| 2015-05-15 【Aiden in English】 The 6th-grade social is legendary in my school, and you can't graduate from the 6th grade without truly experiencing it. It is crazy fun and certainly, a great way to say bye to school. This is one of the rare events in which people are required to dress impressively. As always, there are a few students who just absolutely don't try at all and wear jeans or T-shirts. I wore a tuxedo, and I was one of those people who really didn’t feel uncomfortable with informal clothes. That is until I felt the gymnasium. Ever feel like a gym with little if any circulation of air and containing 100 people? It gets five times worse with the fact that a tux gets very stiffened after the temperature rises. Parents weren’t allowed, which was awesome. There was a concession stand, and oh my, I have never seen so many cookies or brownies in my life! There were also strawberry and marshmallow kabobs, which were a nice edition. But no society can be complete without a DJ, and so our gym teacher, Mr. Theodore, took the headphones and a seat behind the speakers.
When the first group of kids arrived, the music was cranked up, and there were all the coolest and newest songs, throwing in a few classics once in a while. All kinds of styles of clothing came along, too. Tuxedoes were popular, but the regular suit and tie weren’t out of the question. Girls came in every dress imaginable, and everything was nice until… boom! A kid dressed in a white tux with a pink bow tie and a pair of sweet sunglasses walked down the stretch of red carpet into the gym. The party then really got rocking. The lights dimmed slightly, and the music began to blare. Popular songs got us all dancing, and even the shyest of kids got a rod in their head or tapping of their shoes. As for me, I wandered around. Groups of popular kids separated themselves from the main group, so whenever I got sick of one group of friends, I moved on, for many of my buds split off into a small caravan too. Nearly everyone was moving, and laughter rang out through the gym. The social was a time to, well, socialize. Every atmosphere was exciting with friends talking to friends and no one had a bad time, even the left out ones. That’s what the food is for, you know? But they were eventually sucked in as well. A stomach can only hold so much food. Personally, I thought this was a blast! Heck, there were many fancy dance moves being shown off, plus to really release the energy that has been stored for the past 7 months. Dancing undoubtedly blew off steam, like surely long, pent-up steam. I began to get in the summer mindset, but this is the time of year that pop quiz or end-of-the-year exam, or final paper comes along. A cool-down wouldn’t hurt though.
Different songs also meant different kids taking center stage. For example, in a Taylor Swift song, the girls absolutely shoved the boys out of their way, making the scene look almost amusing. Then, when a song like Gangnam Style came on, all the Korean, Japanese, and Chinese took the stage. And, no offense, we rocked it. Yet the discomfort was soon becoming noticeable. Sweat was pouring down the boys' faces, and body odor became nearly nauseating in the room. But everyone kept on grooving, not feeling as if he were in an oven.
This is only one of the events 6th-grade graduation has in store, and the next then days are busy. So I don’t know if I should either look forward to the end of the school year or not. Today was a ton of fun, and if the rest are as good, boy, the decision gets tough.
【红霞译文】 初中一年级社交盛会是本校的光荣传统,倘若不亲身经历,你休想从这里顺利毕业。大家共济一堂,无不沉浸在狂欢热闹气氛之中,同时深情惜别彼此生活过六年的学校。
不同的歌曲推出不同的明星,譬如:女生偏爱泰勒·斯威夫特,每逢听到她的歌曲,男生知趣地退出娱乐舞台;而一旦出现“江南风格”,所有的韩日华裔子弟当仁不让,千万别误会,我们闪亮登场,高兴得手舞足蹈。没过多久,问题暴露出来,男生个个挥汗如雨,汗臭味顿时四溢,熏得大伙晕头转向,不过兴致所至,纵使烘烤焙烧,我们在所不惜。 此次聚会仅仅是初中一年级毕业生诸多庆祝活动中的小小缩影,以后几天大家将会忙得不可开交,不知我该如何期待年终学校生活,今天我乐在其中,假如明天同样精彩,天哪,我真得做好准备。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2012: 学校午餐(School Lunch)
6th Grade Social Party @ Montgomery ES (巨人山小学·初一社交聚会)
Doorway to 6th Grade Social Party (初一社交聚会·牌坊)
Ballroom for 6th Grade Social Party (初一社交聚会·舞厅)
Dressup for Party (聚会行头 05-15-2015) Crosslink(相关博文): 6th Grade(初中一年级) |