大约半年前,在‘大树’兄的博客里,看到曹兄两首五律: 一叶秋(兼和山人兄大作)不肯随风去,蛛丝缠满尘。 空悬难辨假,枯萎怎存真。 昨夜闲风雨,寒窗旧古今。 长街谁顾叶,沾脚恼行人。 冰乃水初寐,灰因火已空。烛寒滴热雨,恨短吁长风。醉将刀比月,醒借弈连城。窗养一湖墨,非蛇或是龙? 诗坛现在是,中雨、洋雨、落词盘、想不湿都难。瞎译上面的第一首,后面、有兴趣的朋友接着湿。 flawed refused to go with the wind. Veins, as spide web,coiled dust. distinguish yourself suspicions in the air soon it faded when have been cut. leisure activities in last night. past rain knocked window side. Amour was exiled. Be annoyed. Forget Me Not, have no kid. 【曹雪葵】 情字原无解,由来困世人。徒怜春蝶舞,难救寂寥心。 君誓不吾忘,妾犹牵梦深。 年年盼归雁,含泪数飘云。