2011年11月11日11時11分11秒 mz@beijing 將這一串時間數字中的“2”拆成1 1,就可有14個“1”: 1 1 1 1 , 1 1, 1 1, 1 1 : 1 1’1 1” 這在時間計數中是很少見的重複排列;儘管每個時刻都是唯一的。 近來災難多發生,特別是日本地震和美國龍捲風等,媒體上讀到許多關於災難預言,或者世界末日之說。 人們越來越在意一些小概率,大事件。 這不是關於什麼預言;關於預言的書或者故事太多了,甚至這些書和故事形成了一種文化;而很多文化,比如瑪雅文化,似乎本身就是一種預言。 我們已經聽過或讀過很多預言,有的成為了現實,有的沒有;或者那個所預言的日子還沒有到來,所預言發生的事還沒有發生。2008年四川汶川大地震後,開始留心發生在周圍和世界範圍里的巧合。這些巧合,大的可以是黃石公園的火山爆發、日本的海嘯、伊拉克的恐怖,小的可以是幾位阿拉伯數字。 這裡只想說一個很簡單的事情,生活中有太多的巧合。 而在世上遇到“非常巧合”的人,有的也很普通,有的的確就是那種所謂有心的人,讓巧合在自己的身上發生了,也沒什麼大驚小怪的。 不知從哪天起,經常在各處鐘錶上讀到 11:11即十一點十一分,四個“1”排列在一起。覺得有點奇怪,我和朋友說了這件事。不久,這位朋友也經常反覆看見這四個數字: “1111”,在時鐘上,在門牌上等。 先說說這“11:11”所謂的“共時性”與算命。 *** 在中國很少看到 “共時性”這一現象的報道。“共時性”—— Synchronicities大致算是個心理學、玄學、、、或形而上學的東西,與DNA的誕生,在差不多同一時代(六十年代初);但從未真正走入科學。即使在千百年前也有過類似的概念,但畢竟“共時性”是在近代科學概念基礎上建立起來的。它代表什麼意思呢? 你可以在Google輸入“11:11”去搜尋答案;前幾條的搜索結果就能清楚告訴你:這裡在說什麼。 可惜,搜索到的網站,幾乎沒有給出任何中文的信息;但相信所謂的“共時性”與你說什麼語言無關。雖然自己也可以找到一些解釋,至少用統計學(有人認為統計學不是完備的科學),或用所謂科學知識來解釋這些玄妙現象;在成千上萬有過這樣經歷的人當中,作為一員。這裡不得不說,那樣做太沒有必要、沒有意義。事實是,一個人遇見的和他預見的沒有絲毫差別。 我自己實際上沒有上網查過,但我知道結果,你不信就自己試試。 如果你也遇見過相同的事情,你也可預見一下;你會發現這一切是如此的巧合。 如果你沒有遇見過我說的事情(如經常見到“11:11”),也沒關係;你也可以想象一下: 就象人類一直夢想長出翅膀一樣,如今White兄弟百年後,這樣的想象更具現實意義(特別在北京堵車的時候)! 如果你不想Google,就讀讀結尾處的paste和連接。 注意這個數字:2011.11.11. 11:11 (把首位數的2分成11)- 有人說這和歷史上有些日子一樣,也是決定人類命運的時刻。(不要問我信不信,你信麼?)。 *** 很久以前,有人問:你的“1912“是什麼意思?我喜歡在生活中尋找與數字“1”相關的事件。當然,直接相關的就是日曆。我喜歡過一個年代,1912年。不是因為有“2012年”這個常和災難似乎聯繫在一起的年頭,也不是因為1912這幾個數字有什麼特殊的意味,而1912年僅僅是中華民國的第一個年頭,在我的家鄉南京有這麼個紀念這個年代的地方,就叫1912,它是一條酒吧街,那裡有酒喝,一個休閒的好去處。還有很多原因,致使名子關心2012年這個特殊的年代,而在它來到的前一年,2011年裡,似乎讓人預感到很多巧合即將發生。 其實生活中的有心人、有計劃的人把未來很多的事都安排好了,或也可以說預見到了。有條理、有計劃的人,某種意義上講就是個預言家。其實,這就是個大概率,小事件的例子。 生活中普普通通的 things 太多,沒有誰會在意每一個個的唯一的時刻,這就是大概率、小事件;到某些數字“堆積“在一起的時候,或者到上帝隨機甩手的時候(這兩者其實是一回事),可能就碰到了小概率、大事件,云云。 舉個小事件的列子:雖然不是做每件事都有計劃,我還算一個做事有條理的人。我說在2011年11月11日11時11分11秒的時刻,會在美國的加利福尼亞州的聖地亞哥市海邊的萬豪酒店裡,我就會在那。真的麼?其實,在我的工作日曆上標明了那天我要去參加的一個會議和事情的安排,當然我可能還要在那裡見洛杉磯來的一位女朋友,秘書沒有標上。也許由於什麼未知的原因,我的女朋友沒有能夠來赴約;又也許我由於其它原因不能去美國。但那個安排還在那裡,我會努力,會用心實現那個計劃。那天,我會在聖地亞哥等着你的。 這不是什麼小概率,大事件的預言。而預言和生活中這樣的小事又有多大的區別呢? 一個非常的時刻(由十四個“1”組成),卻安排了一件微不足道的小事;難道2011年11月11日11時11分11秒不是一個非常時刻麼?注意到11年11月11日11時11分11秒這個時刻的人不少,可將2011里的“2”分成兩個“1”,將這一串數字拼有十四個“1”的,只有在這裡提起過。可是,這真的有什麼好玩的,有什麼離奇,有什麼巧合呢? 也許有高人(Midwayer)能幫着回答這些問題,也許能讓大家在生活中找到樂趣。 一個數字,連着“喜”,也連着“哀”。 生活就又象一串數字的排列,有喜有哀;但是,如何有心地去排列它們,使人過上不同的生活;而這樣的生活,不是人一生下來就排列定了的。 這裡就是想談談數字的巧合,和它在生活中的意義;回答生活中常有的有關預言的問題,或有關災難的,或所謂世界末日的問題。 比如為什麼說“三 ”是中國文化中最大、最有意義、最有代表性的數字?易經里所表象的數字告訴我們什麼?聖經里的數字告訴人類有什麼罪行?為什麼為什麼“三”和“3”在不同文化的大腦中是不一樣的?科學研究中發現的特殊數字(如大數定理,大腦里有10的10次方個神經細胞或無數的連接)和我們的生活有什麼關係?股票中的數字可以預見麼?或會中Lotto麼?歷史上有過哪些著名的預言?如何通過數字看自然界的迷?世界末日和數字有關嗎?等等,等等。(這裡肯定不是科普,不必轉載!)。 ———————————————————— 附:《關於11:11》 by一網友 What is it about? What does it all mean? 11:11 signals are driving me nuts! This is a very typical comment from folks who reach this site. What does it mean? It's a wake up call. What do I have to do? Acknowledge it out loud. Say - OK guys I hear you, tell me what you want. These guys can get communication from other celestials who can hear your thoughts, but it's easier if you talk to them directly. But I can't hear anything? They will find some way to let you know. These guys are a bunch of special angels, and they have picked you for a very good reason. Quite what that reason is, may only later become clear. If you want to, you can work with them, as George has done, for many years. Or you can ask them to go away. Your choice - it's called free will. But they picked you because you can be useful to them. The chances are if you develop good meditation techniques, or practise George's Akashic Construct, you will either see or hear these guys. Maybe