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Historia Augusta  
Different Aspects of Living  
Kinch ,51岁
来自: California, US
注册日期: 2006-10-25
访问总量: 109,769 次
· Hey Jealousy - Gin Blossoms
· How to write a guide for an id
· Dreams - Cranberries
· Tori Amos - crucify
· What big teeth you have...
· White Wedding - Billy Idol
· Gypsy - Stevie Nicks
· 勤劳:勤劳灌水的自留地
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· moonfish:-★-星湖月语-★-
【Great Speeches】
· Speeches before the Battle of
· State of Union address on the
【Natural History】
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· The Museum in my living room (
【Baby Stuff】
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· His first seven months, in pic
· His first seven months, in pic
· His first seven months, in pic
· His first seven months in pict
· How to write a guide for an id
· Random Encounter
· Requiem for Newland BBS
· The Vote on Tuesday.
· On Names
· Grace - Prelude
· Hey Jealousy - Gin Blossoms
· Dreams - Cranberries
· Tori Amos - crucify
· White Wedding - Billy Idol
· Gypsy - Stevie Nicks
· Dreams - Fleetwood Mac
· The Mummers' Dance - Lore
· Another oldie: Take it easy fr
· Wish You Were Here - Pink Floy
· Indigo Girls - Power of two
【Ancient Coins】
· Roman Portraits: The Civil Wa
· The Greeks: Athenian Owls
· Roman Portraits: Poppaea
· Roman Portraits: Nero
· Roman Portraits - The Family o
· Roman Portraits - Claudius I
· Roman Portraits - Gaius (Calig
· Roman Portraits - Drusus
· Roman Portraits - Tiberius
· Roman Portraits - Marcus Agrip
11/01/2006 - 11/30/2006
10/01/2006 - 10/31/2006
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Indigo Girls - Power of two
Love this song...
Indigo Girls/Power of Two

Now the parking lot is empty
Everyone's gone someplace
I pick you up and in the trunk I've packed
A cooler and a two day suitcase
'Cause there's a place we like to drive
Way out in the country
Five miles out of the city limit we're singin'
And your hand's upon my leg

So we're ok, we're fine
Baby I'm here to stop your crying
Chase all the ghosts from your head
I'm stronger than the monster beneath your bed
Smarter than the tricks played on your heart
Look at them together then we'll take them apart
Adding up the total of a love that's true
Multiply life by the power of two

I know the things that I am afraid of
I'm not afraid to tell
And if we ever leave a legacy
It's that we loved each other well

'Cause I've seen the shadows of so many people
Trying on the treasures of youth
But a road that fancy and fast ends in a fatal crash
And I'm glad we got off to tell you the truth

So we're ok, we're fine
Baby I'm here to stop your crying
Chase all the ghosts from your head
I'm stronger than the monster beneath your bed
Smarter than the tricks played on your heart
Look at them together then we'll take them apart
Adding up the total of a love that's true
Multiply life by the power of two

All the shiny little trinkets of temptation
Something new instead of something old
But all you gotta do is scratch beneath the surface
And it's fool's gold
Fool's gold

Now we're talking about a difficult thing
Your eyes are getting wet
I took us for better and I took us for worse
And don't you ever forget it

Now there's steel bars between me and a promise
Suddenly bend with ease
And the closer I'm bound in love to you
The closer I am to free

So we're ok, we're fine
Baby I'm here to stop your crying
Chase all the ghosts from your head
I'm stronger than the monster beneath your bed
Smarter than the tricks played on your heart
Look at them together then we'll take them apart
Adding up the total of a love that's true
Multiply life by the power of two
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