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1921年8月29日,华西协合大学的教务长给他在多伦多的表兄写了一封长信,这封信的落款是Fred。Fred在信中提到,作为教务长和学院秘书(Teaching is supposed to be the big job but as a matter of fact there are so many little jobs that they add up to more than the teaching. I am Registrar of the University and Secreatary of the Faculty. ),工作繁忙,包括教学和很多事务性的工作。 所以我们知道了这封信的作者在当时的协合大学里的职务。
这封信一共三页,用的是当时华西协合大学的信纸。 在第一页,有华西协合大学的名称和校徽。 每一页信纸都有水印,水印是两行英文,“Victory Bond, Made in Canada”。这说明当时用的信纸都是加拿大制造,并从加拿大不远万里,运到成都。 由此我们可以推断,当时很多教学器材,很肯能都是在加拿大或美国购买,然后运到成都的。



在某些方面,这是一个有趣的一年。首先有霍乱爆发,带走大量的人。因为霍乱,我们大学开学晚了一个月。但似乎这是一个明智之举,没有任何外国人和我们的大学或中学的学生感染了这种疾病。他们其中许多人要走过感染道路,经过长途旅行,还要住旅馆,但这种拖延的最坏时刻已经过去。我们也给他们派出了所有的小册子教他们如何以最佳方式逃避感染。 我们本来预计今年夏天还会爆发霍乱,但是没有。这可能是由于异常严寒的冬季和非常潮湿的夏季。持续降雨不停地冲刷下水道,而严冬杀死病菌。





尽管这个学年遇到许多问题,但是学生们很勤奋,虽然有比平常更多的失败,但是在最后的考试中,其中大多数都做得很好。我们今年毕业了三名医生,一名牙科医生 这是我们学校的第一位牙科毕业生,和两名科学教师。他们都是很优秀的,在对抗污垢,疾病和无知的斗争中,对我们的帮助极大。这个牙医是属于我们的教会的,虽然在我们学院还有一位医生,这个王医生,他的自我传记我两年前曾经翻译过。六个毕业生,在ME.M.获得两位,浸信会得到一位,朋友会也得到一位,以及刚才我所说的两位。


我的工作还是像往常一样。教学应该是很大的工作,但事实上,有这么多的小任务,他们加起来超过了教学。我是大学的教务长和学院秘书。我必须处理我们的使命在大学的资金,并保障安全。我似乎是很多各种委员会的一个苦力,这意味着我没完没了地需要书写会议记录和信件。有时我觉得自己想反抗,我还不如山羊。但似乎好像必须要有人做这些事情,尽管这些事都不属于我所在的系。当我实在感到很累得时候,我依靠文本所说“人子来不伺候你们,但部长,并给予他的生活对于许多赎金。”我不知道你们在家里是否意识到,一个传教士的时间有多少都用在了许多细小的事情上,例如复查的帐户。我从来没有梦想会如此。与中国人接触的一个伟大的一点是在金钱问题,这是酸涩的考验。他们总是从左到右地欺骗我们,但我们必须微笑面对,以绝对的正义对待他们,慷慨的一面来面对犯错误。如果我们不能这样做,空洞的说教是没有用的。这里我举几个欺骗的例子。贝恩先生想为他的椅子弄一些竹竿,他让一个苦力到一个农场去。苦力返回来说,农民当场要求120金,他已支付了。后来贝恩先生碰巧遇到那个农民,并问他苦力是否支付钱,他说“是”。贝恩又问他多少钱?答案是70现金。不久以前,我买了一头奶牛。在我买它之前,我试着挤奶,我大约能挤十二杯奶。但是自从我买了他以后,我从来都没有得到超过10奶,而最近只有8杯奶。后来我才知道,中国人在卖之前给了她一些饲料能够暂时增加乳汁的流动。另一件事情,我们担心的就是赌博。他们似乎做任何事情都要赌博。他们会先上床睡觉,等到我们都睡着了以后,然后起床,一直赌博。第二天,他们是非常困了,不适合做他们的工作。赌博导致债务,而债务又导致盗窃。大约一个星期前,布努斯的一个很好的苦力偷了他的一些钱。赌博是他们的所有乐趣。他们没有像我们一样有趣的报纸,and though they have some books, they are for the most part not fit to read. Gradually these defects are being remedied by the Christian Literature society and the daily papers. Then too so many of the homes in China are broken, because of business stress. The breadwinner goes away to follow his work, and is enticed into all kinds of evil. They have not the cozy home to enjoy in the evenings as we have. It will be many a day before good homes can come. A wholesale rise in the scale of living must come first. Perhaps one of the most heartbreaking things to bear is the fact that so many of our servants who know us and our teaching best, fail to respond, and drift down or away, and do not become Christains. It humbles us mightily to see this truth, and drives us to much heartsearching to find if there is anything wrong with our lives, that such should be the case. We have some very real and severe temptations. There is one very easily yield to, and that is the temptation to show a superiority to those about us and an attempt to lord it over them. When we fall to this, it most surely drives the Chinese away from us. To get near to them we must be sympathetic, and not domineering.


This letter seems pretty meagre to describe a year, but I must stop here and look over your letter and see what should be answered. If more is suggested I will add it then.


I have before me Elsie's long letter of nearly a year ago. My, how the tiem does fly. It seems such a short time since I was writing you last time, and it is a year. For that matter it does not seem so very long since I fist came to Toronto with grandpa Elford and visited you for the first time, and saw little Elsie play on her toy piano, and went around the belt line with Mr. Elford. I belive it is twenty years ago, and it seems about two. That was the tiem I left the grip of our clothes lying on the sidewalk in front of the Walker House, and never missed it until we were well up Yonge street. It was a good lesson. I don't recall making such a bad mistake since. So it may have helped in my education. Well, how are you all anyway? We are really fine. The twins are still tiny for their age, but they would make one monster baby now of about 37 pounds, so we should not complain. I think we have a punk snap of them left, but it will be better than nothing so I will send it. Our camera supplies are all so old when they get here, and the weather so damp that it is almost impossible to get fresh films and printing paper. That must have bees some wind storm, Elsie described, to make such havoc among the chimneys and fences. We get some good blows here too, but our thunder storms are tame affairs compared with the Ontario brand. On the hills we get land slides which are pretty dangerous sometimes. Mr. Hartwell had a narrow escape the other day when a wall of rock forty feet wide fell across the road into the river not two minutes after he had passed along it. The children are at the pet stage. Martin wants to pet everything from crabs to butterflies. He came in with three crabs this morning. He has a nice bunch of white leg horn chickens, some pigeons, and he did have some kids, but we sold them. I have dated this chengtu, but we are really at the hills, and go down in three days when College will open for another year. We had a special anniversary of our honey moon this year. With mr. & Mrs. Bayne and their oldest boy, we with our Martin went three days into the borders of Thibet among the hills, and left the tiny ones at home under good care. It would take another letter as long as this to describe that but I will spare you now. With love to you and all from as all.

 As ever, Fred.




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