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赛车--速度与激情 2016-12-28 23:34:56

赛车,多么美丽的字眼,在我们的世界充满着蓬勃生机。赛车充斥的是速度与激情,你有激情,它有速度,两者合而为一,共同绽放独特的火花。身处赛车中,你是和时间在赛跑,强劲的风极速流过赛车四周,空中的尘埃在那一秒静止,他们是在和你们招手,并见证着你们和时间的赛跑。 赛车可以是一种兴趣,也可以是你一生追求的东西,正如一位赛车手所说:兴趣可以把你领入赛车,但是当你真正进来后,状态是完全不一样的。但别忘记,在你追求速度与激情的时候还有一样东西尤为重要,那就是生命,生命代表一切。生命需要汽车完好性能的保证,从最基本的电连接方面着手——汽车线束,普通的线束当然保证不了,赛车必须用经过四芯轴压接工具压接过的美军标线束。为赛车线束提供M22520压接工具是嘉兴精锐的自豪,只因它是速度与激情的安全保障。 Racing, what a beautiful word it is! It is full of vigor and vitality in our world. Racing is full of speed and passion, you have passion, it has speed, two combined into one, blossoming out unique spark. When in the racing car, you are racing against the time, the strong wind blowing around the racing car, the dust in the air keeping still in that second, they are waving with you, and they witness the race between you and time. Racing could be an interest, it also could be what you pursue of life, Just as one Racer said: Interest of Racing could let you in, and when you truly in, the state is absolutely different. Then, don’t forget, when you are in the time of pursuing speed and passion, there is a particular thing, that is life, life means everything. Life must be under the guarantee of perfect performance of Racing car, so we should focus on the basic aspect of electrical connection--Car wiring harness. Ordinary wiring harness can’t guarantee the safety of Racing, We must use the Milspecwiring crimped by M22520 Four-indent Crimping tool to ensure the safety. It is a pride for Precisetool to provide M22520 Crimping tool for Racing Car Wiring, for it is the safety guarantee of Speed and Passion!

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