幽默:才貌雙全? 《賣花女》作者,著名愛爾蘭劇作家蕭伯納曾經邂逅一個年輕又美麗,窈窕性感的女演員。 女演員對老蕭一見鍾情,含情脈脈地瞧着老蕭,在他耳邊甜蜜地說,“老蕭,我們結婚吧。我們真是天生一對啊。我們的子女會賦有你的溫文爾雅和我的容顏身材。那可多好唷!” 年紀一大把,已不是個帥哥的老蕭,聽了這話他回答,“美麗的好姑娘,你話說得好,但你要想,如果我們的子女繼承了你的才華和我的美貌呢?” My Beauty and your Brain George Bernard Shaw was once approached by a beautiful and seductive young actress who cooed in his ear, "Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we got married? Our child will have my beauty and your brains." George Bernard Shaw who was hardly handsome replied, “My dear, that would be wonderful indeed, but what if our child had my beauty and your brains?" |