--We (right wing) don't fear hearing them (left wing) they fear hearing from us.
--About half of Americans have a positive view of socialism, and at least that number of millennials. in fact half the millennias believe in socialism and don't believe in free speech for hate speechs which show you how unclear their mind are.
--I take care of me, i take care of my family, i take care of my community, that is American ideal. The socialim is : the state take care of me, the state take of my family, the state take of the community. To you tell me which is more moral?
--They claim that it is so easy to feel good about yourself if you are one the left oh i am for the government investing more in the poor oh that's easy. let government take more money from this guy to feed this guy so i don't have to feed this guy. Our view is we feed this guy or better we give the guy a job so he can feed himself.
--Americanis the only country in the world founded on limited government, that is moral ideal, that is political that is not just economic that is moral ideal.
--The bigger the government the smaller the citizen.
--Who save this country, no masculine men? think about how stupid that is to attack masculinity. Who fought the Nazis and communists? metrosexuals? Socialism kills all of that.
--It is just he volunteer assocations that make up Amierica, that would define who we were because we didn't rely on the government.
--The distinction between left liberal and lefist. left liberal are for integration, and lefist are against integration and they are rase-based. Liberalism is pro racail integration.
--Liberals should understand their enemy is not the right, it is the left.
--We (right wing) protect what liberalism most stands for, like free speech, like tolerance, like racial integration, the left hates all of that.
--Alan Dershowitz, the life long liberal, life long democrat, professor of law at harvard said to me, "Dannis, want you to know, as an American, as Democrat, as a liberal, as a Jew, I far more fear the left than the right. (左棍最擅长的就是让人恐惧)。because he is liberal, he understands that threat to liberalism dosen't come from right, it comes from the left.
--Everyone would acknowledge include liberal (not leftist, because they are leftist), the more you get without working for it, the less gratitude you will have for what you get。
--All happy people are grateful. No ungrategul people are happy. It is not possible to be kind (ungrateful people), Gratitude is the mother of goodness and happiness. That is how important gratitude is. And what the left has done, it has inclucated ingratitude, that is how sick it is.
--What you get for free, you don’t value it worth. So, not only does it build ingratitude, it does something else, it makes you an addict. I believe it is harder to get off addiction to benefits than it is to get off addiction to heroin. (想一想那些健壮的一生吃福利的懒人,整天惹是生非,怨天尤人,就知道为什么这句话是事实了。).
--Liberties is not a left-wing value, it never has been. To liberal value it’s
a conservative value, it it not left-wing value, that is why they don’t care
about free speech.
--Two final two point:1) the socialisim talk is rooted in pure envy. This notion of resented people who earn more than you. When I was kid, my farther own oldsmobile, my neigber own cadilac, I had no hind of resentment. I learned resentment when I got into college.
The 10th commandment is the only one of the Ten Commandments that prohibits thought, every other one prohibits actions, it is only thought prohibited in the Torah and the first five books where all the laws are actions, it’s the only thought that’s prohibited and that is: “Coveting what belongs to your neighbor”. Leftism lives on the violation of the 10th commandment. That is their essence. Socialism comes from such an unhealthy part of human being.(十条戒律中第十条)。
--2) Finally, economics, socialism only had money to spend to give you free health and free tuition and free everything else because capitalism made money all well.
All, not most, all wealth are created by capitalism. The only reason mankind is not in abject poverty billions of people are out of abject poverty is capitalism so there is a very simple rule. If you love ideas, you will love socialism, if you love people, you will love capitalism.
Yes, that is why they are so mean, they are, they are just meaner. Not liberals and conservatives. There were mean and nice liberals, There were mean and nice conservatives, but, the leftists are all mean. They will destroy you if they can, if they differ with you. '
--Poverty is the human norm, wealth needs to be explained. Why are they
poor people is a stupid question, why are
they wealthy people or non poor people is the only intelligent question. That’s
they don’t ask, because they don’t even understand that. The aberration in
history is wealth not poverty. That’s the human norm. Capitalism and the only
capitalism is what lifted billions of people from poverty.
But they are so naïve in America because we’ve have it so good, we’ve just had it so good they don’t understand where the good came from. They don’t understand slavery 100% universal, every society on earth had slaves, so, intelligent question is not why did any of the founders have slaves, it’s who abolished slavery, like who abolished poverty. These are the only intelligent questions. Everyone had slaves, blacks had slaves, Arabs had slaves, American Indians had slaves, Everyone had slaves, who abolished it, God a Christian named William Wilberforce (注) abolished. That is who abolished.
So, It is fight for the soul of the last best hope on earth what we are engaged in right now. I call it civil war, I pray it stays nonviolent, but it is civil war. And we are not winning, it is clear, if half of American youth or half of Americans totally, I don’t know which it is, actually think socialism is good, we are losing. That doesn’t mean it is lost. It means wake up call. So, I will just tell you what I resolved at Normandy many many years ago, when I saw thousands of thousands of graves of 20 and 21 and 22 slaughtered by the Nazis at Normandy Beach and this is the valley took, I said these guys they died for America and Liberty, nobody’s asking me to die for America and liberty, but, at least I can do is live for them.
注:(William Wilberforce (24 August 1759 – 29 July 1833) was a British politician, philanthropist, and a leader of the movement to abolish the slave trade. )