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What is LED video

What is LED Video Processor?

LED video processors are specially designed for the LED display, and directly impact display walls. They are equipped with image processing and enhancement technologies that deliver clearer images and colours on large screen LED display systems.

What is video processor?

The video processor, as a central element of demanding AV projects, is a control box processing and transforming input signals to a viewable content over a multi-screen video wall. The input signals usually come through HDMI cables from media players, satellite receivers or even PC screens.

How do LED video panels work?

The projector shoots light onto a screen or wall and you then see the reflection of that image. So back to the LED display. It is made up of multiple panels which are made up of smaller modules which then have multiple multi-color LED's on them.

What is a video wall processor?

Briefly defined, a video wall processor (sometimes referred to as a video wall controller) is a piece of software (often installed on a hardware unit) that allows the management of content on multiple monitors in a multi-monitor display or video wall, as a single canvas.

How is LED produced?

An LED bulb produces light by passing the electric current through a semiconducting material—the diode—which then emits photons (light) through the principle of electroluminescence. Don't let that big word scare you! It essentially means that a material (in this case, the diode) casts light when power is applied to it.

What does a processor do in a TV?

What does a TV processor do, exactly? If you're familiar with computer processors, you'll probably have a good understanding of TV processors. They're responsible for the processing of data that's coming in, and sending it to the right places.

What is video processing on a TV?

In electronics engineering, video processing is a particular case of signal processing, in particular image processing, which often employs video filters and where the input and output signals are video files or video streams.

What is digital video processing?

The main application of digital video processing is to provide high-quality visible-light videos for human consumption. Digital video processing encompasses many approaches that derive from the essential principles of digital image processing.

What is LED wall technology?

LED technology is used for video walls because each LED display is capable of generating sharp, bright images. Instead of relying on backlit images, LEDs produce their own brightly lit images and deliver the best refresh rates of any video wall technology.

What is active LED video wall?

It is also known as DV and works together to display the content on the active LED display screen. A display wall is a specific multi-monitor arrangement composed of several computer displays, video projectors, or TV sets that are adjacent or overlapping together to create a single wide frame.

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