黑糯米又称[紫米], 含丰富的纤维和维生素,属于有健康概念的食品。中医认为紅豆和黑糯米可以补血,红豆紫米粥是保养女性的一道甜点。听过“逢黑必补”的民间说法吗?
材料 1: 2/3杯红豆,1.5杯 黑糯米, 1/3杯白糯米 (serve 5 people)
1.先把红豆在水中泡1 晚(overnight)
2: 把泡过的红豆和白紫糯米一起煮20分钟,关火。把内锅放入节能锅, 等2小时。
3.把椰奶加碎冰糖加热,浇在紫米粥上。(can add vanilla ice cream if not coconut milk)
4.把紫米粥放在冰箱里冷下来之后再吃。凉凉的,再加上椰奶紫米的香味, 吃起来只有一个感觉:爽!
Ingredients: 2/3 cup red bean, 1.5 cup purple sticky rice, ½ cup white sticky rice
Cooking method:
Soak the red bean in water overnight. Boil all ingredients together for 20 min. Put the pot in the energy saving cooker for 2 hours. Cool down the congee in refrigerator. Serve with sweetened coconut milk or vanilla ice cream.