《 临江仙 中秋咏月 》
回转金屏娥影,暗随霓雾低垂。 银光如水照无时, 月宫丹桂折,河汉斗星飞。
寂寞瑶台高处,碧空冷落云衣。 人间秋夜寄情思, 应怀清梦去,抱得玉人归。
英文原文:Aware (by D.H. Lawrence) Slowly the moon is rising out of the ruddy haze, Divesting herself of her golden shift, and so Emerging white and exquisite; and I in amaze See in the sky before me, a woman I did not know I loved, but there she goes and her beauty hurts my heart; I follow her down the night, begging her not to depart.
梦后楼台高锁,酒醒帘幕低垂。 去年春恨却来时,落花人独立,微雨燕双飞。 记得小蘋初见,两重心字罗衣。 琵琶弦上说相思,当时明月在,曾照彩云归。