计算机显卡已经成为高性能计算机/游戏机的一个必备部件,那么升级淘汰下的旧的显卡还有任何回收价值吗?我们可以去哪里转手就的显卡呢? ChatGPT的影響這麼大,其中最受益的應該是Nvidia、AMD?二手的GPU應該也很保值,看看分享的一個博文,如何賣二手的GPU。
I would like to share the following article and hope you will enjoy it. As GPUs tend to upgrade on a regular basis, it is necessary to know
what to do with your old and unused GPUs. If you plan to
replace the old ones with new GPUs, you can sell used GPUs for cash.
By doing so, you can get rid of old stuff. At the same time, it can give you a
good number of returns. You can use the money towards upgrading your system.
There are many places where you can sell GPUs for cash.
For more details, please read 10
Best Places to sell GPU for cash for the Most Returns. https://www.buysellram.com/blog/10-best-places-to-sell-gpu-for-cash-for-the-most-returns/ This article was originally posted by BuySellRam.com, a used GPU buyer with an A+ rating from BBB.