欧巴马医改仍然是特朗普最头痛的事情,美国最近CNBC报道,美国某联邦法院出裁决,要求美国政府按照欧巴马医改法案,判给墨医疗保险公司2亿美元拖欠的费用。消息来源:Feds ordered to pay more than $200 million after short-changing company in Obamacare program,Dan Mangan | @_DanMangan 5 Hours AgoCNBC.com。
而针对重审欧巴马的“fiduciary rule”的特朗普行政命令,又遭到某联邦法院裁决抵制, 消息来源:US court upholds Obama-era retirement advice rule,17 Hours Ago Reuters 。A U.S. federal judge on Wednesday upheld an Obama-era rule designed to avoid conflicts of interests when brokers give retirement advice, in a possible setback for President Donald Trump's efforts to scale back government regulation. The stinging 81-page ruling comes just days after Trump ordered the Labor Department to review the "fiduciary" rule — a move widely interpreted as an effort to delay or kill the regulation.