both. Why the 11:11 prompt? There were only 1,111 of these guys for a very long time, but today there are a very great number of them. They asked for, and were given, the 11:11 signal as a trademark. Sometimes they will vary the prompt, and that may indicate precisely the individual prompting you. For example if you always get ??:03, it might be MN03, or ??:22 ABC22 Can you tell me more about these guys? Sure, read this as a starter: Our Midwayer friends What's with this "midwayer" thing? Well technically they are called Midwayers, because they live in a realm between us and the next level that we go to after death. They are the closest spiritual entity to us. They are actually material creatures, but of a material invisible to most of us. It was not supposed to be like that, we were supposed to be able to see them, and on "normal" worlds that is the way it is. George much prefers to call them "Spiritual Guardians" or simply "Angels." What proof have you got? George has been dealing with these guys for over 50 years. He sees them, and talks to them. Mostly he sees with his spiritual eyes, but there have been cases of physical manifestation as well. You could not expect a psych (George) to believe in the voices in his head if they did not turn up physically, could you? They have played a major role in his entire life, and some of his experiences are detailed in his books "The Search for 11:11 ". and "In the Service of 11:11 ". In fact there are three more books in the pipeline. You can read some of the chapters of that book on-line here . You can also download two chapters of "In the Service" in pdf format :In the Service of 11:11 An external proof of their existence can be found in the Urantia Book, a huge spiritual tome of 2000 closely printed pages which was published about 1950. See: The Urantia Book - Paper 77 Search that page for 1,111 and you will find this passage: The 1,111 loyal secondary midwayers are engaged in important missions on earth. As compared with their primary associates, they are decidedly material. They exist just outside the range of mortal vision and possess sufficient latitude of adaptation to make, at will, physical contact with what humans call "material things." These unique creatures have certain definite powers over the things of time and space, not excepting the beasts of the realm. The Urantia Book - Paper 114 This paper is about the general celestial administration of our planet, and is a bit out of date now, but this passage is true of our group of 1,111: P1255:5, 114:6.6 2. The progress angels. These seraphim are intrusted with the task of initiating the evolutionary progress of the successive social ages. They foster the development of the inherent progressive trend of evolutionary creatures; they labor incessantly to make things what they ought to be. The group now on duty is the second to be assigned to the planet. And again, from The Urantia Book - Paper 37 The Midway Creatures. In the early days of most inhabited worlds, certain superhuman but materialized beings are of assignment, but they usually retire upon the arrival of the Planetary Adams. The transactions of such beings and the efforts of the Material Sons to improve the evolutionary races often result in the appearance of a limited number of creatures who are difficult to classify. These unique beings are often midway between the Material Sons and the evolutionary creatures; hence their designation, midway creatures. In a comparative sense these midwayers are the permanent citizens of the evolutionary