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朱令(清华化学系学生)的姐姐吴今(北大生物系学生)的诗句 2009-05-30 23:55:33



A voice cried out in my heart:
"I will wait, till the sun rises again, till the first sunshine on my shoulder." Perhaps that's the meaning of life.
Everyone has his own sun and his own dream,and everyone has own brilliant moment when his sun shines gloriously.
We'll struggle and suffer in order to reach that brilliant moment.
Nothing can stop us, no matter how hard, no matter how many times we fail.
That dream, deeply rooted in our heart, is worthy of devoting our whole life to.


作者:61.147.165.* 2006-2-13 19:09   回复此发言


2 回复:朱令的姐姐夫吴今的诗句(转自福尔摩斯)


作者:67.15.183.* 2006-2-13 19:27   回复此发言


3 回复:朱令的姐姐夫吴今的诗句(转自福尔摩斯)
I know there are many classmates of Zhuling are in this yahoo group, together with many people from all over the world who care about Zhuling. Some Doctors involved saving Zhuling's life are also here. I need help from those who can read Chinese. Lets work together to get these information accessable for more people. We can help Zhuling's parents's two wishes:
1. Help Zhuling to recover.
2. Find out the truth of what happened to Zhuling in 1994.
I need help to translating those credited report to English,
SUN, WEI's letter, both of her letters issued lately.
Maybe Mrs. SUN can do this yourself. If you are innocent,
we can help you clear your name.
Jin Ya's letter. Can you do it yourself?
Tong Yu Feng's Essey, Zhang Li's Essay..... all the
information from people who knows Zhuling.
All we need to do is put those facts on the table.
Ms. Jin Ya, as a classmate and roommate of Zhuling, at the end of your letter, you have mentioned that you still think Zhuling's problem is not due to thallium,
it might be some kind of sickness like AIDS which people don't even know. Please check all the information on the web regarding this issue, or you can contact Dr. Xin Li, or John through their yahoo E-mail.

作者:209.198.203.* 2006-2-13 19:38   回复此发言


4 回复:朱令的姐姐夫吴今的诗句(转自福尔摩斯)

Well,Who are you?Thanks your kindly heart,maybe I can help you.But,before this I want to known where are you from and how do you known the case.

You can contact me with following list:1.MSN,cuipingloveRMB@hotmail.com

2.yahoo Email,wazpe@yahoo.com.cn

作者:NEXT2 2006-2-13 21:15   回复此发言


6 回复:朱令的姐姐夫吴今的诗句(转自福尔摩斯)


作者:218.206.127.* 2007-1-30 12:05   回复此发言


7 回复:朱令的姐姐夫吴今的诗句(转自福尔摩斯)


作者:218.206.127.* 2007-1-30 16:37   回复此发言


8 回复:朱令的姐姐夫吴今的诗句(转自福尔摩斯)


作者:211.136.23.* 2009-5-8 14:09   回复此发言


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