(Seth) 是大地神蓋布和天空女神努特所生的孩子,是擁有驢馬頭的埃及神。 分天地的時候賽特拿到的是無法生長植物的沙漠和沙土,他造成沙暴和沙中的旋風,他就像夜晚中的黑暗,海水中的鹽成為黑暗和沙漠之神。他的代表是鱷魚,驢子和河馬。哥哥大地和冥界之神Osiris則拿到了豐沃的土地,Seth忌恨之下殺死了Osiris,把地上的支配權據為己有。後來侄子霍爾斯[(Horus)復仇將他打敗。
Hours 對Seth是個威脅,賽特費盡心思的送去蛇和疾病想殺害Horus。為了躲避塞特,Isis 和Nephthys藏在三角洲的沼澤中撫養賀魯斯(Horus)長大。當霍爾斯成長為少年後,他的父親奧西利斯從冥界中現身,教給霍爾斯戰鬥的技巧,讓Horus具有了能夠與賽特一決勝負的力量。
The Battle of Horus and Seth. The battle of Horus and Seth is one of Egypt\'s oldest and most important myths. Above we see Horus the Falcon harpooning his enemy Seth, in the guise of a hippopotamus or sometimes a black pig. Although Horus seems to have won this battle, he is not always this fortunate against the cunning Seth.
Udjat 也就是荷魯茲神之眼(eye of Horus) This important symbol is named after the \"sound eye\" of Horus. Theudjat was regarded as a powerful protective amulet; it is frequently foundinthe tombs, on coffins and on the seal which was placed over the incision in themummy. 老鷹神的象徵就是一隻眼睛,它象徵著守護上下埃及之意,而進一步也有庇護平安之意,一直到現今,埃及人依然習慣在使用的器物或工具上繪上眼睛,代表保平安的意思。\'Rx\' 符號代表藥學,這也源自於 the Eye of Horus。老鷹代表上埃及,頭戴上埃及的皇冠;眼鏡蛇代表下埃及,頭戴下埃及的皇冠。
荷魯斯之眼分數系統就是速記分數的方法,因為在與Seth之役,Horus的左眼被打碎,所以將 Horus眼睛分為六個部份,各自代表一二分法分數的符號(1, 1/2, 1/4.....最小值 1/64),每一個部分代表一個分數,其總和即是所代表的數字。古埃及用這系統來記錄處方、土地和糧食。
他們分數的表示法是用組合式,眼睛每一個部份代表著不同的分數,表示法就看出現多少個部份,把它加起來,“何露斯之眼”在古埃及語言中被稱為“烏加特”(Udjat或Wedjat),意為“完整的、未損傷的眼睛”。事件實上完整的荷魯斯之眼總合就是 63/64,他們把它四捨五入當成 1。 http://greatscott.com/hiero/eye.html
荷魯斯(Horus) 是奧塞里斯(Osiris)與伊希斯(Isis)之子,是天神也是法老的守護神。 為第一個統一上下埃及的法老,所以他戴上代表一統上下埃及的皇冠。 Egyptian kings and gods are depicted wearing different crowns and headdresses.Before 3000 B.C., there was the white crown of Upper Egypt and the red crown ofLower Egypt. When Egyptwas united, these two crowns were amalgamated into the Double Crown of Upperand Lower Egypt.
Isis請Re幫忙,Re送給Horus一條眼鏡蛇;功力大增的Horus終於在艾德夫打敗塞特取得王權,成為第一個統一上下埃及的法老。在古王國時期,法老都藉著Horus知名登上王位,成為Horus的化身,擁有神權。Inlife, pharaohs were seen as the sons of Osiris. In death, they BECAME Osiris.They joined with the great god in the stars that honored him.
Horus and his four sons, each armed with a knife, standing before Osiris andSerapis. The animal-headed man, with knives stuck in his body and bound by hisarms to a forked stick, represents Set or Typhon, conquered.
荷魯斯四子 Four Sons of Horus Amset, Hapi, Duamutef 和Oebehsenuef是Horus的四個兒子。都與創造者的太陽神Re有關,是在Re 的旨意下,Sobek 將他們從Nun 水中的荷葉,孕育出來,分別由四位女神保護。Anubis賦予他們在木乃伊化的開口儀式中,分別看管死者的四個重要器官。在 Ma\'at 的神殿中,他們四個就坐在Osiris 的神壇上Osiris 之前的荷葉上。 艾謝特 Amset ,是人頭造型,保護已死人的肝,被Isis女神保護。 哈碧 Hapi (GoldenDawn,Ahephi),是狒狒頭造型,保護已死人的肺,被奈芙提斯女神保護。 杜米特夫 Duamutef (Tuamutef;Golden Dawn,Thmoomathph),是狐狼頭造型,保護已死人的胃,被奈斯女神Neith 保護。 奎本漢穆夫 Qebhsenuef ,是鷹頭造型,保護已死人的腸,被塞勒凱特女神Selket保護。
Re 的創世及Osiris重生的神話故事到此先謝幕。。。偶們再次瀏覽,看看您聽過哪些埃及神~~~