冰花诗歌选译 / Poems of Bing Hua
作者:冰花 / By: Bing Hua 英文翻译:陈良(hpfclxc) English Translation by: Liang CHEN (hpfclxc) 著名美籍华裔女诗人冰花的诗作在海内外媒体中广受欢迎,拥有巨大的读者群。译者有幸获得作者的授权,叨忝于翻译家之列,向英文读者介绍冰花的诗。欢迎读者们向外国朋友推介,为传播中华文化做出一点贡献。
冰花 (Bing Hua,曾用英文笔名Rose Lu), 本名鲁丽华。籍贯, 辽宁省。美籍华裔诗人。为华人诗学会副会长。汉英双语纸质诗刊《诗殿堂》内容总监。出版有诗集《冰花诗选》(Selected Poems of Bing Hua) (汉英双语,徐英才译,2019年),《这就是爱》(This Is Love)(含藤蝉朗诵CD,2013年),《溪水边的玫瑰》(Roses By The Stream) (2008出版,2019年以汉英双语再版,王大建译)等 。有200多首诗被翻成英、德、韩文,有诗歌在第31届世界诗人大会及全球性诗歌比赛中多次夺冠。2013年,央视"华人世界"曾特别播出"冰花,为爱行走天涯"专访。冰花被誉为"情诗皇后”等。其诗歌被称为“冰花体”。其诗歌的影响力被称为“冰花现象”。诗《一个女孩》被收入《最佳诗百科全书》(Poem Aftershock included in Best Poems)。是“中国新归来诗人”和女子智灵性诗歌代表诗人。
About Bing Hua
Bing Hua, born Lu Lihua, is a Chinese-American poet, vice president of the Chinese Poetry Association. Her poetry collections include Selected Poems of Bing Hua (2019, in English and Chinese, translated by Xu Yingcai), This Is Love (2013, with CD record of her poems read by Teng Chan), and Roses by the Stream (Chinese version first published in 2008; republished in both Chinese and English in 2019, translated by Wang Dajian). Bing Hua is praised as "The Queen of Love Poems", and her influence is regarded as "The Phenomenon of Bing Hua". (Biography translated by Wang Changling/简介由 王昌玲 译)
双面扇 作者:冰花
一面是春 一面是秋 你是那春 我是那秋 春与秋 一纸之隔 天涯之遥 春与秋 常有相同的温度 却永远不属于 相同的季节
Double-Sided Fan By Bing Hua Tr. Liang CHEN (hpfclxc) (陈良)
One side is Spring, the other Autumn You are the former, I'm the latter
Spring and Autumn A sheet of paper in separation Are a world asunder
Spring and Autumn Alike in temperature though often Belong not ever To the same season
为何 作者:冰花
为何鸟儿在欢叫 我越来越沉默 心里明明有话 却不愿说
为何溪水欢快向前 我却一步步退却 明明想到对岸去 却不敢跨过河
一身的疲倦 把夜的孤独触摸 想装着微笑 却有泪珠滚落 最好的诗 还没有写 缪斯女神 不再光顾我
究竟是哪里 出了差错 激动和喜悦 不再来找我
反复 反复问 没有答案的问题 成了最后一首歌
WHY By Bing Hua Tr. Liang CHEN (hpfclxc) (陈良)
Why, when birds gaily tweet, More silent do I grow? Though clearly having words to say, To speak out I wish not.
Why, when ahead streams lively flow, Step after step do I retreat? Though clearly wanting to traverse, Cross the water I dare not.
Completely tired, I Caress the loneliness of the night. To feign a smile I try, But my tears fall. My greatest verse, I've yet to pen. The favor of Muse No longer continues.
What kind of curse Was broken then? For excitement and delight No more on me befall.
Such questions I again repeat. Unanswered, they Become my final lay.
尘埃 作者:冰花
地球 是银河系的尘埃
银河系 是宇宙的尘埃
住在尘埃之上 自己又大到哪去
名与利 钱和权 更是尘埃中的尘埃
尘埃 总有落定的时候
Dust By Bing Hua Tr. Liang CHEN (hpfclxc) (陈良)
The earth Is a speck of dust in the Milky Way
The Milky Way A speck of dust in the universe
Residing on a speck of dust How big in size can one attain
Fame and gain Power and lucre Are dust still smaller in a speck of dust
And dust Down will all set one day
二月的悲伤 作者:冰花
2020二月的雨 太阴冷 让全身收缩成两片肺叶
雨滴如铁链 把无辜的市民 拖向地狱
疫情下 人间与地狱 一口气的距离
留着一口气 等待他的“太阳”升起 可是 虚弱的身体里 两片白色的肺叶 再也吹不响哨音 “太阳照样升起” 他却永远没有醒来
哀伤的泪水 让2020二月 更加悲伤 清醒的悲伤 就是力量
他用34岁的生命 留下的哨音 如钟声 唤醒着麻木的心
The Sadness of February By Bing Hua Tr. Liang CHEN (hpfclxc) (陈良)
February of twenty twenty, the rain Extremely chilly Shrinks a body to a pair of lungs
Rain drops, like an iron chain Drag residents innocent To hell
In the epidemic The human world and hell Are separated by merely a breath
Save the last breath And wait for the "Sun" to rise However In his body weakened by illness The two white lungs No longer can whistle "As usual the Sun does rise" But wake up again he doesn't
Sad tears Make February of twenty twenty Even more gloomy But sober sadness Is power
His life of thirty-four years Leaves behind a whistle Like a loud bell Arousing hearts apathetic
陈良,曾长期在半导体和芯片行业从事研发和管理工作,现经营科技咨询公司。译者是海外几个诗社成员,在网络平台上使用 hpfclxc 笔名发表诗作,有诗集《荒村野耕集》供读者免费下载。除了30多年的科技和商务英文写作经验外,译者还兼译科技文献和诗词,已经多次在《诗殿堂》中英文双语纸质诗刊发表诗词和译作。
About the Translator:
Mr. Liang Chen, formerly a R&D and business manager in semiconductor industry, is now an engineering consultant. He has had broad management experiences in IC industry. He is currently a member of several overseas Chinese poetry societies, and uses “hpfclxc” handle to publish on the internet. He has had over 30 years of experience authoring and translating technical and business documents in English, and ventured into poetry translation in recent years. He has published a few poems and translations in Poetry Hall, a Chinese-English bilingual poetry journal that can be purchased on Amazon.