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· How to Overcome the Fear
· How to Overcome the Fear
09/01/2016 - 09/30/2016
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How to Overcome the Fear

This article was inspired by an email I recently received. The woman asked for advice on how to cope with the fear of the future. It seems to me that modern people are becoming the prisoners of their own minds. They spend so much time dwelling on the past and thinking about the future that they forget to live in the present.

Human psyche is actually very complicated. Even modern medicine cannot explain the most mysterious phenomena of human mind, because everything is not as easy as they think. Various medical researchers just give obscure answers to difficult questions. Frankly speaking, I don’t believe that one day medicine will find the clue to this mystery. I believe that the remedy for different mental disorders and conditions already exists and it’s available to everyone. People should just open their eyes to see that fear is not an enemy, but a friend that helps their bodies avoid danger and function properly. Everything depends on our imagination and mindset, as they take direct part in the formation and expression of our feelings and emotions.

When I was a student, I went through the same trouble – my ambitions were too high and I wholeheartedly wanted to have a better future. My desire was so strong that it a bit later turned into fear. I couldn’t stop worrying about everything, especially about the future. Thanks God, that annoying problem has already faded away, but those 5 years of sufferings taught me a good lesson about life. I want to share my experiences for you to find the solution much faster and overcome the fear of the future.

What is a slower-paced life? It’s not the process of intentional degradation, but a perfect salvation of informationally overloaded people. But why do young people become sick and tired of life or suffer from mental disorders at an early age? The problem is, the appetites of modern youth are too high and they often find it difficult or even impossible to reach their crazy goals.

They try to become extremely smart, wise and intellectual in a quite short period of time. I can state with confidence that this dangerous pursuit is a backbreaking burden that will certainly bring you a great number of side effects. The main disadvantages of a modern high-tech life are the fear of the future and anxiety. They’re a defensive response of your psyche to an incredibly large amount of information and stress.

As soon as you slow down the pace of your life and suppress your own ambitions, you’ll forget about the fear of future, because everything will go back to normal again.

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