【Aiden in English】 I looked in my backpack to see what I had. My family and I went on a cruise to Bermuda. On the first day, a huge storm hit the ship. There were thunder and lightning, and apparently, a lot of lightning struck our ship's hull. I was on the last lifeboat, and the only passenger, since I'd been exploring the ship. I ended up on the island with no food or water, a flashlight, and a knife I got from the camp. It will have to do. Just as I got up, it started to rain. The storm must've followed me. I raced toward the forest to find shelter and saw a suitable outcrop of rock. The storm stopped after a while, and I decided that I rather die with a full stomach than an empty one. So I went to see what the forest had to offer.
There was a perfect name for the forest, a Thanksgiving feast. Every tree was dotted with fruit. I ate my fill and then stored some in my pack. But as I reached up for my final one, a drop of the fruit juice landed on the tree bark next to me. Immediately, the bark began to sizzle, and the air got the smell of smoke. I scrambled down the tree and was just about to leave when I heard a growl, and in the shadow, emerged a lion.
The lion's eyes showed everything. It was hungry, and I was his lunch. I backed away, and my foot stepped on something squishy. Instantly, the air filled with burning rubber. It appeared to be one of the fruit I tried to get earlier. I suddenly got an idea and climbed the tree. I found fruit and chucked it at the lion. It was bulls-eye. The juice began to burn the lion’s mane with a yelp of pain, and it ran away.
A week later, I sat on the beach and heard the sound of a helicopter. I knew that it was time to leave this stinking island.
狮子的眼神毫无掩饰地流露出全部欲望,它饥肠辘辘,而我恰好成为千载难逢的午餐贡品。我见势不妙急忙倒退,就在此刻,我脚下鞋底踩到什么湿软的东西,周围顿时充满橡胶燃烧释放出来的刺鼻气味,这好像是由我刚才想吃而没有够到的那个果子引起的。我急中生智,赶紧爬上树去,找到一个果子,对准狮子投去,正中要害。果汁开始点燃狮子鬃毛,随着痛苦惨叫,狮子仓惶逃去。 一周后,我坐在沙滩上,听到直升机轰鸣声由远而近。我心里明白,终于到了该离开这个令人厌恶的小岛。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2009: 与孩子一同成长(Growth with Son)
Praslin Island, Seychelles (塞舌尔·普拉兰岛 12-23-2013) Thanda Lion (爱狮)
White-Tailed Deers (白尾鹿) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |