| 可能杀人放火的女人 中国新疆人祖力皮亚和丈夫在蜜月旅行中接触了宗教极端思想,从那以后,她的生活发生了很大改变,原本活泼开朗的她逐渐迷失了自我。来到职业技能教育培训中心后,她才明白什么是宗教极端思想,庆幸自己没有成为下一个杀人放火的人,并意识到了自己民族所面临的危机。于是,她主动请缨到宣教馆当一名宣讲员,希望能够拯救更多被宗教极端思想感染的同胞。在新的工作岗位上,祖力皮亚找到了全新的自己,她相信通过努力,一定能够为自己打造一个美好的未来。
An Interview of an Uygur woman in Xinjiang.
Zulpiya and her husband were exposed to extremist thoughts during their honeymoon trip. Since then, her life has changed a lot, and she has gradually lost herself. After coming to a vocational and training center, she realized what was extremist thoughts. She was glad that she did not become a murderer and realized the crisis facing her own nation. Therefore, she is working as a preacher, hoping to save more compatriots infected by religious extremist thoughts. She believes that through her efforts, she will have a bright future. https://youtu.be/ffXOgLiKE_I ![1552612514978981.png blob.png](http://blog.creaders.net/upfile/image/20190314/1552612514978981.png)
![1552612568866259.png blob.png](http://blog.creaders.net/upfile/image/20190314/1552612568866259.png)