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Activist jailed for subversion, harming national s 2016-08-04 19:57:13

Activist Zhai Yanmin, who had posted online statements and comments that harmed national security and social stability, has been sentenced to three years in prison with a four-year reprieve for trying to subvert State power.

Tianjin No 2 Intermediate People's Court announced the verdict about three hours after it publicly heard Zhai's case on Tuesday morning.

The verdict said that Zhai began publishing statements and comments online in 2012. He also manipulated public opinion and organized several protests to disturb public order with lawyer Zhou Shifeng after joining an unregistered organization led by another man named Hu Shigen, the statement said.

Zhou and Hu are being prosecuted in separate cases.

The court ruled that Zhai committed the crime of subversion, damaging national security and social stability.

Zhai pleaded guilty and cooperated with judicial organs following his arrest, which could be regarded as the reason for the reprieve and his lighter punishment, the court said.

Zhai said he accepted the judgment and would not appeal.

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注册日期: 2016-08-02
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· Activist jailed for subversion
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· China Focus: Illegal protest o
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2016-08-02 - 2016-08-04
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