那从电影里的一开始,上主犯出谋的这条贼船干嘛?旁观者推理,从犯同伙大概心中念想的是——小赌怡情,大赌伤身吧,小规模地捞一把,得了。万万、万万没有想到的是,阿里巴巴芝麻开门後闪亮登场的是,让他们二人Che底 balled up / freaked out / flabbergasted 的巨额财Bao !财Bao 价值高到反而不敢拿了的地步!若一路听大哥主谋的,一切顺顺当当,完满wu暇,从此可以在巴哈马,过上1958年以後全国人民公社社员同志们才能过上的那Yang的幸福生活。大功就要告成,Sheng利的曙光就在眼前,结果Que让这位心太软的同伴给 fucked it up 搞砸。
In Munich, ... children loved to play at being soldiers. When troops would come by, accompanied by fifes and drums, kids would pour into the streets to join the parade and march in lockstep. But not Einstein. Watching such a display once, he began to cry. “When I grow up, I don’t want to be one of those poor people,” he told his parents. As Einstein later explained, “When a person can take pleasure in marching in step to a piece of music it is enough to make me despise him. He has been given his big brain only by mistake.”