去年的某一天, 俺贴了个儿子四年级时写的诗 - Fire (火). 儿子看到后, 美滋滋的, 一脸得意.
俺上Amazon查了一下, 没想到啊, 还真找到了: A Celebration of Young Poets: Spring 2007 (Hardcover)
上五年级以后, 学校又让大家参加写诗比赛, 儿子就写了第二首诗 - 题目为 Water, \'水\', 没想到, 又被选中了, 学校来信说, 明年出版发行,快掏腰包吧!
金, 木, 水, 火, 土, 不知明年儿子写啥?
今天, 俺再来励他一下, 让他看到作品提前发表(本学期英文写作成绩, 还是B)!
(By 小虎子)
When dashing water runs It evaporates by sun All of a sudden a stop But still faster than a cop When it comes to the waters Sea creatures have their daughters Water represents blue Everyone shouts whoo! Water is good for drinking Sometimes it’s shrinking When it comes to sports Surfing’s the game SPLASH!!!!!!!!!! Lets go again