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---- Forwarded Message -----                 From: To:
Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 11:45:34 PM CDTSubject: 帝国第五纵队派驻中国的邓小平特遣支队 Re: China's cancellation of UK's $240bn nuclear power plant order shocks Europ


This is just a tip of the iceberg from countless hideous acts of the Imperialist 5Th column's China-dispatched "Deng Xiao-ping" troops(帝国第五纵队派驻中国邓小平特遣支队).     

Deng  surrendered his soul and body to the Imperialists in exchange for their support to be the ruler of China at the expense of the Chinese people.  

Xi's job now is to clean up Deng's shits all over the place.   

The  scene looks complicated yet the essence is simple, by selling China to the Imperialists, Deng and his gang get both power and wealth regardless  of the Chinese people!

Down with the Imperialist 5Th column's China-dispatched "Deng Xiao-ping" troops(帝国第五纵队派驻中国邓小平特遣支队).    

(from translator:                      







------ Original Message ------
Received: Thu, 21 Sep 2023 09:39:14 PM CDT
From: yTo:
Subject: China's cancellation of UK's $240bn nuclear power plant order shocks Europe US!

Hi Dr.Bob / Dr.Phil / Dr.Joe / Leelian g/ Mr.Whyndee,                                        
                         Is this a good thing to do ?                                        
                         Why China want to  waste billions to help/finance the Anglo super elite who are determined  now to destroy China and get rid of XJP ?                                        
                         Why China not using  part of this US$24 billion to build affordable apartments in cities to  help poor and middle class owned a good and nice apartment ? Then no  need to have Evergrande , Sunac, Country Garden, etc going bankruptcy  and need billions to be bail out ? Look like some princelings scamming  the property market to make greedy profits.                                        
                         The princelings who approved China financing UK nuke power plants must be very very stupid and naive. Wonder who is that guy ?                                         
                         Are they not aware most Anglo super elite a super conmen with very very  deep pockets ?                                        
                                                         @user-nc9jd8hc7g                                  3 days ago                                  I was a senior manager for the project                                   The Chinese were removed from the project for delays a substandard work                                                                        
China's cancellation of UK's $24 bn nuclear power plant order shocks Europe US!Sep 16, 2023                                  Hello and welcome to Technical Information!"In this video, host Steffan explores China's recent withdrawal from a £24 billion nuclear project in the UK.  Nuclear technology's global evolution and its applications in various  sectors are discussed, highlighting China's leadership in nuclear  technology. The video delves into the reasons behind China's withdrawal,  touching on carbon neutrality goals, coal combustion phase-out, and the  UK's role in the project.                                                    
                                 China's investment and the project's significance  are examined, along with the challenges faced during construction,  including delays and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The video  emphasizes the importance of integrity in international cooperation and  how China's commitment to such principles has been consistent.                                              
                         China's cancellation of UK's $240bn nuclear power plant order shocks Europe US!              

China's cancellation of UK's $240bn nuclear power plant order shocks Eur...


                                 @grandwonder5858                                  3 days ago                                  From what I read the UK kept on not only changing  the start date for the project, but also the raw materials needed for  the project.                                                     
                                 You see, after all the raw materials needed for the  project and everything else have already been ironed out and all of the  estimates for the costs of the project have already been discussed and  agreed upon the UK kept on changing the raw materials needed for the  project by requesting that China buy much more expensive raw materuals  to build the power plant as well as getting the raw materials from other  places beside the already specified places so that the costs for the  project would end up being nearly twice as expensive than the original  estimate.                                                     
                                 China realized than what  the UK was trying to do is to trick China into building one of the  world’s finest power plants for the UK without allowing China to gain  any meaningful amount of profit from the project whatsoever!                                                     
                                 Basically, the UK wanted  China to build a state-of-the-art nuclear power plant for the UK for  free with the UK simply paying for the costs of the raw materials needed  for the project, but China would make no real profit from it  whatsoever!                                                     
                                 That’s why China cancelled the project. The  UK thought it could play dirty with China like its American master has  played dirty with China before, but China wisely refused to fall for the  trick of the UK scammer.                                              
                                                         @Andrew-rc3vh                                  1 day ago                                  Three unfortunate things happened at Hinckley Point.                                                     
                                 First there was the problem of the EU Commission complaining about government subsidy.                                                     
                                 Then came Ireland taking  legal action using UN law to stop it on environmental grounds, and  finally EDF's share price plunged to a point so low they were having  difficulty financing it.                                                     
                                 Now the situation is different. Problem one no  longer exists as we left the EU. Problem two might happen again as  Ireland does not like us very much, but problem 3 was just unfortunate  and could happen to any partnership.                                                     
                                 Anyway, lets hope China can meet the UK again for  more technology partnerships. The UK government is trying to set out an  independent policy on China which is not so much kowtowing to the US.                                                     
                                 We've restarted diplomatic relations.                                                     
                                 Admittedly Johnson was  extremely anti-China but he has now been replaced. We have more nuclear  power stations which need building ASAP.                                              
                                 @Andrew-rc3vh                                  1 day ago                                   @darrylwikohika9068   The US has a lot of plans and a big mouth, but whether their regime  will actually change is debatable. I'm trying to promote peace and  goodwill between China and the UK.                                                                        
                                 @euanhaig4422                                  6 hours ago                                  This video post is blatant propaganda.  It admits  the  Chinese chose material that fell short of safety standards, then  blames Britain for insisting proper standards were met.  Chinese  management caused delays and ever increasing costs.  No-one should have  to accept an over-priced tofu-dreg reactor!                                              
                                 @siewkonsum7291                                  6 days ago                                  Why should China finance, build, and hence transfer  its advanced nuclear power generation to a country hostile to it?  Brits, eat your humble pie! 😅                                  Try to twist the hands of the Chinese, they're not hard up for business and walked away from it. Serve you right! 😂                                              
                                                         @euanhaig4422                                  2 days ago                                  This video post is blatant propaganda.  It admits  the  Chinese chose material that fell short of safety standards, then  blames Britain for insisting proper standards were met.  Chinese  management caused delays and ever increasing costs.  No-one should have  to accept an over-priced tofu-dreg reactor!                                            
                                                         Is China still involved in Hinkley Point?                                  “It [CGN] is still a significant but minority  shareholder in Hinkley Point C, but there's no Chinese technology,”  Greatrex explained. Hinkley Point C's majority owner is the French  energy giant EDF, which will operate the power station based on a  European pressurised reactor design.                                              


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