https://www.advisorperspectives.com/dshort/updates/2017/02/02/real-median-household-income-no-growth-in-2016 据美国人口普查局(Census Bureau)的数据,2016年12月美国家庭收入中位数是: $57,827 如果扣除通货膨胀的因素,比上月降低$394(-0.7%),比上一年12月上升$669(+1.2%)。
Who Are the 1% in America in 2016? https://dqydj.com/income-percentile-calculator/ 以上这个网站可以对各种2016年的收入进行“percentile”的计算。
The 1% has generally means the top 1% of income earners in the United States. Our data allows us to provide one definition of the 1% based on individual earners.
The top 1% of those in (or close to) the workforce means:
--There are roughly 1.65 million individual income earners in the 1%; 大约165万美国人的年收入为Top 1%;
--Earning over $288,000 (including all forms of income – salary, business, interest, etc.) would put an individual in the 1% in 2016 in America. 各种形式的收入(工资、商业、利息等)于2016年终超过28万8千美元的个人,即进入Top 1%的行列。