worlds. From the early days of the arrival of a Planetary Prince to the far-distant time of the settling of the planet in light and life, they are the only group of intelligent beings to remain continuously on the sphere. On Urantia the midway ministers are in reality the actual custodians of the planet; they are, practically speaking, the citizens of Urantia. Mortals are indeed the physical and material inhabitants of an evolutionary world, but you are all so short-lived; you tarry on your nativity planet such a short time. You are born, live, die, and pass on to other worlds of evolutionary progression. Even the superhuman beings who serve on the planets as celestial ministers are of transient assignment; few of them are long attached to a given sphere. The midway creatures, however, provide continuity of planetary administration in the face of ever-changing celestial ministries and constantly shifting mortal inhabitants. Throughout all of this never-ceasing changing and shifting, the midway creatures remain on the planet uninterruptedly carrying on their work. And then there is Courtney Brown, a USA University Professor and social scientist and author of Cosmic Voyage published in 1997. He says, on page 124: The discovery that Midwayers actually exist was a shock that reverberated through the consciousnesses of the military's SRV (Scientific Remote Viewing also called Coordinate Remote Viewing) team for quite a few years. On one hand, the information of their existence was incredibly important - for all sorts of reasons. But on the other hand, it was never clear how one could explain all of this to the generals who were more concerned about warhead counts in missile silos. The Midwayers are themselves not extraterrestrials, since they apparently are rather permanently based here on Earth. Yet they are not human, nor do they assume human form in a physical sense. They are subspace beings who live and work in a human environment. The Midwayers work here, but their command structure does not originate on this planet. Apparently, they are one of a number of subspace groups that are assigned a variety of tasks. The Midwayers work together as a unit, in the way that a military team works together. But they are not militaristic. They work with the subspace aspects of humans to promote human evolutionary potential. As well, the 1111angels.com archives hold a lot of messages, not just from George, but also from contributors. You will note George talks about his "platoon", long before Courtney Brown commented on the way they operate. Why Me??????????? Well we only have theories on this. They have not yet explained who they pick. It could be as simple as a) because they can prompt you, and others are not receptive. It does seem that most contactees have excellent latent psychic abilities. This follows - if they can trigger your brain to look somewhere, or at a clock at the right time, then they can impress a wider range of thoughts into your mind too. b) or because you have unique skills or abilites that they would like to utilise c) or because you are either already in an important role, or will be in an important role. We are not suggesting you are running the country, but you might be a teacher, or a painter, or a musician - someone who will influence many people. The Correcting Time will be a time when orthodoxy fails, and folks will be looking for answers. And they will be fearful. They will need reassurance. You may thus be the leading edge - the early adopters of new paradigms、、、、、、 |