| 留个心意留句话 |
| 几个小朋友(小学四-五年级)给8月8日奥运会的留言:
Try your best and you will be the winner of the games. -Michelle C.
Win or lose, always believe in yourself. -Jinny
Believe in yourself through the task. -Hui Bo
Every time you believe in your self you will always be the winner. -Alisha
Have some spirit and never give up. -Cathleen
Even if you aren’t the winner, it’s always good to try. -Cassie
All I have to say is that if you come in 1st 2nd or 3rd you will always come in 1st in your heart. -Michelle L.
You are star of your own show free your talent and let it go. -Anna
Win or lose, it does not matter, have fun and go easy. -Claire