忧郁 穹庐笼覆盖,怨魂倦消磨 四野封如闭,昼日黯夜瞑 清宇溺囹圄,良愿犹困鼠(1) 壁绝摧惊翮,梁蠹扼愤首 连绵澍雨密,沉重狱栅疏 心幽通灵处,蜘蛛立网罟 钟鼓鸣狂乱,喧嚣迫上苍 游魂孤鬼众,哀号无休时 榇柩行肃穆,殡葬过我心 愿厥复惨痛,皂纛夺天灵(2)。 注(1):蝙蝠古称仙鼠。 注(2):天灵即天灵盖。 ========================== 英译:(by unknown author) Spleen When the low and heavy sky presses like a lid On the groaning heart a prey to slow cares, And when from a horizon holding the whole orb There is cast at us a dark sky more sad than night; When earth is changed to a damp dungeon, Where Hope, like a bat, Flees beating the walls with its timorous wings, And knocking its head on the rotting ceilings; When the rain spreads out vast trails Like the bars of a huge prison, And when, like sordid spiders, silent people stretch Threads to the depths of our brains, Suddenly the bells jump furiously And hurl to the sky a horrible shriek, Like some wandering landless spirits Starting an obstinate complaint. — And long hearses, with no drums, no music, File slowly through my soul: Hope, Conquered, cries, and despotic atrocious Agony Plants on my bent skull its flag of black. |