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· 回国准备攻略
· 美国留学生报税相关问题
· 加州大学圣地亚哥分校和H1b签证
· 旧金山大学,健康保险和H1b签证
· 去俄克拉荷马大学之前要了解的事
· 犹他大学,健康保险和H-1B
· H-1B签证 Lottery前准备
· 回国准备攻略
· 美国留学生报税相关问题
· 加州大学圣地亚哥分校和H1b签证
· 旧金山大学,健康保险和H1b签证
· 去俄克拉荷马大学之前要了解的事
· 犹他大学,健康保险和H-1B
· H-1B签证 Lottery前准备
· 莱斯大学
· Health Insurance for OPT stude
· University of Colorado Boulder
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USA health care introduction

There are 4 major medical insurances (also known as医疗保险) in the United States: medical insurance, drug insurance, dental insurance, and visual insurance. Each category can be bought separately. Medical insurance is the most expensive and basically must be bought. As for the remaining three are optional, dental insurance is useful, but it is not necessary for short-term visitors; vision insurance is required for glasses, but only covers have a frame up to 100 dollars and the most basic lenses. In terms of drug insurance, many prescription drugs in the United States are very expensive. Some Americans go to Canada to buy medicines through borders. Even without insurance, they are sometimes cheaper than those that the US has insurance benefits.

If the locals must have insurance, or they will go bankrupt if they have a serious illness. For International students, they stay in States for longer period. So, it is more necessary for them to choose a good health insurance, so they do not have to panic if they got sick. University will offer students health insurance, but it’s usually very expensive. Fortunately, there are many different options from other companies offer international student health care plans (also known as 留学生 保险) as alternative.  Even if you graduated and you are on OPT, you can those companies also offer OPT health care plans (also known as opt保险)

A lot of the schools also stops provide insurance after graduation, a lot of OPT students did not realize that. For international students who have just left the campus, losing health insurance is a very dangerous thing. Even both of your company and school won’t provide you insurance anymore, you can still buy insurance yourself. This article will recommend some insurance that are great for OPT (also known as Opt 医保推荐). ISO (also known as iso 保险) has insurance plans for OPT students, and the doctors in the network pay 75%. There are also two deductibles of $400/$250 to choose from.

United HealthCare as the number one health insurance in the United States, there are two insurances brands that are suitable for international student. Student Medicover (Also known as student medicover 保险)and Psi (also known as psi 保险), which are the most choices for international students. Do you want to test which insurance do you prefer? Try the Love quiz.


For foreigners visiting the United States, it is also necessary to purchase medical insurance in the United States. When people are on the road, they may have sudden illnesses or accidental injuries. They need to see a doctor in time. In the event of serious illness or accident, it is more necessary to be treated in time. All these medical expenses must be paid by the patient. Medical expenses in the United States are very expensive, if there is medical insurance, and a serious illness or injury can even bring ordinary American families into bankruptcy.

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