昨天,《Business Insider 》刊登署名文章,題為“Trump's blundering attempts to strong arm Iran follow the same pattern as the China trade-war mess”,頗有意思。
文章生動描述川普總統處理外交事務(尤其是中國、伊朗事物)的模式(pattern ),列出如下七個步驟,姑且稱為“七板斧”。
第一板:發現問題 Step 1: There is a legitimate problem.
第二板:挑起爭鬥以解決問題 Step 2: Trump starts a fight to address the problem. In China's case, the trade war. In Iran's case, his "maximum pressure" campaign of economic sanctions.
第三板:好鬥口水戰升級 Step 3: As the fight goes on, Trump's language becomes increasingly bellicose, and so does his opponent's.
第四版:針鋒相對,關繫緊張化 Step 4: A tit-for-tat ratcheting-up of tensions ensues, with parties threatening or engaging in aggressive action.
第五板:威脅恐嚇走極端,對手卻相對冷靜 Step 5: Trump makes threats or engages in extremely aggressive action, and his opponent seems to stand down from doing anything rash.
第六板:緊張局勢緩和,但雙邊關係惡化,相互間的善意與信任喪失殆盡 Step 6: Tensions cool, but the relationship between Trump and his opponent, and their constituents, sours. Any goodwill is gone. Trust dissipates.
第七板:前四板無效,返回第一板。 Step 7: Return to Step 1.
不過老川的這七板斧比起當年瓦崗寨程頭領的三板斧還是有創新滴,不光多了四板,並且有那麼一點“七傷拳”的意思。當然了,七板斧的最大功效莫過於爭取選票連任。正可謂: 七板斧訣,競選利器。忽悠必行,行不必果。 破字當頭,毀而不立。一塌糊塗,丟給下任。