我今天所介绍的近代诗歌《A Strange Way to Save the World不寻常的救赎方法》是关于约瑟的。昨天,12月17日介绍的近代基督教诗歌《Breath of Heaven 高天之息》,是诉说马利亚的心境。《不寻常的救赎方法》是作者站在约瑟的立场,抒发出他的感受,让我们设身处地来了解约瑟的心情。试想,约瑟必定是难以接受未婚妻子所怀的孩子不是他自己亲生骨肉,而且他还要面对左邻右舍的讥讽和不谅解。
I'm sure he must have been surprised 我深信他必感到惊讶 At where this road had taken him 他的人生竟会是如此 'Cause never in a million lives 卑微的木匠被神选召 Would he have dreamed of Bethlehem 救主生于小城伯利恒 And standing at the manger 站在马槽旁 he saw with his own eyes 他亲眼看见 The message from the angel come to life 天使的话语活生生来实现, And Joseph said 约瑟就说
Why me, I'm just a simple man of trade 我只是个卑微的木匠,为什么会选我 Why Him with all the rulers in the world 世上既有诸多执政君王,为什么会选祂 Why here inside this stable filled with hay 为什么祂竟生在这个放满干草的马槽中 Why her, she's just an ordinary girl 她只是个平民童女,为什么会选她 Now I'm not one to second guess 现在我不再疑惑,因为 What angels have to 天使已传报喜信 But this is such a strange way to save the world 然而,这真是不寻常又奇妙的救赎方法
To think of how it could've been 很难想象 If Jesus had come as He deserved 如果主耶稣以祂应有的地位降世 There would've been no Bethlehem 祂就不会生在小城伯利恒 No lowly shepherds at His birth. 也没有卑微的牧羊人来伴随
But Joseph knew the reason 然而,约瑟知道圣婴降生 love had to reach so far 为要彰显神的大爱 And as he held the Savior in his arms 当他抱着那位救主圣婴 He must've thought 他心里必想
Why me, I'm just a simple man of trade 我只是个卑微的木匠,为什么会选我 Why him with all the rulers in the world 世上既有诸多执政君王,为什么会选祂 Why here inside this stable filled with hay 为什么祂竟生在这个放满干草的马槽中 Why her, she's just an ordinary girl 她只是个平民童女,为什么会选她 Now I'm not one to second guess 现在我不再疑惑,因为 What angels have to say 天使已传报喜信 But this is such a strange way to save the world 然而,这真是不寻常又奇妙的救赎方法