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昨晚辩论见高低 2018-10-18 15:19:27





Z:昨晚列治文市选辩论,6#说了这么多市选的话题,市长该选谁这个最重要的问题还没说。现年69岁的现任市长Malcolm Brodie已经执政17年,虽然过往政绩不错,却没有Richmond进一步提升所需要的新鲜动力了。在其他候选人中,唯一打动我的是北大毕业的律师郭红。Richmond的房屋可负担性的问题,本地政客大多以狭隘排外的限制性政策和花纳税人的钱建造廉租房为政纲主流。而事实上,解决根本问题的方法应该是提高收入。在所有市长候选人中,只有郭红提出了把Richmond建设成国际大都市,建造会展中心、商业中心、引入大企业和一流大学的计划。只有让国际大企业入驻Richmond, 才有可能真正改变Richmond原始的经济生态,大踏步地提高Richmond居民的收入。而大学则是Richmond长期发展保持核心竞争力的最重要支撑。



#6 The mayor has not yet said the most important question as to whom he should choose. Mayor Malcolm Brodie, 69, has been in power for 17 years, and although he has done well in the past, he does not have the fresh impetus that Richmond needs to move up. Among the other candidates, the only thing that impressed me was Guo Hong, a lawyer who graduated from Peking University. Richmond's housing affordability is largely dominated by local politicians ' narrow policies of exclusion and the building of low - rent housing at taxpayers ' expense. In fact, the solution to the fundamental problem should be to raise revenue. Of all the mayoral candidates, only Guo Hong has put forward plans to make Richmond an international metropolis, a convention center, a business center, a big business and a top university. Only by getting big international companies in Richmond will it be possible to make a real difference to Richmond's pristine economic ecology and to step up the income of Richmond residents. The university is the most important support for Richmond's long-term development to maintain its core competence.

Richmond, it can't always be thought of as a place to eat, buy, and stuff. Richmond's future requires a more international and farsighted leader to lead it. What do you think?


P:昨晚的辩论,朋友说马市长如何辨得过郭律师呀!这个真的,说对了,本来他想把大家找来自己出出风头,谁知道所有参选人都提出那么多的问题需要改变,各自大谈现状需要改变。郭红律师抓住机会,大谈改变,八大提案改变richmond ,针锋相对而又不失体面,赢得了现场热烈的掌声。马市长傻眼了,一看就知道他老了,该退休了

Friends say how Mayor Ma can distinguish Lawyer Guo! That's true, that's right. He was going to try to make us stand out for ourselves. Who knows all the candidates have raised so many questions that need to be changed, and that the status quo needs to change. Lawyer Guo Hong seized the opportunity, talked about the change, eight big proposals changed richmond, tit for tat, but did not lose the decency, won the warm applause on the spot. Mayor Ma is so stupid that he knows he's old and should retire





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